Man, i would just love to have Xerina, Kradus and Dranton

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when you fight Xerina in the arena, you everr notice how fast she runs? she must 7 or 8 athletics, considering i have 8 athletics and she can keep up with me, she would be damn useful in a battle. Its kinda useless having 50 sergeants when your ahead killing everyone by yourself....

And plus she just swings nonstop, and actuially knows how to block, makes borcha and marnid look like peasants (they fight like em)i would give her a Balanced SOW and Kradus can run pretty fast too, i would probly give him a shield and a longsword, but he is one ugly dude.

Dranton he is kind of fast, id would give him a bardiche or something. Would be great for when me xerina and kradus are kickin ass, then he enters the fray swinging that thing oohoo think of the mayhem.....
There's a Dranton patch already... It couldn't be to hard to get Xerina too. But she has like 30 HP.. Somewhere in that range. Try to get that cracked up a little. :neutral:
A peasant woman with her scythe seems to run as fast as a deer, and swings that thing like a berserker its very funny.
Xerina has about 60 health, i did 59 damage and it didnt knock her out, Kradus has over 73, couched lanced his ass and he was still standing

Dranton, well, he is about as useful as marnid id say, just runs fast

Peasant women are kinda useless, sure they swing like mad and are fast but no armour and a weapon with a range of 40, kinda useless when fighting searaiders with all those axes.
I made myself a little patch for that, I usually take Kradus, Marnid, Borcha, Constable whatever, Dranton, Marnid and ofcourse Xerina with me.

You can get it here

And the credit goes not for me but to "B", I used he's dranton mod and just copied it here and there with different ID:s.. thanks B :grin:

edit: Man I'm fast less than 20 mins from question to solution[/url]

Xerina actually has 80 some odd health

I gave Xerina a double axe, my god, bodies everywhere

I gave Kradus a Sword and Steel shield, he does ok with it, im gonna get him a great axe

Dranton kicks even more ass than i thought, i gave him a battle axe, he is a killer

Constable Hareck is just a good pack horse in my opinion hehe, still funny to watch a river pirate club him

who needs baron rolf, these guys are as high in level as me!
Glad you're happy, I actually wanted to add Baron Rolf instead of Constable but i couldn't find his ID anywhere, the Constabe i got from the coversation.txt so I chose him.

Just send me Rolf's ID and he'll be all yours in a matter of minutes
Man, these guys are KILLERS.

I gave constable hareck a bow, big mistake!! he shot me in the back 3 times in a row, in 2 minutes!!

its so beautifult to watch Xerina, Kradus and Draton charge river pirates, axes swinging, watch a lawnmower chop grass!

I womder if they still fight in the arena....

in the interest of not bombarding lost-lamb with emails, can someone host the file somewhere? I'm sure this will be a popular addition to many people's games...
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