Resolved Main character children not inheriting any traits

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Version number
Xbox Series X
Game mode
Graphics mode

Denizen Kain

Summary: I play on Xbox Series X. No mods. My main character is male and any sons my spouse gives birth to do not inherit any traits, while my daughters inherit all of my spouse's traits.

I tried this on multiple saves and campaigns. My sons inherit no traits. My spouse in each of my campaigns is Liena of Vlandia. The background faction I chose for my character during creation was Battania..

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9.5 months later, this issue is still present. my player character is female and any daughters get no traits, while sons always get their father's.
The fix is included in 1.2.X beta version of the game. Which is not currently available on the consoles. We are currently working towards bringing the patch to all platforms as soon as possible.
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