Manual Lance Control : Is it possible?

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Because of the recent updates completely changing the way combat works I was wondering if it would be possible to change the use of lances and similar polearms.

I would like the lance to be lowered if you press and hold the attack button instead of being automatic. I would also like to be able to aim the lance from side to side.

Is it possible? And if it is, how could it be done?
if you move the cursor down, the lance goes down with it, but you can't move it horizontally, wich should be implemented I think.
Yes but head hits are usually not needed....and much harder to get than a body hit. Horizontal movement is a little bit in the mouse but i realise when you move your horse the lance seems to swing a little from side to side....perhaps just me
its not that hard to aim from side to side if you slightly turn your horse. just practice at it a little. and also, the point of having the lance couch automatically is that you have to be going fast enough for it to work and if you had the ability to couch mannually, how would you stab with it when you get knocked off the horseor when you run into something.
I know how the lance works at the moment, I was asking if anyone knew of any way of changing it. I want greater control of the lance as I find lancing as it is currenly quite boring. I also want the possibility of a jousting tournement, which is impossible under the current control method.
Does anyone know how to change the lance control? I really hate posting again but no-one has answered my original question.
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