
Hey guys, im kinda new to the forum, but the only thing i wanted to sign up for is to post an idea i got while playing the game.
But enough of that, ill get to the point:
I find it a little anoying when you for instance hack left (with the mouse button still pressed) but then you suddenly want to hack right, so you first have to release the left hack before you can slash right.
So what i've come up with (isnt that much actually) is when you press and hold attack button, say slash up, and with the button still pressed move the cursor to the position of hack right it moves to hack right, and all the movement in between, so it should go fluently and it would make the combat look cooler too i think..
Here's a lil picture ive drawn fast to explain:
thank you for reading, sorry ive written such a large post for such a small issue
But enough of that, ill get to the point:
I find it a little anoying when you for instance hack left (with the mouse button still pressed) but then you suddenly want to hack right, so you first have to release the left hack before you can slash right.
So what i've come up with (isnt that much actually) is when you press and hold attack button, say slash up, and with the button still pressed move the cursor to the position of hack right it moves to hack right, and all the movement in between, so it should go fluently and it would make the combat look cooler too i think..
Here's a lil picture ive drawn fast to explain:

thank you for reading, sorry ive written such a large post for such a small issue