Making a mod. NEED HeLp very much..

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Hello  :smile:

News from our little mod :smile:
We are making progress--
So far, we have translatet most of the text (quests, game info are done) but still a bit to do still (dialog finish) ..
We are adding our own troop trees and kingdoms.. this what going on

Swadia = Kingdom of Zirania
Nords  = The orcs
Rodoks = The order of lars one-eye
Vargies= Elves
Knatht khan = Dark elves

Mod is without bloody horses :wink:

We going to keep it down on this one, cus we are making the mod as a tribute.. but thanks alot for all the help we have got so far.. thank you :smile:

Lunte, Andreas and Fiskerlord
[the momhoje mode] :smile:
Just use the edit mode. Edit the scenes you want to. If you want to make completly new towns, villages, and castles I would just delete all the scene props, plants, ect.

If you don't know how to enable edit mode:

1. Start M&B

2. Click configure

3. Click on the advanced tab and check the box with edit mode

4. For scene editing, go to any town, castle, or village and press ALT-Enter to bring M&B into windowed mode. This makes sure edit mode works properly. Then press Control-E to actually enter edit mode.

5. Start Editing 

Edited it. Thanks for pointing that out cdvader
wauw, thank you people :grin:

I think I'll start up making the mod for real, when my exsamens is passed.. just so I have good time for it.. also, I have huge problems with getting phyton to work.. have tryed allmost all there is to make it right, but not to use something called VIM or something like that.. anyone ho knows more about this? 

Thanks for help :wink:


P.S. I now know alot more about moddeling ( like useing the phython and so on, but I cant get it to reconice the program.. ( I might just get it to work later on :smile: ))
One warning is to back up the parties.txt file the map editor makes because the module system will overwrite it and moev around the towns you placed if you did that already
so what you say, is to make the map later on or just be aware of the faqt that it just might crash?

Also I have another thing that I need help to:
The mod is going to be without Horses (or any kind of mount) how do I do that?  just delete the files in the module_.. in module maker?

For the map, Id suggest you make your map and just dont change any towns. Once you are done with the module system, go do that. To remove horses, go into module_Items and delete all of the horses. You will also have to go into module troops and make sure that every troop doesnt have a horse because if 1 does, there will be an error.
one more question: how do I rotate óbjects in Edit mode?

... Anyone ho can tell me if there is some kind of "help" thing to use the "edit-mode" when ingame??  I dont know how to.. anyone??

And I just got the python to work so im making progress :grin: 

many many thanks :smile:

This is good info, thanks agian..

arrgh new error,

when I change the text in game menu in 'modulesystem' and I press build, there comes this error messeage.. what am I doing rong? / OR what shuld I do.. how do you guys do it?
okay now I am making some progress, BUT when I Press Build_module I get a syntex error.. 

Syntex error: invalid syntex.

Press any bloody key.. ffs..

anyone ho get same, or know what the **** I do rong??    -Im now desperate :S

Help ..''

you mean syntax...

You should post what line it's pointing to and the exact error.  most likely you forgot a ',' somewhere above that point...
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