Making films in M&B

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Is there any free downloadable program thats possible to capture movies in M&B? I have seen someone posting his film, and I want to making a little too.
Fraps is the only thing that comes to mind atm. Should work, though you can only record upto 30 secs with the unregistered, and thus free, version.
It's possible that some of the older versions (pre 2.0 or so) don't have that restriction, but dunno where to find those.
I used GameCam which is good but there's no sound. Does anybody know a way to get around that (or another program)?
Ingolifs said:
By the way, if you're doing a movie, it might be of use knowing that when cheats are on, F9 will put the game into 'bullet time'.
I know it, you know-it-all-besserwisser
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