Martial Arts

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Master Knight
Hey, just curious who takes martial arts here, and what styles?

I'm currently taking Ishhinryu, and I'm about to start classes in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, and Yoshukai. (also Tai Chi Chaun but thats more of a fitness thing)

And I've taken a bit of Tae Kwon Doe.
I'm quite suprised to see another person in this forum who is interested in bjj. Are you mma fan too?

Are ishinryou and yoshukai karate or jujutsu styles?

I have tried boxing, submission wrestling and mma. I think I will start sw and perhaps something else once I get out of the army.
Boxing, Thai, submission wrestling and a bit of mma (keep getting the **** kicked out of me in mma though!!!!)
I'm a leather belt in asskicking.

nah, when the big burly body builders hit the bar, I hit the fetus-position. :smile: . But anyone smaller than me, watch your ass!
Tarrantmw said:
Hey, just curious who takes martial arts here, and what styles?
I'm currently taking Ishhinryu
Holy crap, there's somebody else out there who's even heard of Isshinryu karate? I got to like yellow belt in Isshinryu when I was a kid; I know, no big accomplishment. I finally quit since our instructors were really unmotivated in actually helping the class, and more focused on improving their own black belt standings.
From my experience, everyone should find different of fighting style that would suit them the best, and then they'd push theirselve up to next levels.

My true fighting style is heavy and brutal of military..ish martial art with combinations of powerful striking and grappling which was so well suited for my pure power. And at the same time, I am 'balancing' it with tai chi and small parts from ninjstus (if I could spell it right) for great speed and mastering the flows of 'ki'.

I truly loved to train on improved and leveling up my body and fighting skills to nexts level with my strong passions in it. I have been doing it for over 9 years, and it was quite a experiences. But some of you who can't catch up or quit your own training because it was too diffcult, must NEVER quit if you realy want to become fighters. It is never easy to become one, and the ONLY way to become true fighters is to break through your limits and keep going on, even it is very diffcult. If you have met any of well trained soldiers from military, you could see their body being toughen up greatly for war, because they were brutally forced to train and run ALOT with small rests for 3 to 6 months, If I could remember correctly. And they were trained to become pure combat person, thanks to an instructors and boot camps that have motivated them to do them.

However, what my points is, to become true fighters, you must have the spirits of it inside of your chest with passions of it OR at least, have damn good reasons to become one. That is when you would set your strong goal while training for it.

:wink: :grin:

Eagle out...
Janus said:
Tarrantmw said:
Hey, just curious who takes martial arts here, and what styles?
I'm currently taking Ishhinryu
Holy crap, there's somebody else out there who's even heard of Isshinryu karate? I got to like yellow belt in Isshinryu when I was a kid; I know, no big accomplishment. I finally quit since our instructors were really unmotivated in actually helping the class, and more focused on improving their own black belt standings.

Yeah, I'm hitting green belt next week in Ishhinryu, I have a great instructor too. In the Ishhinryu system you have to have X amount of hours of teaching to go up in belts past black, like second/first degree.

Ishhinryu, Yoshukai and Jiu Jitsu are all styles of martial arts.

So I broke a re-breakable board today (palm strike) I tried to punch my hands all swollen and bloody, but thats half the fun

There is only one martial arts stuidio in my town and thats Tae Kwon Doe. I'll try to take it once I get a job and transportation.

Btw I think the main guy from surf ninjas trained there, if anyone even knows what i'm talking about.
Krav Maga.
The military style with disabeling grips and blows. The nut kick and trote punch is well honed. The knife and Assult rifle is good close combat weapons if available. Always aming to kill or disable in military Krav maga, my teacher was a former Swedish Special Forces instructor. I was in pain when he taught us in the Israeli selfdefence art but i think it was worth it now.
I learned in the military service and will never forget i think.
I train in Tai-Shin Mun kung-fu (as can be seen in my signature below). It offers me everything I seem to need: I think I can fight, my movements have become more fluid, I learn to use some basic and/or useful weapons (like staves, short sticks, stools and the like) and I get to develop myself mentally as well as physically.

I could talk about it for six hours straight without a bigger point, so if anyone's interested, go ahead and ask in this thread or by PM.
EDIT: Err... About asking: please ask something specific, because otherwise it will be pointless blabbering like "oh, and we have qigong, the way, the Chinese believe, that..." and no one likes that. Not me, at least.
Kempo and Jeet Kun Do (the style with no style). Basically, use what works for you, because what works for you won't work for me. I have to use what works for me. Good stuff. Bruce Lee was a genious and an innovator, as well as an incredible martial artist.
I do Sun hang Do, its a korean martial art.

It's basically a combination of haikaido and jujitsu and every other martial art thrown into one.

Its quite fun.

(Also, I am a green belt, Green black as of Augest 8th.)
About 15 years (on and off) of Shorin - Ryu, 5 or 6 of Okinawan Goju Ryu; which is what I do now, just got Ikkyu in that, had san kyu in Shorin.
Other than that smatterings of everything from Qigong to kickboxing.
I am contemplating starting Iado soon, anyone have reccomendations?
well i'm in martial arts for 8 years now i know it aint much but still it gives you allot of self confidence and muscles and eventually peopel get moer respect for you  :razz: i started with the traditional japanese jiu jitsu after for years of that i picked up wushu/wing chu/taekwondo/tai boxing damn cant wait till next year so i can finally get my first black belt
Ottoman-Super-*****-Slap pwns all.Ask Marsec if not believing.

Osmanische Ohrfeige ownt.

I always though of going to one,but distance is a problem.As money is.
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