SP Modern Mauser!

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Heres the latest:

WWII Mod for 0.730 Download

Added Lee-Enfield No.4 MK1 with Spike Bayonet
Added Fairbairn-Sykes Combat Dagger
Added US M3 Combat Knife
Added Bayonet-less versions of all rifles (See below for details)
Added an unattached Mauser Bayonet
Added British troops
Added a MK1 Helmet
New shot report sound
New battle sound

On bayonets:
Only loaded rifles have non-bayonet versions, you can tell the difference between one that has a bayonet and one that doesn't by the name. If it has a bayonet it'll have a name like 'fixed loaded m1 garand', if it doesn't it'll say 'loaded m1 garand'. All the melee rifles have bayonets no matter what.

On the new Combat knives:
These have no parry, but are very fast and do alot of damage, especially the Fairbairn, the best way to use them is to bait the enemy into swinging at you and then rushing in to stab them.
Knight 1 : WTF is the wooden thing that dude carrying? A crossbow?
Knight 2 : Nah.. it must be a stick.
Knight 1 : I think it's a crossbow...even tho it is the ugliest I've ever seen.
Knight 2 : Come on.. it's just a stick... How can a lowly peasant afford a crossbow?
Knight 1 : It's soooo strange... It could be handmade crossbow...
Knight 2 : peasants + sticks. We KNIGHTS + watered steel swords.
Knight 1 : But....
Knight 2 : Nuff said... CHARGE!!!

Marnid : WTF??(Aiming the "stick")

Knight 2 : OMGWTF!?!?!?
Marnid : EAT DIS SH*T!! DIE DIE DIE Suxkers stupid n00bs!!!

That's what happened according to the picture.
What does this shoot? Is the animation any different from the crossbow? Is this a huge stepping stone for the Wild West mod to hurdle towards completion? In any case, a release is necessary. Murder by means of automated weaponry is a must. It looks good, jolly good show.
meatbag999 said:
Knight 1 : WTF is the wooden thing that dude carrying? A crossbow?
Knight 2 : Nah.. it must be a stick.
Knight 1 : I think it's a crossbow...even tho it is the ugliest I've ever seen.
Knight 2 : Come on.. it's just a stick... How can a lowly peasant afford a crossbow?
Knight 1 : It's soooo strange... It could be handmade crossbow...
Knight 2 : peasants + sticks. We KNIGHTS + watered steel swords.
Knight 1 : But....
Knight 2 : Nuff said... CHARGE!!!

Marnid : WTF??(Aiming the "stick")

Knight 2 : OMGWTF!?!?!?
Marnid : EAT DIS SH*T!! DIE DIE DIE Suxkers stupid n00bs!!!

That's what happened according to the picture.

Boom bomm sticks!
Here it is. (Ver. 0.710)

"Alright you primitive screw-heads, listen up. See this? This is my BOOMSTICK!"

Its a bit on the 'high def' side, its more of a 3D replica than a normal weapon model hehe. To get the speeds/damage right, I stuck the bayonet on the real Rifle and swung it around for a couple minutes. And for the damage... the 8mm is similar to the 30-06, it'll kill/destroy/vaporize anything in a single shot. Ever seen a TV shatter into a pile of tiny bits? :wink:

For aiming, use the Top of the reticule, you'll be able to hit people at around 200 yards with 100% accuracy (The real Rifle is effective at 600-800 yards, longer if you have a scope)

Lemme know if there are any problems, just extract the Rar to the M&B directory.

EDIT: I screwed up on the Bullet mesh, I had a nice little 5 round stripper clip with proper texturing I forgot to add before I uploaded the file, so unless its a real problem, just ignore it. What is there now is a blotchy grey bullet (I dunno if its actually what comes out of the gun in the game anyway).
It is compatible with 7.11

This is wonderful. Now, if only you could have it so that the bag of arrows or bolts doesn't have to show when you equp cartridges. And if you could release the better version of the bullet, that'd be a nice addition. The current version is a bit too... visible. Maybe it's just me, not a huge issue, but it'd be nice. But I must say, this is fun, the first working in-game rifle for M&B. Having great fun currently.

Is it at all possible to have bullet-hole marks when you shoot the enemy? Similar to the way arrows pierce and remain in the picture, can something like that be worked in with the rifle? It'd be great to have that along with the blood it leaves after shooting 'em.
I'll upload an updated version with the new bullet tomarrow, I figure the visibility is nice to have since the shots don't throw up a dust cloud when they hit the ground, so atleast you can track where your shooting at very long ranges. I've seen 30-06 rounds flying down range before through a spotting scope, they don't look too different from this, the only thing missing is a big vapour trail.

I don't think the Bullet holes are possible without it being really ugly/unreliable, nice thought though.

I just wish I could make it so the Mauser is the only one that goes bang though.
Man, I'm having way too much fun with this... just... one more... river pirate party........... It's great, very well done.

Any way to get rid of the bolt graphic when loaded and the bag on the back (I know I already mentioned that one)? And yes, I suppose the visibility is kind of necessary.

Oh and, if possible, a version without a bayonet would be absolutely magnificent.

My killing machine.
I wish the guns were the only ones to go bang too... although going up against an army of crossbowmen, with all those cracks and booms made the realization of a full-blown gun mod (such as Wild West Mod, or maybe a.... *gasp* Napoleanic mod? WWII? Civil War?) all the more beautiful. I can't wait till new concepts are put to good use.

BTW, any way to get any kind of these swords in the game? Seems the only fitting type of side-weapon for close quarters combat along with the rifle.

Whoa, whats wrong with your rifle stock? :shock:

I can get rid of the bolt bag, but it'd mean getting rid of ALL the bolt bags (Its actually useful for spotting the more immediate threats), I already moved the bolt_on_bow model so it sits inside the rifle, rather than along side it too.

I'm getting kinda worried that the best shot difficulty thread is gonna start getting a bunch of 14.4 shots now, I've been getting em quite a bit with this baby (Well, it IS a Mauser after all...). :lol: That must be the limit too, I've been doing headshots from, literally, across the map when some stupid mountain bandits run up the map edge into a corner and just sit there looking at me (Maybe trying to retreat?).

I wasn't really planning on adding sabers, I've throught about converting the Kar98k model into a Gewehr 98 (I got one of those too hehe) and adding it. I've also got a Mosin Nagant M1938, a Lee-Enfield No.4 MKII, M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, Springfield M1903A2 and an Arisaka Type 99 (Early war version that is safe to fire). The Gewehr 98, Springfield and Arisaka wouldn't be too much of a stretch to add, since their all more or less the same rifle.
Woohooo, bring 'em on! If you release them one at a time, or otherwise not all at once, it'd be nice to release the M1 Garand among the firsts. Be nice to ride around, killin' off dudes with that.

I assume the stock is just me eh? It's screwed up in inventory view as well, I don't know what it is. Hopefully the rest of the rifles will be fine.

Here's my other killer.

The Lone Hunter... Taking on impossible numeric odds, coming out victorious.
I'll definatly have the Garand in, probably not soon though, the Receiver is probably gonna be a pain, I might do the Carbine before the Garand... its just such a tiny little death machine! I can make the Garand and Carbine Semi-Auto too.

From that last screenshot, it looks like theres a problem with the texture. Either the .DDS itself, or the BRF files are messed up. I'll experiment a bit and see if I can fix that before I release any more.



Great weapons. :grin: I like to be a real manhunter. What next?

edit: does this mod by any chance change other things? i seem to have 150/150 meat

also would it be possible for someone to make a mod where troops use the gun?
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