making rivacheg like zendar?

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How would i go about making rivacheg have a town center??
I have tried using the unofficial Editor but failed at the attempt.
I know that you have to edit both the menu and scenes, i tried copying the same info from zendar menu but i can't seem to get it working. :cry:
starting with zendar as a base is a good idea, but what did you already could get to work? And where exactly is the problem for you?

Its not so hard to do what you want. You just have to change the jump_to_scene to your new scene and finished.
YA one of my problems was that i tryed changing the jump_to_scene but i didn't really know how.
my main problem is that the menu comes up each time when i don't want it to,nothing has visably changed.
You have to tick auto-enter (in the Unofficial Editor, I'm not sure for the Module System), then change the first menu choice (usually the castle, so it's scn_rivacheg_castle here) to scn_rivacheg_center.
Did you started a new game after you changed the things?
When you copied/created a new scene you have to go to rivacheg menu and hopefully already added the stuff from zendar there, then just use edit to change the scene from zendar to your new, or if you didnt assigned a scene just assign your new. (the new scene you made should be at the very bottom of the menu where you can select all scenes)
Learned a new thing! :wink: I just adviced it, because sometimes it is necessary and i dont know when it is and when it isnt. :roll:
-GandalfTheGrey said:
You have to tick auto-enter (in the Unofficial Editor, I'm not sure for the Module System), then change the first menu choice (usually the castle, so it's scn_rivacheg_castle here) to scn_rivacheg_center.

For the Module System you have to add the flag mnf_auto_enter in the 2nd field (i believe).
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