Melee combat improvement

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Hey guys, im kinda new to the forum, but the only thing i wanted to sign up for is to post an idea i got while playing the game.
But enough of that, ill get to the point:

I find it a little anoying when you for instance hack left (with the mouse button still pressed) but then you suddenly want to hack right, so you first have to release the left hack before you can slash right.
So what i've come up with (isnt that much actually) is when you press and hold attack button, say slash up, and with the button still pressed move the cursor to the position of hack right it moves to hack right, and all the movement in between, so it should go fluently and it would make the combat look cooler too i think..
Here's a lil picture ive drawn fast to explain:


thank you for reading, sorry ive written such a large post for such a small issue:smile:
This is very interesting concept.

I guess blocking system should be changed too if this was implemented. I think it would be nice if your character couldn't do the correct block automatically like it does now.

Another thing which came to my mind is stabbing attacks. The system you proposed would allow slashing upwards, a bit like an uppercut punch. I guess stabbing could be made by doubleclicking the attack button.
but then of couce how would you turn your body when the guys side step, you would be swinging your arms about and pressing and un-pressing all the time and you would probably just end up jabbing all the time cause in the heat of battle thats whats easyist to do.
see the circle? when your cursor is in the "invisible circle" it just moves your weapon, when outside the circle it moves both weapon and sight i guess..

edit: to maolvar,

yeah i think the same about the blocking.. it would make combat much more challenging if u aks me, but i can't see why stabbing cant be inplemented in the same way as it is now?
Good idea, I've actually acted like the system ought to work this way, at times. Like, I've readied a blow and then tried to move my arm to the other side, which of course never worked.. point of this being that a system like this'd be very intuitive.

Would require a bunch of coding and (some) animation work, though.
lol i've acted liked it worked too, thats how i came up with it. Don't think that it'll be a lot of work though.. i'd really like to see it implemented
There was some discussion at one point about different ways weapon attacks could be handled. One suggestion was for something like what is in Die By The Sword, where the sword arm follows the mouse, much like you're describing.

Personally, my problem with it is, what you end up with doesn't look natural at all. It ends up looking more like someone swinging a stick at a piñata than swinging a sword. It also can be hard to control -- it steepens the learning curve a lot, since you have to get used to moving the mouse in such a way that your sword swings in a useful arc, as opposed to, say, over your opponent's head.

Rather than direct control over the sword arm, I think it would be better to simply make it easier to chain together attacks. Have it so that if you've just executed an attack, clicking attack again will execute the next most logical attack -- e.g., a right swing after a left swing, or a thrust after an overhead swing, or whatever.

Of course, if the devs want to let the player control the sword arm directly, I don't have any objection to the idea itself, as long as it's made an option rather than a requirement. I.e., let the player choose the control scheme they prefer -- either the DBTS method or the classic M&B method.
Yea that's true, but you didn't fully understand me, what i meant is when you press and hold mouse1 it goes in to hack position, and follows the cursor. But only when released the character slashes.. u get me? =]

Oh yeah, and i think that when combo's are put into the game it kinda looses its balance.. dont you think?
BobG, I think you missed the point of the original post. He's not suggesting Die by the Sword style swordplay, only that you'd be able to, after having drawn back your arm to ready a blow, change the direction of the blow by moving the mouse.

If you draw back your weapon on the left side, then realize you want to hit on the right side, you'd be able to move your arm over to that side without having to release the blow on the left side first.
Raz, this is one of the coolest ideas i've come across so far. Although im not sure how difficult it would be to impliment, I would love to see this combat control scheme.
1: thanks for further explaining the idea mmad
2: thanks for agreeing with the idea:smile:
if we manage to keep this topic on the front page the more chance the devs read it the more chance itll be implemented:grin: (reallly hope so)
You can do that already to some extent by pressing "next shield" button, it will relocate your weapon depending where your cursor was even if you were ready to strike. It doesn't look too good but works.
lol, didnt know that ty, but for me its all about hte looks baby:smile: (and a lil functionality:razz:)
It is a very nice thought but I don't like it. M&B's current weapon handling system seems extremely good to me. Mainly because the system you proposed will act, as others have pointed out, "like a stick". In order to make it look realistic even with your mouse-drag=weapon-swing idea, there'd be need for extremely heavy design modifications and some work in the models animations that I can't think how it'd be done.

ilex said:
You can do that already to some extent by pressing "next shield" button, it will relocate your weapon depending where your cursor was even if you were ready to strike. It doesn't look too good but works.

You don't need to press the "next shield" key, just the defend key (right mouse button).

That means that if I'm charging at someone with the sword prepared to the right, and the target moves to the left, I just look towards him and (while still holding the attack) press the right-button (defend key) once.

The character switches his attack direction and it doesn't look ugly.
I think this is how those fighters in the training beginning do to change their attack direction and feint our defenses.
It would certainly make swordfighting more dynamic, given that you can avoid enemy parries =]

Just played die by the sword today, I confess, it takes too much practice and simple wouldn't work in a game like this :smile:
Raz said:
Yea that's true, but you didn't fully understand me, what i meant is when you press and hold mouse1 it goes in to hack position, and follows the cursor. But only when released the character slashes.. u get me? =]
Ahh, now I understand. I went by your diagram and the explanation, where it looked like you were talking about the sword following the mouse. I assumed you meant it would follow it all the way through the swing.

With this clarification though, it doesn't seem like such a bad idea, although it's also sort of kind of what we already have. The only difference is that to cancel a swing once the sword is in "hack" position, you have to tap the defense button, whereas your method would have you shift the mouse. But you know, as it is, your swing already follows the mouse in a way. If you prepare a swing and look down, that swing will be directed down toward where you're looking. It's just that your swing options are limited to forehand, backhand and overhead, or you can do a stab. I'm not sure what we'd gain by being able to do intermediate swings to those.
Yeah, from one hand it would make combat (especially on foot) a bit more challenging, more active and cooler i guess.., but on the other hand it could be too hard when fighting multible opponents. Still would like to see it implemented though
edit: yup, you got me now bobg:razz:
miruim said:
It is a very nice thought but I don't like it. M&B's current weapon handling system seems extremely good to me. Mainly because the system you proposed will act, as others have pointed out, "like a stick". In order to make it look realistic even with your mouse-drag=weapon-swing idea, there'd be need for extremely heavy design modifications and some work in the models animations that I can't think how it'd be done.

ilex said:
You can do that already to some extent by pressing "next shield" button, it will relocate your weapon depending where your cursor was even if you were ready to strike. It doesn't look too good but works.

You don't need to press the "next shield" key, just the defend key (right mouse button).

That means that if I'm charging at someone with the sword prepared to the right, and the target moves to the left, I just look towards him and (while still holding the attack) press the right-button (defend key) once.

The character switches his attack direction and it doesn't look ugly.
I think this is how those fighters in the training beginning do to change their attack direction and feint our defenses.
srry to double post, but:
When i act like the ""hold mouse1 button, then face other direction and press block" method, it just doesn't feel right to me. Ok, i admit it works, but i always have to think before i press block then. And by the way, that only works when you are on horseback.. It would be nice if there was an option to switch ""the new system" on/off though, or if the devs could make a comprimise
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