My exploits of love in Brytenwalda has been a sad and sorry affair. I started out by trying to romance the daughter of the brother of the Dal Riata marshall, but she only appeared at the first feast I went to, and never again. I asked if I could marry her, but I was told to get to know her better. Which of course I couldn't because she wasn't there, though they all said she was in the castle when I asked them.
So I scoured the land for a new woman, romanced her. Then talked to her father, who got very angry at me. I was almost close enough to ask her to run away with me, but then her faction was destroyed and I failed the "Go see a lady" quest.
So I ended up marrying the new woman I saw, causing both my liege and her father to hate me.
Oh well, I hosted a feast and that got them both in a good mood.