Making bridges by editing Map.txt

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*spicy* *camper*
People really looking to add bridges, sorry, this probably isn't what you're looking for.

I messed with Map.txt, changing the first value of the first 30 lines or so by switching it from negative to positive. The results were... well... interesting. Click the image below for a full screenshot:

The strange extrusion actually did act as a bridge, and as you can see my hero was able to walk out across it. None of this was quite what I was expecting. :lol:
Huh, wierd. I edited the original post a little while ago to add more, and it looks like the edit disappeared. :???:

Anyway, I tried increasing the second number on each line and it had a similar effect, but on the other axis (turned 90 degrees).
Editing the third number, on the other hand, yielded results closer to what I was originally expecting:

Notice my little guy on one of the peaks.

I'm pretty good at wasting time, eh? :roll:
LoL, all we need now is for someone to make an unofficial terrain editor :wink:

So, if you take it to a negative value it turns into water?
Lobos said:
LoL, all we need now is for someone to make an unofficial terrain editor :wink:

So, if you take it to a negative value it turns into water?
Yeah, a map/terrain editor would be nice. :smile:
An interesting point: all of the towns and spawn points are set in the script files, so you could move them around, change the names, and so forth in a mod.

It might make that place water by using a negative number, but I didn't try it so I dunno. You notice the space between the spikes though? All of the edited numbers were consecutive in the file, so making a lake or mountain is definitely more complicated.
Oh, and there were spikes made out of flowing water out in the ocean, too. :smile:
Several months ago someone made a program that allows you to view the map and the arena. Here's what he found out then:
Drago said:
I think I know what the manifests files are, (actually they're extremely simple), I'm just knocking together a quick sample to show them.

EDIT: ok, I was right with my thinking, they are just a simple mesh, the first number is the vertex count, then a list of them all.
after that is the face count, followed by.
TextureID, unkown, numVerts, vert,..vert+numVerts
1 0 3 2 3 1 equates to texture 1, ?, 3 verts, v1, v2, v3
1 0 4 2 3 1 5 equates to texture 1, ?, 4 verts, v1, v2, v3, v4

little test programs.
haha, helps if I give the link... :???:

meshviewer.exe loads up the Arena.
worldmap viewer.exe loads up the world map.

w,s,a,d move you
arrow left. arrow right rotate camera

q, and z move up and down.

these are quick tests, so the manifest files have to be in the default location.

ie C:razz:rogram FilesMount&BladeModsNative

oh, and Hi btw.
That would be cool if someone made one. :wink:

I've never gotten into 3D programming, so I'm not the one for the job.
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