making a weapon

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i made this code (mainly by using the copy button from different polearms then editing them). i started a new game, but i didnt seem to find it as a polearm, or a staff. if you could help i would be grateful

edit: i put the diff. down to 0 and did a build and still nothing

the code:
["genma_yari", "Genma_Yari", [("spear",0)], itp_type_polearm|itp_merchandise| itp_spear|itp_primary|itp_two_handed itc_staff, 300 , weight( 15)|difficulty( 2 ))|spd_rtng( 50 )| weapon_length( 180 )|swing_damage( 40 , cut ) | thrust_damage( 25 , pierce ) imodbits_polearm ],
I would love to help, TheDrunkenMoron ... but I haven't even had a chance to look at it yet.

Can anyone else help that might already have solved this? I'm useless, it seems. :razz:

well, a glaive code looks like this:
["glaive", "glaive", [("glaive",0)], itp_type_polearm|itp_merchandise| itp_spear|itp_primary|itp_two_handed, itc_staff, 320 , weight( 4.5 )|difficulty( 0 )|spd_rtng( 79 ) | weapon_length( 157 )|swing_damage( 33 , cut ) | thrust_damage( 17 , pierce ),imodbits_polearm ],

perhaps i have to add it to something else?
TheDrunkenMoron said:
the code:
["genma_yari", "Genma_Yari", [("spear",0)], itp_type_polearm|itp_merchandise| itp_spear|itp_primary|itp_two_handed itc_staff, 300 , weight( 15)|difficulty( 2 ))|spd_rtng( 50 )| weapon_length( 180 )|swing_damage( 40 , cut ) | thrust_damage( 25 , pierce ) imodbits_polearm ],
Looks like a comma is missing ("itp_two_handed itc_staff"), but not sure if that's all that's needed to make it show up. Might wanna double-check everything. I've just been messing with the arena a bit so far myself. :smile:
the ones with lines are separated by tabs. theres some other files i need to try (the item might be there but not in stores perhaps?) thanks regardless though
Just looking at the original Glaive line it has "itp_two_handed, itc_staff" while your edited line posted above has "itp_two_handed itc_staff" without the comma. That's what I was referring to. If that's not the case, nevermind, and good luck. :smile:
hmmmm... i think you may be right, i used itp_two_handed off of the glaive and itc_spear off of the boar spear (the model that was going to be used) but i switched it to itc_staff because i thought the spear would be thrust only, and didnt change it. i'll try that soon, thanks
sorry for the double post, but when i build the module's i get a line (i removed the spaces) :

File "C:\Program Files\Mount&Blade\Modules\Mod\ModuleSystem\",
line 208 ["genma_yari", "genma_yari", [("spear",0)], itp_type_polearm|itp_merchan
dise| itp_spear|itp_primary|itp_two_handed, itc_staff, 500 , weight( 15) |difficulty( 0 ))|spd_rtng( 50 )| weapon_length( 180
)|swing_damage( 40 , cut ) | thrust_damage( 25 ,
pierce ) imodbits_polearm ],

SyntaxError: Invalid Syntax
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