Map suggestion

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I absoloutly hate when i am on flat land and get into a fight, and have cliffs and huge ass rivers. so here is my idea

On the map, have a grid that covers the whole map, each gridsquare contains one fighting map, if you get attacked on that square, you fight in that map.

so say if you are on the flats, there might be a little rise and 1 or 2 trees. or if you fight by the mountains you could have a slope, that slopes down from the mountain, once roads are implemented, there could be road fights.

that would also mean that once you finish off the forst wave of enemies in battle, you fight the second on the same map.

Anyone else for this idea, if you have other ideas about this, please post them

I would like to see this. That way if you found a battlefield you particularyilyilyily enjoy killing people on you can lure guys there and slaughter them :twisted:
Precisely! Exactly! Yes!

But no, to the creation of individual maps. Lemme explain:
I like M&B, but I don't want to wait five more years for it. In other words, way too much work for the mods. But if places on the map could have some sort of value that determines the specifics of the random-gen map, then flatlands could randomly create a map that's generally flat, with a tree or two, and grassy. Mountains could be mountains, forests could be flat with lots and lots of trees, etc.

I want.

I also would like to see some deserts, snowy places, seashores, etc.
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