Medium Expansion

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After playing this game for some time and finally getting some villages I feel that they could be enhanced quite a lot.
Note that I am no where near the completion of the game and I only intend on making suggestions.


Village Upgrades and levels:
  • When you enter the village you see some wood piles next to a half built building.
  • Smithy - Can buy weapons (Smithy can be upgraded for more and better weapons).
  • Barracks - Can train (Experience) current troops (Higher the level the more the units can train).
  • Armory - Stores weapons and a small amount of supplies.
  • HQ - Allows faster construction times (On top of engineering).
  • Rally point - Allows a temporary morale boost when visited (Not upgradable).
  • Wall - Adds a defensive bonus when under attack (10 levels - 5% Per level)

Point System:

  • Every upgrade in a piece of land you own grants points (Say 10 points for creating a barracks)
  • When certain point limits are reached the village will graphically (On the map) gets enhanced to the next level (Hamlet - Village - Town - Castle - Stronghold)
  • Your overall points could be put next to your compass on the map, along with statistics of how many villages you have and your overall wealth.
  • Points triggers for visual map upgrade - 300 - 1000 - 3000 - 7500 - 10000

  • More villages around the map including Bandit camps (Bandit camps only appear at night when they rest in which you can sneak in and steal suplies or attempt to slaughter a portion of the camp).
  • Twice as many units on the battlefield (200).
  • General Expansion on over 50 new items to allow more customization.
  • Option to Un-pause when stood still on the map (In realtime, not camping).
  • Option for follow a unit (Aplies only to allies).

These are at the stage of being ideas, if anyone wants to create a mod to add all of these features I would be happy to model pretty much everything required in the mod, however I can not code to a high standard. I think I may go away and create some concept models to get inspiration.
LOL you've suggested turning mount and blade in to a high graphic version of Tribal wars XD
Some of you suggestions are ok tho

And don't get me wrong i like tribal wars, just meh...
Tribalwars is pretty awesome, but don't get me wrong Mount & Blade is not a MMO and it woulnd't work without a lot of effort.

Just felt that when I was played last night the village structure seemed somewhat linear, I would love far more customization there (New graphical buildings and construction visual effects for realism).
Also, you spend all of that money and time upgrading your villages when it doesn't actually benefit you by a large amount (The reason I suggested upgradable structures and visual effects).

It's known that games with ranking systems and statistics appeal to the larger range of people as the human mind works in a copetitive way (Why I suggested points).
Perhaps there could even be some more stats in the game?

How many battles fought - lose/win Ratio
How many villages raided
How many fights in a certain war
How many men in total lost by yourside
Overall wealth
Ya, you got some good points, Mount and blade is an Awesome game, With a litle improvement this games could have a whole load of things that could make it more popular than most of the mainstream English/American/French games that generally suck and have about 3hrs gameplay e.g. Halo 3 or Red Alert 3

I posted a topic about horses earlier, so i reckon in addition to your new buildings and graphics, there should be a stable and a field where the current horses in available are shown grazing or something like in oblivion.
Well I will try a mod to do some of this in a basic standard... Right now I don't know a great deal of any code, although I am pretty certain that I can model most of the things required :smile:
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