Sergeant at Arms

I haven't -seen- this come up before.. so if it has, forgive me.
I would dearly love to see melee weapons, rather than simply having a particular reach, also have an effective range. Meaning, you can strike with your weapon from any distance, but you'll do the most damage at your weapon's "effective range."
For example, a "sword" may have a reach of 102, but the 'effective range' would probably be more than 98.
In going with this, and the most important reason for this feature: enemies could be programmed to always attempt an attack from their weapon's effective range.
I can't tell you how many times I've just shook my head as two opponents with greatswords -crowded- one another, attacking while practically pressed up against one another. It looks silly. They should be standing quite a bit apart.
Also, it would give more utility to 'knife fighters' and falchion-wielders, who would be able to reduce the effectiveness of spearmen and greatswordsmen by moving inside their effective range, limiting their ability to deal damage.
It also might be nice if some weapons were given a 'minimum' range, and anything inside that cannot be harmed. Polearms, mostly, would suffer from this. I don't care how good you are with a lance.. if I'm practically pressed up against you.. your lance is useless until you manage to back up.
Just something I'd really like to see implemented, and I feel would add a more logical and realistic 'look' to combat.
I would dearly love to see melee weapons, rather than simply having a particular reach, also have an effective range. Meaning, you can strike with your weapon from any distance, but you'll do the most damage at your weapon's "effective range."
For example, a "sword" may have a reach of 102, but the 'effective range' would probably be more than 98.
In going with this, and the most important reason for this feature: enemies could be programmed to always attempt an attack from their weapon's effective range.
I can't tell you how many times I've just shook my head as two opponents with greatswords -crowded- one another, attacking while practically pressed up against one another. It looks silly. They should be standing quite a bit apart.
Also, it would give more utility to 'knife fighters' and falchion-wielders, who would be able to reduce the effectiveness of spearmen and greatswordsmen by moving inside their effective range, limiting their ability to deal damage.
It also might be nice if some weapons were given a 'minimum' range, and anything inside that cannot be harmed. Polearms, mostly, would suffer from this. I don't care how good you are with a lance.. if I'm practically pressed up against you.. your lance is useless until you manage to back up.
Just something I'd really like to see implemented, and I feel would add a more logical and realistic 'look' to combat.