[MEDIA] Prophesy of Pendor Screenshots

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Uh... I'm sorry 'bout this, but after you register on photobucket, how do you get the screenshots onto the forum again?
You can also hit this button:
when making your reply(provided it's not a quick post).
That's one of Treebeard's new features - some will result from honor, some to renown and some to a building you can erect.  In this case, as per the message, you got one from honor.
Bloodbane said:
Uh... I'm sorry 'bout this, but after you register on photobucket, how do you get the screenshots onto the forum again?

Photobucket is flawed, use Media fire. You dont need account, faster upload speed and its easier to post on forums.
And i like the OLD Pendor Heavy Plate! :razz:


Edit: More screenies!

This horse is simply a GIANT compared to my Golden Maned Courser!


And the line goes on and on and on...


Who is that hiding under the stairs?! It's the bait! I hereby thank that Crossbowman for destracting the bloodthirsty Fierdsvains, and allowing his comrades to fill them with Bolts!

My current character in Haringoth Castle, his current home pretending to be working in the best interests of King Ulric.

Some battle against the remains of a Lords army after he retreated from a siege gone bad.



A battle against a strange force called the Veccavia, wasn't a unique spawn but it's the only time I've seen them. I teamed up with some Singalian slavers for this then promptly massacred them after letting them bear the brunt of the fight.

Oh something amusing I saw, your Prophecy is more poplar than Jesus and the Pope.
Just a few screenshots from my latest battle.

This is to Fawzia "I bet Ebony Knights couldn't stand up against the Jatu" Sanjar.




To be fair, there WERE a few cavalry units there, but as you can see, it was the Knights who did most of the slaughtering.
Looks like Ramun somehow managed to travel this week. Right now he is standing in the tavern of Janos :shock: He have been standing in Singal for around 340 days, but now he somehow managed to get there :razz: Just teleported to Singal to check if he was missing, but he was there. When i got back to my original position, Janos, he was gone from Janos. A mystery!

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