Marnig & Borcha, the unmovable!

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My first post here :smile:
I bought M&B some time ago but never had anything to post about, until now :smile:

Unfortunately its not something good :sad:

Its about Marnid and Borcha (the heroes you can hire in game :razz:).
I have both of them in my party, both on horses and with new weapons, but they don't seem to like me :sad:

I can't get them to do anything besides following me on the battlefield.
If I order a charge my normal troops will attack but M&B will just stay where they are, immovable, and do nothing.

Am I doing something wrong?
Is there an extra command for those two to attack?
I distinctly remember both of them attacking my foes (and getting knocked unconcious a lot) earlier in the game.
Is it because of the horses? Both of them have the riding skill.


maybe you gave them weapons they cant use. like certain bows or heavy swords.
also check if they have horseback bow use skill and wether the bow is on the top left equipment slot! if ot is change it around!
don't give them bows, especially, if on horseback... don't give them any missile weapons for that matter. those tend to send these two bozos into a skirmishing frenzy, which invariably ends with them counting stars in the la-la land... a side note being: thes chars cannot skirmish... (their starting skill level is too low to hit anything smaller than a a static elephant).

give them a huge melee weapon that would keep them at a safe distance from their intended victims (a bardiche would serve good, but both of them need their strength stat raised in order to use it; swords and shields work well too).

actually, with time, as their skills are raised through use they become quite useful in combat. raw, as they start, their weapon skills are lower than for most "regular troops".

a side note about ranged weapons for borcha and mandrid: both tend to do quite well if given a sword + a shield + crossbow + they are deployed on foot...
yeah if they have a weapon they can't use (ie. their strength is too low) they will stand around. Check their equipment - you will have to "buy" it back off them!

Marnid/Borcha make ok skirmishers once they have a few levels (and riding/horse archery skill) under their belt. Their accuracy is not fantastic but they at least stay out of harms way and do score some kills. Once you order the charge they will get in amongst the melee with swords etc. I have Marnid with a nomad bow and Borcha is armed with javs and I regularly see enemies stuck with missiles in every battle.

I got to watch Marnid firing point blank into a black knight stuck in the river once. He had his shield up so didn't get hit but it was funny to watch Marnid pouring arrow fire into him from above.
I made borhca into a lev 50 cav archer once. he wasn't too bad. And marnid usualy doesn't get to use his crossbow b/c he doesn't last long after his horse ''dies''.
Borcha is still waiting for me at the Four Ways Inn. My excuse was: "uh, I'll be shopping for some wargear for you" - I meant to say: "to be quite frank, these Vaegir Marksmen are just soooo much more useful".

Marnid, on the other hand, turned into quite the murderous bastard when I gave him just a simple longsword and a half-decent shield. Not that he used his shield very much, anyway.
To rotate the perspective here yet again, I gave the idiot a horse, because the "Norman knight" look suited him so well. He's not very useful now, at all.

Both characters, I feel, perform much better without a pony for them to dote on/feed sugarcubes/brutalise/cliff-jump. So don't waste your money. Give them whatever armour serves your party best, and make sure they're Athletic enough to hold pace with yourself and your companions if they're equipped for melee.
well, if you raise manrid's and borcha's riding skill to 8 and give them sp irited chargers: both are ok as cavalry-men too... :smile:

the key is: should give them a long range weapon to swing from horse-back (a bardiche or a two handed axe, for example) :smile:

as to shields: i've seen both chars use them efficiently to protect themselves from missiles :smile:
What sucks is that I can't get marnid to hold his ground. :evil:
He doesn't take the command and rushes in like an axe murderer. I have him leveled up enough that he doesn't die( thank you black armor) and kill quite a few with the javs, but it suck when i'm fighting crossbowmen!
The ranged AI is screwy, but mélee-only troops obey orders just fine. And I'd say your problem is that you've given them weapons they can't use. Check the weapons' strength and skill requirements.
Equipped with a crossbow the two heroes do not use it on horseback: so they obey orders as in the melee case. On the ground: they seem to be pretty effective at switching between the crossbow and thier melee weapon.
Stonewall382 said:
Hardclyff said:
Terrible finding that is... Reminds me of mounted crossbowmen from M:TW.

Huh? They could reload from horseback (couldn't they?). Some players swear by them in MP games.

yeah they could reload on horseback - my favourite cav unit they were
okiN said:
Slaists, crossbows can't be reloaded on horseback.

yes, i know. and that's exactly why i suggested giving them crossbows... :smile: the biggest problems you see with borcha and mandrid happen when they start to skirmish while on horseback...

every other skirmish weapon they CAN use while riding (thus, killing themselves) while crossbows they only can use while dismounted. and on foot: they do tend to be efficient skirmishers and able to switch to melee when needed. thus: why not give them crossbows :smile:
Well, the good news is that in the upcoming release, units will be able to reload lighter crossbows while mounted. So there is a ray of hope for poor Marnid! :wink:
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