Maybe a new animation for the mod?

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I was thinking about how cool it would be when i hit an enemy soldiers head off... now that would be awesome!  :cool: so what do you think? would it be great to cut of couple of heads in the mod  :grin: and also, that the possibility of head getting totally cutted off is about... 5%? does this suggestion sound good :?:
It's pretty tricky to work with animations. But if it would be done, a critical hit and a headshot would be required, damage exceeding 200 at least. It's not hard to get such hits, just a few minutes ago I got 960 dmg to a bandit with my 2-H axe.
It would be cool to shoot an enemy in the head and have their head fly off :razz: I feel like that could either slow down the mod from all the heads rolling everywhere or from the vast amount of heads from my amazing skillz at headshotting (it's pretty easy to get headshots when you're shooting into a crowd of 400 angry caravan guards.
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