I just had a little thought. We all know how annoying it is to lose a knight because he was dumb and ran into a group of 3 river pirates and got beat down. Or how an enemy crossbowman will get a lucky headshot on your sergeant and kill him. Now i'm not sure what the base percentage chance an ally will be knocked out instead of killed, anyone know? But in any case, what if that percentage was much much higher initially when combined with surgery, but gradually dropped with each friendly that fell in battle. So lets say with a high surgery level, i lose 1 guy, so he has about a 90% chance of just being knocked out. Then i lose a second, and he has about an 80% chance. Something like that, you get the idea. This would also be very realistic, because the more injured men you have, the less the chance of each of them surviving. Medical triage and all that. This would greatly reduce the pain of frequently losing one guy every other battle because he decided to run off. But if your army is slaughtered, you would lose considerably more under this new system than you would currently, so it wouldn't really unbalance anything overall.