Make/drstroy towns/castles/villages etc.

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Well, i searched high and low for this kinda stuff and came up with diddaly squat, so here you go.

It's nice having all those castles, towns, cities and roaming armies for you to kill, raid and capture.... but why not have the ability to actualy destroy the village/town/castle?  It would be much more entertaining to whipe out a faction by compleatly anialating everything with theyre colours, or even just destroy one or two castles/villages just to get them out your way, why go round when u can bulldoze anything in your path?.

On the same note, the ability ro create your own towns/castles/villages would be of greate help.  After all, destroying everything and having nothign but a clear map wouldint be much fun after a while.  So far, i've seen mods that allow you to start your own faction and Native allows you to create your own renegade faction.  With these youre only using the pre-made castles and towns etc.  It would be alot more fun and add to the game play if you could create your own village and start your own faction from there.  It would be much better tha having to fight off every faction just because you wanted to go out on your own.

So yeah... i'll give you a basic rundown of my rant.

1: Ability to destroy villages, towns and/or castles.  This would requiere the implamentation of some form of siege weapon.  well, basicly adding another choice when you siege a castle.

2: Ability to create Villages, towns and/or castles.  This, again, would requiere the implamentation of some form of player controled caravan, or an extra option in the set up camp options.

3: Get rid of that annoying "You have no king so we'r all going to munt you" feature.  Crownless nations were never picked on THAT much.  just shunned.  I'll add stuff for this in another post, it'l take alot of typing, cba atm.

4: Just because i can, im going to sugest the naming your own faction again.  just to make sure you guys dont forget about it ^.^

Anyway, feel free to flame me for my "speeling eroors", stupidity, repetition or any other stupid reason (i find flame posts entertaining).  Or alternativly, post somthing helpful... like pointing out errors in my idea (baring in mind i dont expect this to even be thaught over.  im just bored an thaught it would be nifty... also ties in with stuff i posted in another forum.... but i digress), or just a "your awsome" will do ^.^

- Drako
Drako said:
Anyway, feel free to flame me for my "speeling eroors", stupidity, repetition or any other stupid reason (i find flame posts entertaining).  Or alternativly, post somthing helpful... like pointing out errors in my idea (baring in mind i dont expect this to even be thaught over.  im just bored an thaught it would be nifty... also ties in with stuff i posted in another forum.... but i digress), or just a "your awsome" will do ^.^

- Drako


i thought I saw a building mod. I may have been wrong. I still don't think cities should totally be removed, there should just be a little bit of rubble that gets rebuilt over a long period of time.

omigoodness you are the mostest awesomenest person ever!!!  :lol:
A Random Person said:
omigoodness you are the mostest awesomenest person ever!!!  :lol:

Good to see my serf's appreciating theyre lord....  carry on lad.

Anyway, i thought i saw one too, went looking and couldint find it.  The search function was useless, came up with every post with the word's tow, village or castle in them >.<

Moronic said:
First it would be really hard to do. So no.

Dont be such a kill joy.  I did say i didint expect it to be even thought over.  I just thought it was a spiffing idea, so i posted it to see what people think.  no doubt someone will make a mod of it eventualy.  always happens.
get the custom settlement mod from the cartographers guild. you can build your own towns in it. it is all preset on the map, but it's a little like what your suggesting. then again try and make your own mod of this idea.
DamienZharkoff said:
Making a game is hard. Seems that didn't turn them off from making a decent (Not great) game either  :roll:

Who says it's not great? It's unfinished, so lacks the "oomph" of other, bigger companies who don't release their beta versions. But all this player support is helping to shape M&B into the best that it can be.

The way I see it, building and destroying settlements is possible. Destroying them, of course, just replaces them on the world and 1:1 map with ruins, or in the case of a village, wipes it away entirely. For constructing them, they'd have to be a certain distance away from other settlements of the same type, and cost a certain amount of gold and/or building materials. If all those conditions are met, it would generate a settlement based on a few variables like the style of the architecture and the balance between strength of the fortification and the taxes that it yields.

^^of course that could all be a steaming pile of horse poo because I know little about programming and if it's possible within the game's engine. But if it is possible, it's a huge bonus to the feeling of influencing the game world the player feels when he looks over the kingdom that he built with the resources he earned from battle and fair trade.
RSwordsman said:
DamienZharkoff said:
Making a game is hard. Seems that didn't turn them off from making a decent (Not great) game either  :roll:

Who says it's not great? It's unfinished, so lacks the "oomph" of other, bigger companies who don't release their beta versions. But all this player support is helping to shape M&B into the best that it can be.
Sorry toots. Beta is over. And the game is still unfinished.
RSwordsman said:
DamienZharkoff said:
Sorry toots. Beta is over. And the game is still unfinished.

So what would you call it if it's not a beta but it's still unfinished, a gamma version?
I call it half baked.

The combat is well baked.

Everything else is undercooked.
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