Makerism - Custom Religion for PW RolePlay (RP)

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Here's the compilation of all things Makerism, to be used by anyone who wishes it for RP on PW (Warband).

What is Makerism?

Makerism is the core religion in the world of Calradia in most Warband roleplay servers.. It was first developed during the pre-server launch of Swadian: Role Play (later known as Warband: Role Play). In Makerism, the people of the lands serve a god that they call "The Maker". The religion is technically polytheist. Here's a quick summary of what Makerist believe in when it comes to the lore of Makerism.


The Lore

For since the beginning of time and all space that is known, there were the great and powerful Gods that ruled the Universe. How many Gods there are, that is not told. From certain texts, it seems there is predicted to be well over two dozen. In the Universe at the time, there was only darkness. To a human eye, it would be pitch black. Though for the Gods, they can see all, and the definition of "Light" did not exist. And that was true, until one of the Gods created the Sun, and with that, he created "Light". The Gods thought nothing of it, it's only a tiny spec in the entirety of the Universe that they ruled over. The creatures that lived throughout the Universe were created by the Gods, and only for the enjoyment of torture and jokes. The Gods were cruel, and there was no meaning of "humanity". Not until the God that created the Sun had decided to make his own planet, and on that planet he made hundreds of marvelous creatures. So many in fact, that the Gods became jealous of his creativity. And that jealously only grew when that God created humans. Now, at this time, humans had no rational thought. They were as wild as any of the other animals now living on this beautiful planet. This planet that now that God called his own; he had become "The Maker".

The Maker created such a planet to escape the harshness and cruelty of the other Gods. While not all were as terrible as some, none of them shared this new emotion that the Maker had discovered -- love. And soon after, the Gods could no longer contain themselves to see such a place of beauty in there darkness of disgust. War was declared on The Maker, and the Great War had started. Now, not all the Gods had chosen to fight the Maker, but many did. And while it would seem the Maker would be out numbered and quickly destroyed, that was not the case. For the Maker had a weapon that none of the Gods had thought useful. The Sun. And with the Sun, the Light that was produced gave immense power to the Maker. Though towards the end of the War, the Maker was losing. He had not enough Light to defeat the Gods. He had only enough left for one more strike. And so, the Maker looked down upon his planet and saw a curios event. The humans, who he created just as he created the other animals, had done something he did not expect -- tears. A dead human man lied under a stone, where rocks had collapsed from a hill, killing the man. Its mate sat next to him and upon a closer look, The Maker saw tears roll down her face. What was this? The tears felt so familiar to the Maker and at first he couldn't understand why. Then it hit him... it was the emotion of love once again. Love had found its way into his creations; into humans.

The Maker decided on what his last move was to end of the War with the Gods. He took the remaining Light from the Sun and put it inside humans. And immediately, humans gained intelligence and rational thought. They prospered like nothing ever seen before. Humanity was created, and with that full emotions. Ethical law echoed throughout the Universe, and the Gods looked upon in horror. For the Humanity was the opposite of what gave the Gods power. With the empowered humanity, Light blasted throughout the Universe. The stars were created by this blast, echoing Light to all that the Gods could touch. And with that, the Maker rose out of his home and fought one last time with the Gods. They stood no chance. The Gods were defeated, and the Maker vanquished them to "The Nothingness". A pocket in the Universe, that only the Maker may enter; a prison. The Maker created his home inside the Sun, where he resides to watch over his planet and humanity.


The Knowledge

The Knowledge, usually referred to as the "Old Book", is the grouping of texts that was originally written by worshipers of the Maker, most notably by Bishop Derzil uz Tef, founder of the First Order. Below are the first inscriptions, modernly titled "The Beginning".

The Beginning, Chapter I

Ere aught was made there were the gods, immortal and timeless, and all was darkness and void, for naught had been wrought by their hands. And there was time that had no counting, for there were none that counted the years and seasons, for there was no sun to mark the coming of day and no moon to mark the coming of night.

And the gods gathered in the darkness and in the void, and were sore displeased with the nothingness that they dwelt in, and they decreed that the world should be created; and it was so.

In the darkness and the void they laid the foundations of the world, and upon the world they laid the great waters that cover the face of the world, and in the great waters they made the fish and the great sea beasts and many other creatures, which go hither and thither where they will. But the gods gave the fish and the sea beasts no cunning and no gift of speech.

And out of the great waters they cast up stone and rock and thus formed the land, and they marked where the great waters may wash against the land; but it was barren and void. Therefore they put upon the foundations of the land dirt and mud, and upon there they strew seeds of many kinds; but naught would grow.

The gods were sorely vexed by the barrenness of the soil and drew over the world the great firmament, and they covered the firmament with clouds and caused them to weep upon the barren soil and upon the multitude of the seed. And thus the sky came to be; but naught would grow.

