Mechwarrior Online

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Between the constant crashing and totally useless teammates in pickup groups, MWO is actually getting kind of frustrating nowadays. We should see about trying a taleworlds premade at some point - maybe you guys won't run solo into a sea of LRMs and die + quit match inside of the first 45 seconds of the game, or do < 100 total damage in an assault mech when I manage > 300 in the same match playing a Jenner.
Just started today, had a few hilarious rounds. Not getting the complaints about heat or slowness.
Teamed up with a pair of commandos to take the long way around Snow City and capped the base before the other guys even noticed us.
Flanked with a pair of Atlases on Snow Colony (Moss was involved).
Killed an Atlas with a trio of Cicada/commandos on River City.

EDIT: Just walked a lance of Atlases into the enemy home base at Snow City. We were entirely unopposed during the 4 minute walk through the tunnel :U
I got weird graphical glitches when using my new (ati) drivers since last patch so haven't played much. At least I have yet to die in a match so my k/d is somewhere near 30, it's tough being a jenner.
Kevlar said:
I got weird graphical glitches when using my new (ati) drivers since last patch so haven't played much. At least I have yet to die in a match so my k/d is somewhere near 30, it's tough being a jenner.
If you'd been playing since the last patch you probably wouldn't have that k/d ratio (can you even see that anymore? thought it got removed with open beta). Until 10am tomorrow (not sure which time zone) LRMs are kind of retarded. They'll rain down from ~90 degree angles and all land on virtually the exact same location on your mech - no more peppering the ground around you with a few strays. My Jenner(s) have gone from untouched to dead in 2 LRM volleys, and I don't mean from their entire team. One match last night was kind of retarded...enemy Jenner and I had a 0.3 second skirmish, at which point I started running back to base with the enemy scout chasing me. Despite bobbing and weaving, I got completely obliterated by LRMs about half a second before the other Jenner got 2 shotted by my team's LRMs. Seen a lot of the non-trial missile boats not even loading any backup weapons and still doing >= 1200 damage per match in a quite short amount of time.

Hotfix for that retardation at 10am, though you may still have graphical issues. I actually seem to crash a bit less with this latest patch, but have sometimes had my framerate bottom out for no apparent reason.
Wheem said:
Kevlar said:
I got weird graphical glitches when using my new (ati) drivers since last patch so haven't played much. At least I have yet to die in a match so my k/d is somewhere near 30, it's tough being a jenner.
If you'd been playing since the last patch you probably wouldn't have that k/d ratio

MechWarrior® Credits
28 / 0
Kills / Death
32 / 0
Wins / Losses
Kill / Death Ratio
Accumulative C-Bills Per Match
Avg. XP Per Match

Stats page under your profile. I only played 4 matches this patch and have had weird graphical issues so not going to bother until they fix that. 4 man groups are also kind of lame.
Kevlar said:
Stats page under your profile. I only played 4 matches this patch and have had weird graphical issues so not going to bother until they fix that. 4 man groups are also kind of lame.
Huh, was that there a few days ago? Could have sworn I looked for it after open beta ended and there was nothing. Also, 28 kills in 4 matches would mean that you got the killshot on all but 1 enemy player in every single match - is it uncomfortable to have a horseshoe crammed up there? :razz:

Anyway, to illustrate the LRM problem that's supposed to be going away in a few hours: I've actually had a few instances where I got 1-shot by a single mech with LRMs. A random teammate (I always pug) was helping me to cap the enemy base when a Commando showed up, and I immediately got the "incoming missile" message, which I knew meant I had to move. In an effort to not go criticial immediately, I ran down the pathway into the valley and stayed flush against the ice wall. This broke LOS with the Commando (who stayed in their base fighting my teammate), but the missiles still came down at a perfect 90 degree angle (thanks for nothing, canyon wall) and 1-shotted me from essentially full armor to dead...~65k CBills in repairs because some dillhole can press R and a weapon group hotkey.
I played a few matches when it went open beta, but only four when the last patch hit. Not sure when stats worked since I didn't know about it until the other day when someone told me. I've only got 7 kills in a match once with a jenner so far.

Those LRMs seemed to probably just hit your head by the way the arc is now going (thankfully being fixed) since they all would hit your weakest point essentially. LRMs have always been OP though pretty much, it just gets annoying when they are given out in trial mechs like candy.

Edit : 35 kills 1 death now, game just crashed and apparently I got killed.
I actually haven't been crashing nearly as much with this patch, though it still happens on occasion. For some reason I do get some video stuttering now sometimes, where I used to not, and that actually saved a crippled up Catapult from dying to me earlier. I had him so close when I started getting a lot of freeze-and-go stuttering, and then his team showed up before I could finish the job and I had to run away.

Are you mostly running with premades, by the way? I've had some matches where I get a really solid (pickup) team, and then others While spectating, I've seen some people running around in the trial Catapult without ever using its missiles, and others using high-heat mechs (trial or otherwise) and shutting themselves down by alpha striking (including with LRMs at point blank range) every few seconds. I've seen people shoot teammates at the beginning of the game (I once had a Catapult K2 fire both of his Gauss Rifles into the rear of my center torso as soon as the countdown ended, and then immediately disconnect), and others have aim so bad that they shoot the ground 70% of the time, teammates 20% of the time, and enemies the remaining 10%.

