Marketing and Game Corrections for Armagan

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Ok Here it is. These are the things that jump out at me while play testing the game.

1) this one is major and publications will rip it up for this. PATHFINDING LOGIC!. When you tell people to go somewhere they should negotiate it while avoiding obstacles. In the world map and Battle scenes.
2) Everyone likes a well documented game, where everything is explained fairly well. I can help.
3)As I said this would go into the documentation but to clearly define what the weapon values mean. As well as armor.
4) I do think publishers would be more apt to sponsor the game with realistic blood. Scars. Also if your character could get scarred. Decapitations, limb dismemberments. They should aslo be able to be turned off for "Parent Discretion". Although, its what sells.
5) Storylines are a big seller too. Once you coose a side and so forth. Although do not make it copletely linear.
6) you troops should suffer moral penalties and there should be someway for them to retreat or cower somewhere. after watching about 7 of your farmer buddies go down to the trained swords of Men-at_arms, im sure its very disconcerting.
7) are you aware of the Marnin graphic?
:cool: I think you have a great game on your hands with some polishing
DO not release it too soon like some companies do.
Good luck
Ill have more later if you wish. Ive only been playtesting it since Last Friday
Honestly getting a big-time publisher for this game is what would everyone here liked ........ NOT.

Most of your points are more or less valid but this game is still in development, so take it like that.
Gore has been discussed many times. It might be in, in the future. The "Marnid bug" is just a bug in the padded cloth object, it's well documented, but not yet fixed.

2) Everyone likes a well documented game, where everything is explained fairly well. I can help. Contact me at:
Removed - Narcissus

Uhh... yeah, sure. It's a beta. Since there are only 2 people working on it, information has been postponed some. So if people want to know something, they simply ask on the forums.

Storylines might get in as well. One time.

There already is a morality system (even though I don't think it works), but it depends on the food. But yeah, why not? Peasants don't have a high morale anyway.
Some valid points but as has been stated, I think you're forgetting that this is 0.702. It's not even close to 1.0, so you're jumping the gun, or more like pole vaulting ahead.
Lhorkan said:
There already is a morality system (even though I don't think it works), but it depends on the food. But yeah, why not? Peasants don't have a high morale anyway.

It does work, or at least worked. I once forgot to give my army food and at one time i got a message that so and so much troops had deserted! After that i never forgot to keep them well fed!!
It does work, or at least worked. I once forgot to give my army food and at one time i got a message that so and so much troops had deserted! After that i never forgot to keep them well fed!!
I was referring to in battle morale of your troops. Which if you are around them with a good leadership skill. They still would not panic and run , even while being slaughtered.

Honestly getting a big-time publisher for this game is what would everyone here liked ........ NOT.

Im sorry I didnt know you spoke for the developers and their wishes. Whats your contact info then? :roll:

Seriously, on a side track.
Whats the speed bonus display when you make contact with your target.
The battle penalty and how it relates to tactics. Since obviously its not just the simple size of your army.

Im not here to offend anyone. Im a 32 yr old printing company owner. Just trying to offer some things I noticed. Also to help individuals if they should seek it out, advice. I just comment on things I notice major game magazines, really focus in on.

Anyway, till we meet on the battlefield!!!!!!!!!!!
1) It wouldnt be a terrible thing if the Bandits had an organizational structure (leader). Ex Military. Noble . He wouldnt even have to be tougher but that could also see a break up in how the bandits fight as a party. Less grouping.
This is really insignificant though. Just a thought.
Bandit could start out in groups of 7-15. Kill the leader less organization
3-7 with small percentages of higher numbers.
Yes, I took the liberty to speak for the community (not the developers) on this, since I feel it's one of the (few) things we can agree on.

You failed to put your suggestions in the suggestions forum. (click it)
And you just ruined your proffesional credibility by posting your company contact info and work offer on a public forum. (instead of personal contact)

No offense, but if you want to offer manual documantation printing that's one thing, but if you want to offer content suggestions due to marketing assesment the last thing you want is talk to is a completly independent game developer unless he comes to you first.

Also having had my foot wet in game development, if someone wants to sell something he should stick to EA and aim as low as he can. (the highest profit in the game market lies around 12 year olds, and mainly on sports genre), and since we're talking about a medieval game with no magic it and no mouse movement control (*hint*) i think you're a little lost.
Im completely thrilled with all th mediators here. I stay at the holiday inn resorts as well.....................