Then the gods put the golden sphere above the firmament, and thus the sun came to be. The sun gave its heat and light to the seed and the clouds that venture across the sky, and they blew upon the world so that the wind came to be, waxing and waning as it is wont to do. And the plants and the trees and the flowers would grow, and thus the soil would give its bounty of fruit and wheat and rye and root and all such things.

And to signify day and night the gods made the sun travel as the sky, rising in the east and setting in the west, and the gods put up another sphere to shine at night, and thus the moon and the day and the night came to be.

The gods then made the animals of all fashions and shapes, those that walk upon feet and hooves and paws, and those that fly in the sky and those that creep upon the soil, and also Man. But naught was gifted with cunning or the gift of speech, and all were as animals, mindless and driven by naught but to fill their bellies and feed upon one another.

And by the will of the gods Man was as the animals of the world, for the gods were crude and evil, and they knew naught of compassion and love. And the gods would gather upon the firmament above and sent plague and desolation upon the creatures of the world, for they took pleasure in the infliction of harm that they could wreak with their hands.

And no tongue could utter supplication for mercy and aid from the gods, for none had the gift of speech. So it went for time and times, and the gods were pleased.

The Beginning, Chapter II

When all was created the gods celebrated their work and took great pleasure in causing suffering and great desolation to all life that they had wrought with their hands.

And so it came to pass that a god and a goddess lay with each other under the sun that is above the firmament of the sky, for they were as drunk by their pleasure of their great and horrible deeds; and the goddess conceived and begat a child, and she gave the child a secret name known only by the gods, but to Man he is known as the Maker.

The Maker grew as the children of Man grow and when he had become of age, the gods took him to behold their work, which they had wrought with their hands, and they shewed him the desolation and the suffering of the animals and Man thereon. But the Maker was sorely moved in his heart, and his spirit was greatly vexed by the suffering of all life.

And the begotten god grew most wroth and turned his heart against his own, being displeased with how they treated all that which had been wrought by their hands, for in him dwelt love and compassion for life that the gods did not possess, and he spoke harshly unto them, saying,

Ye have wrought with your hands many great beauties and wonders that were not ere the world and all was made, for all was darkness and void; but ye know not in the vanity of your hearts that which ye do is evil. This shall not stand and must be undone.

But upon hearing this the gods were sorely in confusion, for they knew not of evil of which he spake, and they made their hearts as stone and hearkened him not. And they turned their back to him and acknowledged him not nor the wisdom of his words.

And the Maker thus turned in his heart against his own kin, being greatly moved by the desperate cries of all the beings, who without the gift of speech could naught but howl in their pain and anguish; and in his heart he swore to undo the great error and injustice that the gods had bestown upon all beings of the world.

The Beginning, Chapter III

The Maker did then make war upon the gods, being greatly displeased with their lack of love and compassion for all beings of their creation, and above the firmament of the world did a great battle ensue, and it tore holes in the nothingness and caused it to be filled with the small lights that is called the stars.

But the gods were too many and their strength unequalled, and the Maker could not prevail against them, and he fled before their might and hid in the great earth that was created; and the gods laughed in their vain pride and cursed him, for they knew not love or compassion.

And the Maker knew that he could not prevail against them and turned his mind to thinking, for he could not abide to the suffering of all life upon the world. Therefore he bided his time and turned his gaze upon the beings that walk upon the soil of the land that the gods did make.

And the Maker came to look upon Man, for he was not as the animals of the world, neither they that creep upon the dirt, nor they that fly in the air, nor they that swim in the great waters, nor they that walk upon hooves and paws.

Upon seeing Man the Maker perceived that Man could wreak things with his hands, and could walk upon the earth with grace and purpose, and bring change unto the world, which was filled with suffering and anguish when the gods would send plague and famine and many other great calamities,

For the Maker was sore displeased with the world and its fashion, and he was loathe to give sway to the might of the gods, and he desired more so to fashion the world after his thought.

When the Maker perceived this he spake in his heart, saying, Of all that walk upon the soil of the land, Man is different. I shall give Man what I have and re-make him in my likeness of thought. And from Man shall I draw the strength that may thwart and undo the strength of the gods, for against much good all that is evil cannot prevail.

And the Maker ventured forth to the sun, for he knew that its light was good, and from it he stole a portion of its glory in secrecy, for he knew he could not prevail against the gods. And from the sun he took a portion and speedily went his way, so that the gods would not know and in their wrath come against to do battle.

But they saw it not, and the design of the Maker would thus come to be.

The Maker descended upon the firmament of the sky and beheld Man that walked hither and thither in his anguish upon the soil of the land; and the Maker bequeathed unto Man and all his kin a portion of the light of the sun, which he had taken without the knowledge of the gods.

And with the blow of his mouth he sent a portion of the light of the sun into Man and his kin, and thus Man begat knowledge of good and evil; and in that light, which the Maker gifted unto Man came the soul that dwelleth in all Men.