I lost a game a few days ago because a teammate in a laserboat Hunchback helped the last remaining enemy Raven and Jenner more than he did myself and the Catapult on our team. He shot the bejeezus out of my back and took off one of my arms, and then failed to do anything to the Raven as it finished me + Catapult off after I killed the Jenner. So that match came down to a shot-to-pieces Raven vs our mostly-undamaged Hunchback; our guy lost because he managed to hit the Raven all of twice while it whittled down his armor and killed him. It was painful to watch, and that type of thing + premade teams is why I actually have a negative win/loss ratio LAWLZ.
Kevlar said:
I only run with my clan (or at least the lame ass 4 man groups now).
If I remember correctly, 8 man groups will be re-enabled on the 20th, though they'll only be matched against other 8 man groups (and I think class-matching is removed as well, which lead to some people complaining about the potential for teams running 8 Atlas and just turtling up in their base - whether that'll actually happen or not, who knows).
Wouldn't happen unless both teams ran assault mechs. Matches by weight got rid of atlas online thankfully.

Edit : If your post is true I would stop playing, I already had to suffer bs matches in beta.
There needs to be some weight limits, otherwise there is almost no reason not to roll with a diverse Atlas lance(tweaked for various roles) with maybe one or two lighter mechs for scouting.

Official Developer plan in regards to matchmaking:

Match Making:

The developers at PGI are all veteran game players. Many of us were or still are competitive gamers and truly know the feeling of a great match played between two equally matched teams.

The next 3 stages of planned releases for Match Making involve the following:

Phase 1:

Reduce the maximum # of players in a group to 4. This means when players form a group, they will only be able to add 3 people. When that group launches, they will be put in a bucket. The match maker will then fill the rest of the 8 player team with 4 PUGs or any partial groups that are looking for a match at that moment. The same will happen for the other team. Matches will still be 8v8 but instead of playing against 8 people in an organized premade, you will see a max of 4.

Now before you light your pitchforks, we know that this does not address all the issues and that 8-player groups are the mainstay of community and organized team-play. This is why we move to Phase 2 VERY soon after Phase 1.

Phase 2:

Players will be able to convert their 4-player group to an 8-player group similarly to how World of Warcraft’s group to raid conversion works. With a click of a button, a group leader can convert a 4-player group to 8-players and invite 4 more players to the group. There is a limitation to this however. If the group leader decides to convert to an 8-player group, they MUST have 8 players in order to launch. (i.e. you cannot launch a game with 5,6 or 7 players). In addition to that, your 8-player group will be matched to another 8-player group ONLY. This does reduce the change of finding a match quickly but at the same time 8-players teams will finally be matched to other 8-player teams exclusively.

At some future date we will also want to include the ability to challenge a specific 8-player team to a match in a competitive/eSport manner. But as stated, this will be coming at a later date.

Phase 3:

We have been examining the various ranking systems in other games/structured tournament play etc. This includes ELO, TrueSkill and others. Our current plan is to use a hybrid system that uses the mentality of ELO with a weighting system that we’ve determined that drives down to player effectiveness/skill in a match. In order for this to work properly, we will need to do heavy pre-release testing before it goes live to the community and hence the amount of time to get it implemented.

We currently cannot go into detail as to how this system will work because we are not going to over-promise something that may change during implementation. We will try to keep you as up to date on this as possible.

Currently we are at phase one.
There is/was a thread on their forums with people arguing over the weight limit thing (and I never saw for sure, is that only for 8 man groups or is that for the game as a whole?) Some people seem to think that a team of 8 Atlas mechs would actually be easy to beat in a "normal" game, since a faster team could cap their base as they're lumbering across the map, and if they leave some on defense and assault with the rest, you could split their forces pretty easily. On the other hand, if they all have AMS and just turtle up in a clump at their base, there's not a lot that most teams can do about it (especially on some maps). Their firepower could brutalize any scout that spots for LRM boats, and 8-16 AMS (depending on which Atlas mechs they're using) would cut the damage way way down anyway. Brawling against 8 Atlas in a confined area is also quite the challenge, since they can carry some really amazing close-range firepower, and have hands down the best armor in the game.

I think that one of the better/simpler suggestions that I saw on the official forums was to implement a total weight limit for 8 man teams. It may fit with the lore of the game's universe, since the drop ships could only carry so much, and would encourage the use of more balanced teams. People raised the question of teams running 8 light mechs in that case, but I don't think that's as bad as it's often made it out to be, and I certainly haven't noticed the "lag shield" that some people complain about. I actually spectated one guy that was griping about it in chat during a game, and from what I saw he was consistently shooting a significant distance behind the Jenner that he was trying to kill.
Lag shield can occasionally be annoying and appears worse for Euro players.

However, it is also the current cop out of everyone who gets killed by a Jenner or Light Mech, even if it is behind him...
People saying lag shield are usually people with high ping I notice. I live an hour away from their servers so having 30ms or lower is nice, never notice lag shields for lights I fight.

I wish more people in my clan would go atlas so I could fight more in my jenner. I had someone in CB say I had a lag shield when he was just using ppcs on me at 20m away.
Yeah, I've come up against a few all light teams in Beta. They're certainly intimidating, but unless they manage to split the enemy team they're not really effective. You can run circles around a single mech, but eight mechs in a spot, all facing a different direction is another matter. Works well against a disorganized PUG, but even a PUG with half decent players can counter it.
Indeed, the Lights simply can't tank in the long run, so if you employ some basic tactics and try not to let someone get completely separated they will have problems. (Being careful to avoid the base cap.)

I am much more afraid of the so-called Steiner Scout lances, even a bad Atlas pilot can absorb and in turn cause a lot of damage to your team. Multiply that number by three or more and you start having problems, especially if they work together to cover the blind spots and focus fire.
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