MEGA annoying glitch

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when i did a battle to get my settlement back from some bandits (had just started0

i got stuck in my settlement

i couldnt do any moving and it always said paused down the bottom. :sad:

i could access camp menus and all that, but resume travel just paused it, wait here for some time would just advance time while i sat there unable to move.

i couldnt even get INTO the settlement. i double click on it and nothing happens, i right click and clikc on move to whatever settlement, nothing happens.


Nothing348 said:
when i did a battle to get my settlement back from some bandits (had just started0

i got stuck in my settlement

i couldnt do any moving and it always said paused down the bottom. :sad:

i could access camp menus and all that, but resume travel just paused it, wait here for some time would just advance time while i sat there unable to move.

i couldnt even get INTO the settlement. i double click on it and nothing happens, i right click and clikc on move to whatever settlement, nothing happens.


You could tell us what settlement it is.
You could try to move away from the settlement, I noticed that I sometimes couldn't enter a settlement when I was too near.
You could try the teleport cheat (you need to activate cheats first) to get to another place and look if you are still not moving.
has happened to 2 settlements, one that starts with a d and another one i cant remember.

i cant move out of them, i cant move at all, thats the point.
He means CTRL Click somewhere else on the map and see if you can move. Sometimes you get stuck like that in native too and Ctrl Click frees it up.

Cheats have to be enabled
Nothing348 said:
has happened to 2 settlements, one that starts with a d and another one i cant remember.

i cant move out of them, i cant move at all, thats the point.
I didn't add a new settlement starting with a D and I didn't move the old ones around.
I can only offer to check all settlements tonight (14:00 here).
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