Anyway dont you think with proper funding a game would be easier to develope. Bioware was independent, they were also doctors. Not a shabby company.

Most commercials on tv are Geared toward middle age consumers by the way. 18-35. Thats the target market of almost all marketing. Why? They are the ones with liquid assets and more apt to spend money :O. Surprise?
g_flook said:
Im completely thrilled with all th mediators here. I stay at the holiday inn resorts as well.....................

Anyway dont you think with proper funding a game would be easier to develope. Bioware was independent, they were also doctors. Not a shabby company.

Most commercials on tv are Geared toward middle age consumers by the way. 18-35. Thats the target market of almost all marketing. Why? They are the ones with liquid assets and more apt to spend money :O. Surprise?

The developers of the game (armagan and ipek, and noone else) already get money from the game, and i believe they have thought about it at least once during the 5 years of development until you showed up.

1. TV isn't PC games market.
2. People with liquid assets spend more money on their kids than on themselves, and we all learn something new every day.
3. TV isn't PC games market.

I think i had enough of this ridiculous thread.
svart said:
The developers of the game (armagan and ipek, and noone else) already get money from the game, and i believe they have thought about it at least once during the 5 years of development until you showed up.

1. TV isn't PC games market.
2. People with liquid assets spend more money on their kids than on themselves, and we all learn something new every day.
3. TV isn't PC games market.

I think i had enough of this ridiculous thread.

You seem rather overtly hostile. I'm not saying I agree with everything being said here, but all in all g_flook is just offering what he feels is helpful advice for making this game. You can argue, but no need to be so hostile because you disagree.
I think sometimes you guys get a little hostile towards people that post here. He just was offering some advice and help. Maybe he approached it differently than you would have but come on. Chill out.
Someone makes a suggestion that has been made before, or suggested often, and people jump all over them. the idea is keep the dialog up, maybe something that has been suggested before gets buried in a thread that is 15 pages long. I for one try not to post suggestions so I do not have some power monger gripping because it has been suggested before.

The game is under development which means suggestions should be posted, does not mean they have to be followed.
Me, I like the fact this game does not have a big publisher to get in the way of the creative freedom he has. I get tired of magic and the typical fantasy game, this game was a breath of fresh air.

Relax, calm down, and thanks for the suggestions g_flook.
1. TV isn't PC games market.
2. People with liquid assets spend more money on their kids than on themselves, and we all learn something new every day.
3. TV isn't PC games market.

Where do you get your information?
People spend more money on their kids than themselves. Huge generalization. I hope you find this demographic for me. Who said I was talking about 18-35 with children?
Im calling holiday inn resorts, again.
Or maybe the podiatrist, there is a foot stuck somewhere.
I do think this game need a documented manual, or that sort, to inform players what the game offers. It's perfectly fine in the shape of plain 'readme' document.

So that it helps to people to enjoy the game more.
Everyone needs to relax and take a deep breath, I think. :shock:


Thanks for offering what seems like good advice from your perspective. Any advice backed with good intent should be a welcomed thing, regardless of whether it is in agreement with 'general opinion'.

I believe that Armagan and Ipek (TaleWorlds personified) are doing well in regards to financial stability for development. There are several members of this community that are financially, ermmm ... 'stable' ... that, I am sure, would be more than willing to give financial backing to TaleWorlds if needed or asked for.

Having said that ... I would suggest removing your personal information from your earlier post and sending Armagan a PM with it enclosed.


Everyone needs to relax and take a deep breath, I think.


Thanks for offering what seems like good advice from your perspective. Any advice backed with good intent should be a welcomed thing, regardless of whether it is in agreement with 'general opinion'.

I believe that Armagan and Ipek (TaleWorlds personified) are doing well in regards to financial stability for development. There are several members of this community that are financially, ermmm ... 'stable' ... that, I am sure, would be more than willing to give financial backing to TaleWorlds if needed or asked for.

Having said that ... I would suggest removing your personal information from your earlier post and sending Armagan a PM with it enclosed.



Good anwser. You are my new favorite moderator. A moderator with moderation is something quite rare in internet forums.
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