The knowledge of good and evil gave also Man the gift of cunning and thought and choice, and with the birth of souls in all Men the Maker was greatly strengthened; thus he knew in his heart that his design had come to fruition and he would again make war upon the gods.

The Beginning, Chapter IV

The gods gathered then in the firmament of the sky, for they desired to wreak desolation upon all beings that dwell upon the soil of the earth and in the sky and in the great waters. And they wondered after Man when they beheld him, for he and his kin had now the gift of speech and of knowledge and cunning; and Man knew good and evil.

And they were greatly vexed and asked twixt each other who had done this, for they knew not who had done this.

The Maker came then again before them and spake unto them, saying, Behold my work and my design, for I have taken the light of the sun and gifted it unto Men; they are not as the beasts of the soil that dwell upon the land and the sky and the sea, and they shall rise to dominion of the world and divide it amongst themselves; and they shall know good and evil, right and wrong, and love and compassion.

And they shall remake the world so that it shall be no longer a place that ye shall smite with plague and desolation and famine and calamity. Thus have I spoken and thus have I done.

The gods wondered after the Maker and cried out in great uproar, for they were sorely vexed with the designs of the Maker and his deed. And they rose in their might to wage war upon him, for they were many and he but one.

Yet with all their great numbers and all their might they could not stand before him, for from Man the Maker drew strength as they had understood what he had wrought and had turned their hearts unto him.

And with his new strength he smote the gods and overcame them, and he bound them with his might so that they would have no power of him and over their creation. The Maker took the gods and went forth to the Dark Abyss, which lieth where no Man can go, for it is beyond the darkness and the void and the world and the firmament of the sky.

And in the Dark Abyss he cast them down and he banished them to that place for all time, so that they might never return to wage war upon him and smite the world with their many and cruel calamities from which they took great pleasure. The gods may thus never return from the Dark Abyss for in it is nothing as it is nothing, a place immaterial and beyond the power of Man.

Thus were the old gods driven from the world and Man was given dominion over the world and all that walketh upon the soil of the land.

The Beginning, Chapter V

The Maker then returned to the world and beheld what he had done, and he was greatly pleased, but gave not the gift of the light of the sun to any save Man, and he decreed that all offspring of Man and his kin should be receive what he had bequeathed unto Man. That was his covenant and eternal promise.

And he spake, saying, Let Man rise to dominion as I have desired, and let him rule over the soil of the land and over the animals that dwell there, but the great waters shall he not rule, for they shall for ever serve as remembrance when all was chaos and in turmoil,

And when the gods sought to undo my designs and my desire. But from its bounty they shall find meat of fish and all other beasts that dwell therein. And from the animals that walk upon the soil of the land, and from the fowl that flieth under the firmament of the sky, and from the fruit of the trees and the fields shall he and his kin draw sustenance and be satisfied.

Yet shall Man and his kin toil as I have toiled, and shall for a season gather the fruit of the trees and the field, and in his abode shall he store it for the season that naught shall grow, for there was a time where naught was made.

And the Maker made the seasons where Man should sow seeds upon the field, and reap the harvest ere the coming of the season where naught would grow. And the Maker caused the animals to find their meat of the soil and the meat of their quarry, but he gave them no cunning or gift of speech.

And the Maker spake, saying, I shall bequeath unto Man another gift that if he in the span of his life walketh my way and doeth my will, and he shall gain entrance to the Field, which I shall make as a place for Men that seek to do right and good. And in the Field they shall be as I am and think as I am, for they shall have my thoughts as I had Man in mine.

But woe unto him that walketh not upon my path, for the light that he shall be gifted shall fade away into nothingness, and he shall be as though he never was, nor shall he ever be again, and the world shall never see his likeness or hear his voice again.

Life After Death

It is told in the "Old Book", that when one dies, he/she is either sent to the "Field" or the "Nothingness" (or Abyss, which is the modern term). This is determined by ones Light and if it is still lit after ones death. The Light that the Maker put into humans is able to be destroyed if one goes against the will and laws of the Maker.

The Field
The Field is the entrance to where the Maker lives, i.e. the Sun. It is said that once death occurs, if ones Light is still bright, he/she appears on an open field. Green, knee high grass as far as the eye can see, rolling hills in the distance, the smell of nature all around. A voice calls to him/her to walk in a certain direction. And when the time is ready, a waterfall appears. The water falls from the clouds above, and disappears into the grass, as if it's not there. All he/she must do is walk through the waterfall, and the Maker waits on the other side. What type of life it is once with the Maker? No one knows for certain, yet many philosophers and essayists have speculated.

