Maraudeurs alias Bandit Lords How I have killed 60 with few cassualtys

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Place your troops (Infantry, Cavalry's) in the Village, between two Houses, or a Small Street. H- Troops -H. The Enemy come and run in your Man, but don't can move around. They Stuck between your Armies and the Street, House and easy killed.

Danger do have Bowman, the killed. Best Place far away on the Hills. I Fight myself with Bow, or Lance. Ride and go.

With this Fighting Stile I killed them with causality's less then 10 Man.
The difficulty in dealing with Bandit Lords (soon "Marauders") comes up early on in the game, when you have very few and very newbish troops.  Once you're up and running, that difficulty quickly evaporates.
Ok, the Marauders are High Level Enemies. Whitout High Level Enemies, the Game where still boring. Native was very Boring. With L+R I have long time after Native Fun to play. Now its boring too, but after weeks/months of Playing.

Boring was:

-to few City and village Improvements
-to few Kingdoms better was 10 ore more
-the self and to small Map
-The Economic factor was to Simple
-the other Kingdoms dont se mee as a Kingdom

But thats all Native Problems too.
I have a pretty easy way to murder a hundred Bandit Lords. Its called lowering the damage rate. Maybe you should try it sometime.  :wink:
No, that's Boring. I play at begin with a lvl 30 Character, with High difficulty. Only the Speed of the Battlefield is normal, I can Quit without Save and Standard blocking.
Personally I would like this changed. There are always 60 Bandit Lords infesting a village, no one less, no one more  :???:
Plus you get spawned with a bunch of villagers and very few of your troops even if you have a large party with you.
Me 88 men but only 21 were spawned (with 28 farmers) (Battlesize = 200).
This was true in native too but here is even more stressed. The result is many of your troops are going to be killed (10 dead men IS many to me..). I'd rather get in alone and deal with the bandit lords. It would take more time but at least I would lose no one.

The tactic of getting into the village sometimes works others not, depends where you get spawned and how the village is.

Anyway no big deal. I just tend to do this quest less often than i did in Native.
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