[MBMC] Mount & Blade Modding Contest [October 2018][3D Art]

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Congratulations to all participants, and special congratulations to Avelium and Kraggrim for the win!

Also kudos to the organizers and donors for dedicating time and money to this endeavor.
Cheers guys! Congrats to Avellium, I knew we'd be close Thanks to the sponsors and organizers.

Yours was actually my favourite Weren, already got a use lined up for it (and Avelium's).
Apologies for the delay, here's the download to the shield pack that contains the submissions in both forms (source files where applicable and in OpenBRF).

Congratulations to Krag and Avelium - beautifull work guys.

Congrats to other participants as well - each shield was great in it's own way.

I have to say that looking at the current level of the contest i can't wait for the next one (helmets / armors?) :smile:.
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