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I'm gonna add this link, too. It's actually pretty relevant. armagan may be making a "scratchware" game and not even realize it. Part III of this article is the most relevant, if you do not wish to read the entire thing.

A brilliant person said:
We reject the machine. We reject the retail channel. We reject big budgets and big teams. We reject $50 boxes of air. We reject end-caps and payments for shelf-space. We reject executives and producers who don't understand what they sell. We reject timidity. We reject the notion that "we know what works," and commit ourselves to finding NEW things that work.

Great find! Thanks for pointing that out.

Makes you wonder and makes you think .....

EA is only beaten by Valve in regards to poor customer service, blatant lies, deception, and lack of consideration for it's customer base.

BF2 is a decent game, but as, I assume, Chadz alluded to: I don't see what they did differently about BF2.

It had it's share of problems when it was released: It was so buggy that it was virtually impossible to play multi for any extended amount of time. Five minute waiting times to enter a server were common. Random CTDs. Horrid FPS.

As a publisher run by slimy lizards (In expensive suits} who don't like or play computer or video games Atari deserves some sort of greedy moron award as well.
Narcissus said:
EA is only beaten by Valve in regards to poor customer service, blatant lies, deception, and lack of consideration for it's customer base.

Yeah , apparantly EA Games and Valve dont understand this New and Fantastic thing called - E-Mail
No - They only believe in $3.99 a minute phone calls to customer support :razz:
Speaking of Ico, (never played it but loved the looks of it) Have you seen Shadow of Collosus, I have the demo and its increadible. Challenging and beautiful, cant wait to buy it.
Narcissus said:
EA is only beaten by Valve in regards to poor customer service, blatant lies, deception, and lack of consideration for it's customer base.

Yeah, well that's just EA's business plan - they throw out tons and tons of mostly mediocre games, and just wait for other devs to advance the ingenuity of genre's so that they can keep producing cookie-cutter games. And, when they sell so many damn units, they don't really have to care if more than a few people wise up and get alienated along the way.
PrinceScamp said:
Sick. Just, sick. I think some castration is in order.

Your castration, I believe? As you surely cannot be suggesting to castrate someone from a company who makes games you don't like?

I'm irritated by you all. You really think games like NHL 0X, NBA 0X, NFS series and the likes are pure crap and should never have been made? And may I remind you that you don't have to buy these games? Before some smartguy comes along: no, you shouldn't even pirate them.

Don't buy them, buy a copy of Silent Storm or FlatOut or some other game from a european games company no one has ever heard of.
I think I have overuse the castration thing, I will stop. *builds a new vault to put ïmplements" inside of*.

I jsut do not like sports games, as I am not interested. I am still gonig to buy BF2 when i get a computer to handle it. Just because I don't like EA doesn't mean I am going to not buy their games IF (AS LONG AS) they are really good. And I generaly don't give a hippo's rear end about who made the game, as lnog as it is good. I don't care if it is made by a starving child in africa, a hobo in New York slums, a guy and his wife in Turkey, a small company in China, or a huge company in US of A.
To each his/her/its/other own.
Thingy Master said:
Speaking of Ico, (never played it but loved the looks of it) Have you seen Shadow of Collosus, I have the demo and its increadible. Challenging and beautiful, cant wait to buy it.

Yeah, I just played the demo yesterday and loved it. After spending 30 minutes trying to figure out how to kill the Colossus in the demo, I restarted my system... and watched the intro movie on the demo. It showed your character stabbing the colossus in the head. So, I got to thinking... perhaps I should climb UP the colossus and stab him in the head...?

So I did.

It was amazing. There's just so much satisfaction in killing something 100 times the size of your self, by using something that is only 1/2 the size of your self.
RJii said:
Don't buy them, buy a copy of Silent Storm or FlatOut or some other game from a european games company no one has ever heard of.

It is a bit off-topic ... I just wanted to mention that I have both Silent Storm and Flatout. :grin:

Anyways ... the reason I hate EA has nothing to do with the type of games that come through them ... but the lousy customer support, inability to answer questions, failure to actually include options in the game that were part of the game's selling point, etc ...

Yeah, I was suprised anyone posted here, and I was really surprised that conversation never took off about what I meant for it to, which is how M&B might be considered a scratchware game, and the implications of it. I mean, if this was going to end up an anti-anyone thread, I wouldn't have posted it in the M&B Discussion forum.

But, since it's so relevant, here is a direct link to the new thread I've created about the issue:

Discuss EA, Valve, Atari and Microsoft in there to your hearts' content, but please keep the topic here on M&B.

=$= Big J Money =$=
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