The Abyss (Nothingness)

If upon death, ones Light is either out or diminished enough, then he/she does not arrive at the Field after death, but is sent directly to the Abyss (Nothingness). This is the same pocket in the Universe where the Old Gods (the ones that the Maker vanquished) reside. No information is ever revealed about the Abyss, but knowing the Old Gods reside in such a place, those humans that technically led to their imprisonment, will surely be tortured and stripped of their humanity.


History of the Factions of Makerism

Below is the history of Makerism throughout the centuries in Calradia.

Years 30-170

The earliest faction of Makerism was founded around the year 30. The current Church of the Maker and fellow historians’ refer to it as “The First Order of Makerism” (or simply First Order), though the original name that was used was “Makerist Order”. The First Order was founded by Bishop Derzil uz Tef, who is considered the first Bishop of Makerism and a revered religious icon by many. In the early years at this time, the current lands were spread among small factions and tribes. The First Order was founded on the very basis of Makerism. Bishop Derzil led the Order with the use of the original text of the “Old Book”, which tells of the great war between the Maker and the Old Gods and how humans came to be. Makerism spread slowly through the lands for the next 150 years, with the First Order surviving until its collapse in the year 170. This was due to the invasion of foreign peoples, from the South East. The Order fell apart after the burning of the city Derzil (named after the founder Bishop). Religious turmoil would sweep through the lands for the next 30 years.

Years 200-635

Around the year 200, the Religious Order of Calradia (or simply Religious Order) was formed under Bishop Wej Adia. The Religious Order was able to form because of the “Great Meeting”, which was led by Bishop Wej and 26 other Bishops and Monks from around Calradia. The current state of the land was in distress for three generations after the fall of the First Order. Though at the Great Meeting, new religious laws were written down. A strategy was created between the 27 religious men to reunite the land under the Maker. After the meeting, each man traveled back to his home town and it began. Within 5 years, the turmoil was over. Large factions began to form, all under the religious laws of the Maker. It is unclear exactly on what happened in those years, of what strategy was used but it had worked in the way Bishop Wej had hoped. There were 4 major factions in Calradia; the Rufgren Faction in the North, the Hulteenia Faction in the West, the Visduls in the South, and the Xatre Faction in the East. And at the center of these factions was the capitol of the Religious Order, led first by Bishop Wej. The lands were mostly in peace for over 400 years. Though eventually, cultist rose up in rebellion against the teachings of the Religious Order. They worshiped the Old Gods, and believed that the Order was spreading lies into the people. Handled at first, around the year 633, the rebellion sprawled out of control, leading to a massive civil war in the four factions. Lasting a mere 2 years, the Religious Order of Calradia fell to the Old God believers. And with the Religious Order fallen, the four factions quickly fell apart. The land was once again in despair.

Years 921-Present

Makerism would not set again as the major religion in Calardia for another 455 years. The reason being of the formation of the Calradic Empire [see the history on this in “The Rise of the Calradic Empire”]. Makerism was oppressed by the Empire for the entirety of their rein, until after the Empire fell in the year 921. While Makerism wasn’t the major religion in Calradia even after the fall, it was slowly rejuvenating itself in the lands of Vlandia for the next 100 years or so. Around the year 1078, the current factions had developed – the Kingdom of Swadia, the Kingdom of Rhodok, the Kingdom of Nords, the Kingdom of Vaegirs, the Sarranid Sultanate, and the Khergit Khanate. And at this time, Makerism was popping up all throughout the Northern and Southern lands, usually around the Swadia and Rhodok territories, with different forms taking rise in the other factions, yet minor. In the year 1090, the Church of the Maker was formed by High Warden Robert Osher. The Church of the Maker is the current religious order in Calradia and conducts all religious matters concerning Makerism. Though unlike the previous orders, this new order would bring rise to not only Makerism, but different Knightly and Holy Orders, which were created separately over the next 200 years to address troubling times and hardships of war, poverty, and disease. At the present time, Makerism is a powerful religion in Calradia but is threatened by neighboring religions in the North East from the Barbaric Nords to the worshipers of the Old Gods that threatened once again to unravel the fabric of Makerism.


Writings and Sermons on Makerism

Below are quotes from texts and sermons delivered by various Bishops, Monks, Priests, and Philosophers throughout the history of Makerism. More are being recovered all the time and added to this index.

