Marnid & Borcha

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An old salt from the mainland
[size=10pt][size=10pt]How to get Marnid and Borcha to party?[/size][/size] by Pipuli

Ok, Here is quide how to get two heroes to your party.

Let's start: How to get Marnid to party?

At Zendar, is little tavern, called The Happy Boar. Go into the tavern and look for man, who is dressed in white shirt. Talk to him, and ask: Would you fight in my service, if I gave you a padded cloth? He answers yes, so go and buy it from Zendar armorshop. Padded cloth cost between 50-300 denars. Now, if you got that padded cloth, go back to tavern. Talk him again and give him a padded cloth and he joins to your party. If you can't find it in Zendar armoursmith, try checking other towns. Marnid will accept any padded cloth (condition doesn't matter)

Marnid's skills:

Lvl 6, Healt: 43, Strenght: 7, Agility: 5 Intelligence: 6, Charisma: 8.
Riding: 2, Horse archery: 1, Inventory management: 2, Surgery: 1, Trade: 3.
One-handed: 75, Polearms: 63, Crossbows: 67, Two-handed: 72, Archery: 72, Throw: 63.

Now: How I get that Borcha to my party?

First, you need to take 50 denars whit you and travel to Rivacheg. Go to the Castle and talk to prisoner in cell. After that talk to Count Mira and ask about the man in the cell.. and accept his offer (cost 50 denars). Now, you got Borcha as prisoner. Now leave Rivacheg  and travel while. Borcha talks to you. When dialog ends, travel some more and he will speak to you again. When you can select, select this: Set him free. Now you got Borcha with you.

Borcha's skills:

Lvl 13, Healt: 45, Strenght: 7, Agility: 13, Intelligence: 14, Charisma: 4
Ironflesh: 1, Riding: 4, Horsearchery: 1, Trainer: 1, Tracking: 2, Pathfinding: 2, Spotting: 2, Inventory management: 1                                                                                            Prisoner management: 1, Leadership: 1.

One-handed: 83, Two-handed: 75, Polearms: 85, Archery: 81, Crossbows: 85, Throwing: 76.
Equipping your Heros

To equip your heros, select him/her in the party screen (P) and press "Talk". Select the "I have few items I no longer care for. Would you care to barter?" and move your items to the heros inventory.
The Hero rarely has enough money to pay you, but you will have to pay him/her in order to get the stuff back

Raising Heros stats

When your hero gains enough exp, (s)he'll level and a small + will appear next to the heros name in the party screen. To raise his/her stats, select him/her in the party screen (P) and press "talk". Select the option "Tell me about yourself" and you can use his/her points like yours.

How to leave your Hero

If you for some reason want to travel alone, you can leave your heros by selecting them in the party screen (P), and press talk. Select the option "We need to separate for a while" and from there you can either leave him/her there where you currently are standing ((S)He might get attacked or chased though), or send him/her to the four ways inn. The get your hero back, ride into him/her and select "Yes follow me", or you can station some troops for him/her (Will currently result in crash), or if left in the four ways inn, ride there and talk to him/her.

Note that you cannot talk to them if in a town.
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