Main quest sucks. A bugged chore that makes no sense.

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Since day one I've been trying to do the main quest but to no avail.
From day one, it's been crash or bug that has left me unable to complete it... Yes, it's EA but if it's not ready, remove it from the game.
With patch 1.1.0, it still crashes.

The concept of the quest is so dumb anyway:

"Hey, you need to save your siblings, it's urgent! Now, go fetch the magical banner!

"Did you know about Neretze's Folly? Me neither bro. Lucon might know something. Too bad he's imprisoned now, so I guess your siblings will have to wait =("

Nobody here gives a flying **** about "Literally Who's" Folly. What a chore.

Give me a choice of where to start.
Give me back "the rasp of a blade sliding from its scabbard". Simple, fun and OPTIONAL.
I like the idea of there being a main quest and I like the idea of finding out more lore/history. But there are some major issues.

1. A core gameplay feature like kingdom creation should not be linked to the main story. Now, setting up your own faction in the context of the story CAN be cool but -- there needs to be an alternative. Main quest + tier 3 clan OR sandbox with higher tier requirement, say, tier 5 and you can skip the main story? That would please everyone I think.

2. The main story needs to be fun, not a chore. I love the idea of the story explaining why my character becomes important enough to form their own kingdom or their own branch of the Empire. However, as currently implemented, it's just not fun. Running around chasing characters? Bah.
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