Magnificently done!

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Well, as a newcomer to Mount and Blade I must say this game is incredibly addictive. Highly amusing and requires a satisfying degree of forethought and planning. Every time I start it up I find myself completely immersed in personal tactics and curious exploring!

However I have looked around on the forums and found myself wondering how to enable the damage reports (such as headshots, difficulty curve, etc)
Heh, for the longest time whilst I was playing the new version I thought they had fazed out the HUD to make it more emmersive (spelling?)
*laughs* ummm... i cant believe i wrote such a thing. I will change it at once...

To drink a coffee now would do no good, because i posted that already some time ago. :wink:
yeah definativly, and it's also usful not to post posts at 11:30 Pm, like i am doing quite disjointdly now.
Its also a good idea not to spam to much! :wink:
This thread seems more or less useless for me, so it may be a good idea to close it or to let it fade away. :roll:
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