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He needs padded cloth. He won't accept anything else. Not padded leather, not padded armour, not khergit armour, not full plate, just padded cloth.

It doesn't matter what quality though. Save some bob and get him some tattered padded leahter or something.
Ingolifs said:
He needs padded cloth. He won't accept anything else. Not padded leather, not padded armour, not khergit armour, not full plate, just padded cloth.

It doesn't matter what quality though. Save some bob and get him some tattered padded leahter or something.

Heh. :smile:

JohnathanStrange: Here's some tattered padded leather.
Marnid (crosses his arms angrily): I said padded cloth!
lol, i went and bought a padded leather and tried giving it to him, then realised i had wasted money buying the wrong stuff :razz:
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