“I have spent many a nights thinking on such things as the texts of the “Old Book”. Where the Maker once fought and defeated the Gods of Ancient with the enlightening of man and woman. The texts are written in such form that they must be carefully analyzed to let known the proper meaning. I think it is best to agree that the texts are there for a history of the Maker, while the wishes of the Maker, while found briefly throughout, is interpreted throughout the bishops and abbots that devote themselves to our Maker. How does one know he is being spoken to by the Maker? And how do the people believe such a man who says such things? It is the divine trust; as unnerving as that may seem. The Maker would never allow a man to lie his way through to the top of the Church. For his light, as told by the Maker, would diminish and quickly go out. We, as the children of Calradia, must put our trust, our light essence, into those who learn and talk to the Maker. For only then can we know what the Maker wishes from us, and then peace may be over the lands.”
- Exert from “Those Who Religion Leads” text by Abbot Rimnal
Year 550

“It is best to pray to the Maker at least twice a day. I say this from the Maker’s words have spoken to me. It matters not when during the day, but it must be after the Maker’s light rises and it must be before his light retreats into sleep. I suggest to all peoples that prayer occurs once after one awakens and once after the evening meal. This assures that both prayers happen within the appropriate times of the day.”
- Exert from “The Maker and Prayers” text by Bishop Ferd
Year 230

“The lights within us are fragile! Forget not, my fellow man! With one gust of evil, that light can be blown out and one left with nothing but darkness! The Maker believed in us, the people of this world. He saw something in us that no other living creatures encompassed! He gave us the Light! And with the Light, comes the ability to be one with the Maker. For without the Maker, the Old Gods would arise once more and bring upon darkness and torture upon these lands. The wounds of the war can be seen, as told in the “Old Book”; the stars are only the war scars in the great above! Good people, follow the “Old Book” and the teachings of your fellow religious leaders! The Maker is love, but one must not forget that the Maker FOUGHT in a war with the Old Gods, and so he knows violence. And I assure you all, one does not wish to see the Maker of how he was!”
- Sermon Spoken in City of Lvennkhal by Abbot Achaner
Year 1254

“While walking through the streets of Praven, I came upon a curious poster. It seems there have been men and women worshiping the Old Gods; the very same evils that the Maker fought which is told in the “Old Book”. I was more than just concerned when I read this, but angry. The texts, which the Religious Order of Calradia [200-635] has translated, clearly tells of the story between the Maker and the Old Gods. I do not understand how such worships of evil could have begun. It saddens me to think that the Light in these select few have been dimmed so small or even completely vanished. My only hope, and I pray to thee Maker, that these cultists are tried by the Church as soon as possible.
- Exert from “Personal Journal” by Monk Liferven
Year 478

“The King or The Maker? That is the question men come to me and ask. There has been war in the lands of Calardia between Makerism factions, and to this I must disgrace. While, no matter where in the world one is, he owes his Light to the Maker. Though for the time being, we must address those men who reside in the lands of Believers. The greatest two of these factions, for which I live in great city of Uxhal, is the Kingdom of Rhodoks and the Kingdom of Swadia. Both factions of the Maker; yet both factions of war. It is time that the two Kings of these lands come together in peace. To not fight fellow Believers, but to perhaps fight, if necessary, unbelievers in foreign lands. I do hope, that in the near future, there comes laws that are put in place by the Church of the Maker [1090-Present] that stops such fighting. I shall meet with my fellow clergymen about this issue.”
- Exert from “Trials of Makerism” by Bishop Nerto
Year 1257

"People of the land, the light has come. Stand not the stains of woes that have crept upon the land as darkness does upon the ebbing candle. Stand now with us as we rekindle the fires of The Makers Light! To cast down the moral decay that seeks to rule the hearts of the pious believer and be renewed in everlasting glory! We shall not stand still at the turning tide, we brace ourselves upon the wind and spite fury with our cry for righteous justice!"
"Do away with your self made hesitation! The heart of the pious must be as solid as a rock! Our core unflinching!
We must be assured of our set course. No question of our beliefs, our values.
To bring upon ourselves self doubt will shake the foundations we are built atop! The answers are as straight as an arrow!
The course is clear! Towards the light we go!"
- Sermon Spoken in Riversdale by High Priest Herr
Year 1258



Modern Makerism

Makerism had began to take on a different approach starting in 1257, with what historians call "The Revision". Below is the exert explaining.

The Revision of Makerism, 1257

Disease had spread itself over mainland Calradia many years ago, the Summer Dread, it was called. Many small folk had succumbed to the disease, whilst the nobles of Calradia remained healthy and constantly feasting in their halls and even with the disease rampant, the royalty of Calradia still declared war upon one another, sending dying lads to meet the Maker sooner. One Silus Gottschalk, an abbot at a monastery located in the Rhodokian hills near Uxhal had made note of his thoughts. "The lowborn come to the monastery every day sick and dying, and no efforts are brought forth by the nobles of the land to help them. In the end we are all the Maker's children, and no one is above his judgement." The numerous scrolls had been lost when the disease spread, Silus Gottschalk losing his own life to the disease. Now, his scrolls had been discovered, and expanded upon by Bishop Heinrich of Uxhal, who noticed familiar trends as Silus did in his time.

