Massive war mod possible?

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I was thinking, as I was hacking apart some uruk-hai today. Would it be feasible to make really low-poly/small texture items and make a huge-scale mod, like a couple hundred people onscreen? Would there be any desire for this mod, regardless of its setting? I know I'm supposed to be working on TLD, but I would like to run with this idea, especially (see: only) if I could find someone to do the scripting and setting.
well, it's possible to make a nice looking character with 800 tri's and a 512x512 map, so if your idea is along the lines of a 100 soldiers or so, it's possible with some well made lod models and a beefy pc.
I was thinking in the area of 400-500 polygons/model (almost all the body would need to be 4-sided), including weapon and shield. BTW, how does the LoD system in M&B work?
there is no LOD system in M&B, thats the problem.

As far as large scale war i think that the AI, that uses alot of the CPU would still make it a bit hard?
okiN said:
Well, there's already the the battle size changer. I use it on all the mods I play with 100 men to a battle. Sometimes the FPS plunges a bit but it generally runs well enough. With a good computer and less detailed graphics I don't see why you couldn't crank it up a few more notches.

Jesus, I do like 60 men and sometimes have problems. Perhaps your video card is a monster?
Not really. They behave just like they do in regular M&B. The only problem I've encountered is that with large groups of missile troops, only the front ranks fire. This can be remedied by arraying them on a hillside, which allows them to rain down death all over the map. In the WW2 mod, 50 US GI's are a ****ing menace, they rape anything except large groups of heavy cavalry hands down if you can set them up in a proper defensive position.
Yeouch, I'll try this if/when M&B gets an LoD system then, because such large numbers of troops are really dependant upon an LoD system.
Without formations or proper commanding system - no thanks.

Well, keep dreaming matey. After all, it doesn't require CPU power and is free.
Level of Detail.

It works by scaling down the mesh/resolution of the respective model/texture over distance, because the human eye can't really tell a high-poly (complex) model from a low-poly (less polies, requiring less CPU/GPU resources) when the character is 300 feet away.
ThVaz said:
I think is this feature that allows the thousands of soldiers in the Rome total War game.
if each solier in rtw thought independantly from his force and had individual equipment and face it would never work. worth a try however :p

btw. what's LoD? :oops: isit kinda lord of doom/lie or die/lurk oh darkness/love on desk/level of detail?
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