Making the party system better

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Some ideas that might be already in the work(I hope) that I don't know about.

1. We should be able to drag the party slots up or down, in order to place our slots in the order we want.

2. Right now if theire's 2 or more slots of party members among a freed prisoners group(that don't share a unit type with your party), you can only recruit them all or none at all. Which mean you need to have 2 or more empty party slots. Even if theire's only one slot, if your maximum limit of men doesn't allow you to recruit them all, you won't even be able to recruit one. So when you encounter a group of freed prisoners on the map, you should be able to pick them individually by going in the party window. Right now you only get the talking window with the picture of the character, where you can only decide Yes you want to have them(all of them if theire's room for all of them) join your group or No you don't want them join your group.

3. After a fight, our party members should be able to level up in the same window that we have to decide which prisoners we want to capture, and which new party members available(freed prisoners for example) we want to recruit. Because often, I wasn't sure which party members was gonna level, so I had to ignore all the new available men to recruit by quitting the window, then go in my party window, level my men, then go back to the freed prisoners. But then the problem #2 described above happens. But it's also a matter of saving time, once the problem #2 is resolved.
Agreed to a certain a degree.

It still represents how your character can deal(leadership and prisoner management) with different TYPES of people.

But I agree that it's not that important, when you look at the brainpain it gives.
Vog said:
Agreed to a certain a degree.

It still represents how your character can deal(leadership and prisoner management) with different TYPES of people.
True, but inter troop differences would be better reflected by a varying morale value, so if you have both swadian and vaegir troops, your party's morale would drop quite a bit unless you have a high leadership.

The slot system doesn't make a difference between having 2 mortal enemies or 2 troops of the same faction and a slightly different weaponry in the party.
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