However Bishop Heinrich added much and more to the existing teachings of Silus Gottschalk. Not only were noblemen nonexempt from the Maker's judgement, but so too were the unbelievers. "Nords, Vaegirs, Sarranids, Khergits... all of them who don't believe in the Maker shall wallow in the Maker's judgement, in this life or the next." His ideas, spreading across Swadian land, mostly due to the current war with the Rhodoks, from the Bishop Heinrich's teachings it brought small folk together in saying that Makerists fighting fellow Makerists is unholy. The religious movement grew, and grew gaining power amidst the theocracy. until finally the current Serena Pontifex: Urban IV was one of these Revisionists.

The Fifteen Turns

The Fifteen Turns are a collection of both the Lazloian Turns of Pravenite Makerism as well as the new Silus-Heinrich Turns. Both of which are to be held as law throughout Makerist kingdoms.




Holy Orders were then put into effect by the Church of the Maker. They are listed below.

Non Combatant Holy Orders 


The Order of the Lion - Retains much of the same duties as in Pravenite Makerism, dealing with the dead that were diseased, as well as becoming the best surgeons in the land. However with the Revision, the Order of the Lion also extends itself to travelling missionaries into isolated Khergit and Sarranid lands. 


The Order of Silence - Before known as the Order of Rejection, the Order of Silence is mostly found in monasteries, living out their lives in a sacred vow of silence in hopes of connecting with the Maker. Only those on the Circle of Tongues may speak, but only in private to each other unless on St. Lazlo's Day, in which they will provide sermons. 


The Order of the Quill - The Order of the Quill's purpose is to obtain knowledge, and spread it throughout Makerist lands. The order has founded numerous universities throughout Calradia, and most notably the University of Praven. Their lives are dedicated to understanding this world the Maker has created for us. It is also not uncommon for relatives of wealthy merchants or even noble men to join the order. 

Holy Combatant and Knightly Orders


During the Summer Dread many members of the Swords and Crosses Order were victim to the disease, and the Makerist Nations were in a weakened state. Raids from unbelievers into Swadian and Rhodok territory was commonplace, and only with the rise of Revisionists and Serena Pontifix Urban IV could new militant orders be installed throughout the Maker's kingdom.


The Order of Saint Silus - Comprised of lowborn men who have proved themselves in battle, the Order of Saint Silus is the most common order amongst the Rhodok and Swadian lands. They protect small villages, monasteries, and travelers on the road. Sometimes they assist caravans within the holy kingdoms. They have set up a headquarters in the same monastery Silus Gottschalk lived in. 


The Order of the Shield - Operating in the outermost borders and fringe locations of the Maker's influence, the Order of the Shield is the front line against any heretics that wish to attack Swadia or the Rhodoks. Most of their force is concentrated along the Swadian/Nord and Swadian/Khergit borders, however some have been seen near the Swadian/Vaegir border, which raises suspicions among certain peoples. 


The Knights of Retribution - Founded during the Sarranian push into Rhodok lands, this Order has had a great deal of experience fighting in the hot deserts. It is rumored that they were the perpetrators of the massacre at Ayn Asuadi, however the Masters of the order claim it was a group of renegade knights. It is seen as a right of passage for noble men around the Jamiche region to join this Knightly order. 


The Order of the Cross - This once proud holy order is not as grand as it once was, now only serving as the holy force protecting the Serena Pontifex in Praven. It is still a great honor to serve the order, one in which the Serena Pontifex himself is the sole Master of. Choosing of those in the Order is highly selective, usually consisting of high ranking members of other orders. 


The Knights of Saint Lazlo - The most well respected and renowned knightly order, the Knights of Saint Lazlo have a chapter in every province of the Makerist land, even a chapter in Curaw. Most if not all of the members of this order are from noble lines, even second born princes were known to join the order. They are often part of Lord's courts, but their allegiance lies with that of the Bishop of the province they're assigned to. During the Sarrian push into Rhodok and Swadian lands, it was a knight of Saint Lazlo that snuck into Ahmerrad to free Duke Raynold Matheas of Veluca. 

Soon after the Orders were put into effect, to maintain the power of the Church in Makerist lands, Excommunication and The Factorem Syndicate, a newly formed secret organization, was created. Never before seen in Calradia.


"Let it be known that those who do not follow the Old Turns and the New are subject to feel the Maker's wroth upon them, for it is all Makerists' right to adhere to the holy texts as written! That is why I have granted Arch Bishop's the authority to excommunicate noble lords who have shunned the Maker and his word!" - Serena Pontifex Urban IV on St. Lazlo's Day, 1258.

Excommunication is the price a noble lord or lady would have to pay for not following the Makerist laws. They are removed from the church entirely and seen as open heretics. Excommunicated lords could however pay to enter the church yet again, but the price depends on the severity of their crimes against Makerdom. Any excommunicated lord is subject to lose his lands and titles, and even his life if he refuses to repent his sin to the Arch Bishop who excommunicated him.


