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Are there anything done to marriage in this mod?  I've been waiting to get married for months, and this wait is way longer than what I remembered in vanilla.  Because of this I can't wage war  :cry:  Are there ways to force the feast event?
Actually I've also had this problem. The lord just sits in the fortress 'preparing.' Its been like months. I dont remember it being as bad in vanilla either.
It may be because the lord is in a different faction than the daughter, there was a thread about that and the general consensus was that if that happened your screwed.
My exploits of love in Brytenwalda has been a sad and sorry affair. I started out by trying to romance the daughter of the brother of the Dal Riata marshall, but she only appeared at the first feast I went to, and never again. I asked if I could marry her, but I was told to get to know her better. Which of course I couldn't because she wasn't there, though they all said she was in the castle when I asked them.

So I scoured the land for a new woman, romanced her. Then talked to her father, who got very angry at me. I was almost close enough to ask her to run away with me, but then her faction was destroyed and I failed the "Go see a lady" quest.

So I ended up marrying the new woman I saw, causing both my liege and her father to hate me.

Oh well, I hosted a feast and that got them both in a good mood.
I had a quest to rendez-vous with the lady I'd been romancing, only to have her brother lose his fief, and while he was still around, when I asked where she was, he said I have no idea where she is.  There's a quest that'll be hanging over my head for a while. 
Actually the topic about lord and its relatives in a different faction was brought up by me as well.  I suspect it had something to do with the feast not held, but even with them being in my own faction, it still doesn't occur.
Well you have prospective brides of suitable age that say "I'd love to see you more" when dropping their relation scores with you by couple points so I wouldn't be too surprised if they got cold feet, inherited from their fathers with ..umm.. cold brains?
Just had similar problem.  I'm currently a Vassal of Dyfed and we're at war with East Seaxna,  met a girl from Gwent whose brother was from Gwent.  Proposed, everybody was happy and her brother said he'd set a date.  At which point he and his sister defected to East Seaxna.

If she didn't want to marry me all she had to do was say so.  It almost seemed like a bug,  kind of weird them defecting like that to the one nation I'm at war with that they weren't.  Screw up,  there's this other girl over in the next valley I think I'll pay visit to.

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