Mark inventory stash during combat with a flag pole / banner

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I've found it very hard to run back to my inventory stash during battle as I can't find it! Perhaps if it is marked with a banner / flag in the ground. The symbol on that flag depending maybe on which faction you've joined and what your rank is within that faction (sort of like family crest).

That way it acts as a marking pole for your inventory and makes it easier to find in those big battles when you want to run back for a strategy re-think. All you have to do is look for the flag in the ground.

Separate idea: I did also think it might be neat if there was the odd enemy flag banner waving guy in the war patrols you can fight. I understand it was standard practice as the guy with the banner marked a forward march or retreat and was easy motivation to spot from a distance.
I agree with the stash thing. Sometimes it takes a while to find it, while your troops are getting bashed to toothpaste

Maybe a compass that displays direction of stash, enemys, friends etc.
I do not feel that a compass of where enemies are is a good idea. I like the realism of having to hunt around for the enemy. I do like the flag idea however... although I never use my stash... hehe. Maybe I should.
armagan said:
Hi DarkUnderlord,

We'll be adding some more stuff to the stash. I'll think about adding a flag there. Thanks for the suggestion.

Remember all those suggestions about adding crests and such the player can design?

Huh? Huh? :smile:

Sweet spot for it, don't you think? :wink:
Like the flag/banner idea.

Be cool to have a new Command option> fall back to flag.

Be useful for reforming scattered men into an area when you dont want them neccesarily with you.
I don't really understand why people think knowing where the enemies are at the beginning of a battle degrades the "realism". I mean...have you all noticed how your troops use their magical ESP to intercept enemies? Or you could also tell by turning your fps display on, and just look around until your fps drops a bit. Like using a tree branch to find water :grin: Finding the enemy position isn't part of the game at all, so any addition that would clue you in wouldn't change a thing.
Actually I would like it if my troops (and the enemy mobs) had to find eachother on the map visually, instead of the magical esp. It would make stealth/suprise attacks possible.

As for the finding the direction of your moving prey, how about audio? Maybe a lot of us dont have surround sound speakers yet... hmmmm.

Captain Black said:
Actually I would like it if my troops (and the enemy mobs) had to find eachother on the map visually, instead of the magical esp. It would make stealth/suprise attacks possible.

As for the finding the direction of your moving prey, how about audio? Maybe a lot of us dont have surround sound speakers yet... hmmmm.


Hehe yeah. EVERYBODY GIVE ARMAGAN MONEY so he can afford sound production values!

It's funny. I think some of us are history buffs and the rest are high-schoolers.

Anyway, I agree that finding the enemy is in no way part of the realism. Obviously, if you're parleying with them before the fight they aren't exactly ambushing you, although a game with bandits needs to be a game with ambushes. I hope they are implemented.
Oh the game has 3d sound, but lots of others may not have the speakers to take advantage, thus not useful for everyone. Probably better to think about other possibilities.

The esp thing shouldnt allow the enemy to know which direction I am going to take to get around the massive hill that is between us. Yeah we should know which side of the map they are going to approach from,but having a sixth sense about exact location kind of "un-suspends disbelief" if ya get my drift. :wink:

This might also sort out some of the bunching together that results when they are chaising you around the battlefield.

This is a great idea. I can't count the number of times I've run out of arrows and had to run around looking for my stash. Oh wait, nevermind, it happened 3 times.
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