The Factorem Syndicate

With the news of heresy spreading through the lands, the various Knightly Orders of The Church have been hard at work keeping religious peace among the various lands. To help in the effort, a newly formed organization had been formed. This organization, known as “The Factorem Syndicate” (formed in 125:cool:, has the purpose of assisting local Monasteries with restoring and keeping power in the lands. They are tasked with securing influential positions in various factions, keeping the Church informed while doing so, and informing the Knightly Orders when they have discovered a possible heathen or threat to the Church. There are very few members throughout the entire organization, with one or two per region in some cases. These members are known only by the Bishop of the assigned Monastery and his close advisers, along with the Knight Commander of the residing Order. Each member carries a ring to show their membership, usually placed upon their right index finger. The rings are made up of circular onyx jewels, with amber etched along the sides.

The Factorem Syndicate follows special laws set out by the High Pontifex himself. Their methods for achieving their goals can be questionable at times, though they receive full pardons on any action they take (as long as it benefits in the survival of the Church of the Maker). What effects The Factorem Syndicate will have in the world of Calradia is yet to be determined.


Credit to Mouselord and Karling for the Revision***
The Three Makerist Nations

As told in the “History of the Factions of Makerism”, around the year 1078, the current Makerist factions had formed.

Swadian & Rhodokian (Core Makerism)
With the formation of the Church of the Maker in 1090, the Swadian and Rhodokian lands had become the major Makerist lands in accordance with the Church, Veluca and Praven becoming the two major Makerist cities. Though unlike previous Church orders of the past (First Order [year 30], Religious Order of Makerism [year 200]), this new Church set itself apart by inducting new laws and religious guidelines. The Church of the Maker determined that in order to bring peace in Calradia, it must assert itself as the highest order. The Church is considered the core Makerism order in the lands.

Vaegir (Orthodox Makerism)
When the Vaegir Kingdom encompassed all Vaegir majority populated lands, Makerism had started getting a strong following. Missionaries and frontier churches had been formed while priests and bishops had been invited by boyars to talk more about this new age religion. By the year 1100, a large portion of the population and high nobility had been converted peacefully into Makerism and in 1105, the formation of the Primeval Orthodox Church was created. Though there were still conservative heartland settlements and villages who kept to the old ways (read “The Historic Vaegir Traditions” for more information).

Orthodox Makerism as its known has a different facet to it than traditional Makerism. It is practiced with the mixture of the known Makerist Scriptures (considerably the “Old Book”) and Turns while also adding the traditions and ancestral rites that Early Vaegirs have been using since their cultures dawn. Orthodox Vaegirs believe The Maker created the world and weaved a web for man, as written, but has since left. Thus it is possible for a mortal to overcome destiny and achieve his own path, a notion that owes itself to the old pagan beliefs about destiny of the Early Vaegirs. They accept Lazlo’s good Turns but reject his divinity. The Orthodox Makerists do not believe in strict Makerism but instead accept lax Makerism in which each man is given a destiny at birth but all the most strongest of destiny’s could be ignored and forgotten. A man could change his fate.

Some traditions of early Vaegirs have been passed down and incorporated into Makerism, such as burial. Vaegirs who have died from sickness, old age, accident, etc. are buried in accordance with Makerism. Those who have died in battle, raid or execution are burned in a traditional pyre along with any of their dead comrades and superiors called a "Tyre", usually presiding over such cremation is a priest of Orthodox Makerism, who is also versed in traditional Vaegir beliefs and rites.

The Relationship Between the Core and Orthodox

The Church of the Maker and the Primeval Orthodox Church have a surprising healthy relationship. While they have their differences, and arguments do break out, the two Churches have mostly agreed that their efforts must be spent on converting the entirety of Calradia, making their top priority the Nordic peoples, who worship the Old Gods that the Maker vanquished. It is uncertain whether this relationship will last between the two Churches, though it is against the New Turns to wage war against fellow Makerist nations, for which the Swadians, Rhodokians, and Vaegirs are indeed Makerist.


The Church of the Maker (1090 - ) 
Core Makerism

“In the year 1090, the Church of the Maker was formed by High Warden Robert Osher. The Church of the Maker is the current religious order in Calradia and conducts all religious matters concerning Makerism. Though unlike the previous orders, this new order would bring rise to not only Makerism, but different Knightly and Holy Orders, which were created separately over the next 200 years to address troubling times and hardships of war, poverty, and disease” (exert from “History of the Factions of Makerism”). The Church of the Core Makerist lands is organized through a hierarchy. Below is the structure of the Church of the Maker, along with each position and organization.

Note: When “Makerist” or any form of identifying “Makerism” is referred to in the follow parchments, it is describing Core Makerism as recognized by the Church of the Maker, not to be confused with Orthodox Makerism, unless otherwise stated.

