LSP Medieval 3D Art Medieval helmet pack(updated dec.28 2012)

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dejawolf said:
Swadian Man at Arms said:
Excellent stuff, but why you don't add this OSP in Pioneers Guild ? Your mod will be more popular.
its not really a mod, just a bunch of models i made.

Ok, but it's better to put your work in Pioneers, a few people can see your work in this thread. Nice models again.
Er, the Forge is quite populated by people who can actually put these into mods. It's modder's resource anyway, so it belongs here, not in the Pioneer's Guild.
Wow, those really do go well! I especially like the Klappvisor and Tunic armour combo, looks grande! I wish I knew how to add them myself. Curse my lack of modding skills.
Fantastic man!!!
I'm downloading immediately, wish I had some cash to spare...
I'll donate some once I've topped-up my paypal account.

Success man!!!

EDIT: May I ask how long it took?
thanks, i've been working (real work) for a month now, but i'm finally back to do some more work for mount and blade again. its going to be some viking longhouses this time. about 2-3.
how long did it take to make the models? working non-stop from morning to about midnight, i was able to create 2 helmets each day. the armet had a more complex form however, and took me a full day to create, working from morning until midnight.
so.. about 8 hours for the other helmets, and 17 hours for the armet, which is 51 hours total.
someone wanted a barbuta, so i thought, what the heck, why not, and made one:

Fark me, those are the best barbuta models ever made for M&B I have to say. It hurts me that I can't implement and use them.
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