
Heres the latest:
WWII Mod for 0.730 Download
Added Lee-Enfield No.4 MK1 with Spike Bayonet
Added Fairbairn-Sykes Combat Dagger
Added US M3 Combat Knife
Added Bayonet-less versions of all rifles (See below for details)
Added an unattached Mauser Bayonet
Added British troops
Added a MK1 Helmet
New shot report sound
New battle sound
On bayonets:
Only loaded rifles have non-bayonet versions, you can tell the difference between one that has a bayonet and one that doesn't by the name. If it has a bayonet it'll have a name like 'fixed loaded m1 garand', if it doesn't it'll say 'loaded m1 garand'. All the melee rifles have bayonets no matter what.
On the new Combat knives:
These have no parry, but are very fast and do alot of damage, especially the Fairbairn, the best way to use them is to bait the enemy into swinging at you and then rushing in to stab them.
WWII Mod for 0.730 Download
Added Lee-Enfield No.4 MK1 with Spike Bayonet
Added Fairbairn-Sykes Combat Dagger
Added US M3 Combat Knife
Added Bayonet-less versions of all rifles (See below for details)
Added an unattached Mauser Bayonet
Added British troops
Added a MK1 Helmet
New shot report sound
New battle sound
On bayonets:
Only loaded rifles have non-bayonet versions, you can tell the difference between one that has a bayonet and one that doesn't by the name. If it has a bayonet it'll have a name like 'fixed loaded m1 garand', if it doesn't it'll say 'loaded m1 garand'. All the melee rifles have bayonets no matter what.
On the new Combat knives:
These have no parry, but are very fast and do alot of damage, especially the Fairbairn, the best way to use them is to bait the enemy into swinging at you and then rushing in to stab them.