High Pontifex

The Pontifex is the spiritual leader of the people, becoming the voice of the Maker. He oversees the Church throughout the Makerist lands, maintaining faith and order. Makerist view the Pontifex with great respect and passion, many traveling long distances to catch a glimpse of the leader. He primarily works and stays in the Makerist and Swadian city of Praven, though occasionally travels to the sister city of Veluca in the Rhodokian lands. The Pontifex may serve until death, with him alone choosing the succeeding Pontifex. He may change his successor every 12 months, on the first day of the new year. Normally, a Bishop (or the Grand Kai) is chosen, though the only requirement to be chosen is that the man must be Makerist. 

Grand Kai 

The Grand Kai, usually referred to as only Kai, is the right hand to the Pontifex. His tasks are to accomplish and proceed in all that the Pontifex cannot. He is who the Pontfiex seeks advice and council from, confining in the Kai in all Church matters. It is normal that the Kai is as informed or if more of the state of the Church then the Pontifex. His duties primarily fall under dealing with internal struggles between Makerist Churches in the outer lands of Makerist territories. While the Pontifex deals more with the issues within Makerist lands, the Kai often travels to bordering lands such as the heated territories where Core Makerist and Orthodox Makerist collide, along with the borders of Swadian and Nordic lands, where Old God heresy beholds. His duty also lies in conversing with local Swadian and Rhodokian lords, assuring they are true Makerist and follow in his Light, abiding by all laws set out by the Church. The Grand Kai is voted in by the Council.

The Bishops

Bishops are the religious voice for the Makerist faith. Bishops are usually found in Praven and Veluca, residing to decide on religious laws and actions. While the number of Bishops fluctuates each year, it is common for there to be a minimum of 65 Bishops, each representing a village/town/city/castle in the Makerist lands. It is important to note that not all Bishops follow the same duties as others. While most spend their time in the Council voting on religious matters to better help the Makerist state, some are assigned (by the Kai most often) to other meaningful tasks, such as border disputes, foreign affairs, traveling to other cities, and much more. Bishops are chosen by individual Makerist provinces, though the Pontifex may pick and choose if he wishes. 

The Council 

All Bishops are members of the Council, a large congregation that meets every day to discuss religious issues that arise in the lands. Bishops are not required to attend the Council meetings, though it is highly frowned upon unless a proper excess is had, such as traveling to other Makerist provinces. The Kai oversees the Council, and has the power to decline any decision the Council makes, though it is rare to do so. The Council decides on all matters that the Pontifex sees as issues, such as religious laws, interpretation of Makerist texts, disputes between Makerism and other non-Makerist religions, excommunication request (that the Pontifex is unsure of the decision), tasks that Churches/Monasteries should perform, and the list goes on depending on what problem arises. 

High Wardens

The High Wardens are the eyes, ears, and voice of the Church of the Maker. Every Church, Monastery, and religious province has a High Warden stationed there to oversee and run the site. It is the duty of High Wardens to make sure the site is ran in accordance to the Church, abiding by the laws carefully. They also act as diplomats between the Church and the other provinces around the location, such as the local lord(s). High Wardens report to the Council once a week through letter, primarily advising the current situation of the lands and seeking help if any problems arise. High Wardens are picked by the Council, unless otherwise overruled by the Kai or Pontifex. 

The Holy Orders

It is to be clear that the Church of the Maker controls and oversees the various Non-Combatant and Knightly Orders of Makerism. 

Order of the Lion, Silence, and the Quill

These three non-combatant orders operate as any church/monastery would in a normal circumstance. While each has a main chamber in Praven, they act independently and meet occasionally when needed. To note, the Quill does meet more regularly do to their continuing study of the Makerist texts. 

Order of Saint Silus, Shield, Retribution, Cross, and Saint Lazlo

The five Knightly orders operate much more militarized then the non-combatant. Each order is stationed in different parts of Calradia – Saint Silus in Uxhal, the Shield in all major city borders between Swadian/Rhodokian and Nordica/Khergit, Retribution on the borders with the Sarranids, Saint Lazlo mainly stationed between the borders of Swadia and Vaegir (Orthodox Makerism), and the Cross stationed in Praven (the personal guard of the Pontifex and Kai). Each order has a missionary that’s sole purpose is to advise the Council of the orders current situation. The Church controls the five orders, but it does not order them unless the need severely arises. It is common for a few of the Orders (such as the Shield and Retribution) to do actions not condoned by the Church, yet the punishments are very light and most goes unnoticed. 


The Primeval Orthodox Church (1105 - ) 
Orthodox Makerism


Credit to Red for Vaegir***
Froi said:
But legit dude this is kind of depressing.  Get a life or somtin 4 real.
My life consists of working on film productions for almost the entirety of the week. When I do have free time, I spend it playing games and writing. All this Makerism lore has been in the works for over 6 years, with me contributing sparsely over those years. It's just a fictional religion (I guess that's contradicting) to be used for RP for Warband. Though thank you for the advice  :smile:
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