
Legend of the Red Axe
Current version: LotRA_1.1
Mount&Blade Repository:
Legend of the Red Axe IS NOT DEAD its just not being updated past 1.131 (because nothing fundamental to gameplay has changed and I got tired of reworking it every update).
Find it here and make a second install for 1.131 if you want to use this fun mod:
1.131 Installer:
For all the stuff to work right someone will need to set up a local (or remote) Dedicated server using the setting in Readme file:
Get the 1.131 dedicated server at the ftp site as well:
This mod is CAPTURE THE FLAG or TEAM DEATHMATCH designed with team oriented goals and benefits.
There are no troop type limitations. If you want to melee fight then grab a weapon, if you want to be an archer then grab a bow, if you want to be a horseman.. you get the point.
Use the action key (default F) to access all prompts except [destructible item] prompts.
[Destructible item] promts have to be hit with weapons and destroyed.
Use T by default to send a message to everyone.
Use Y by default to send a message to your teammates.
You will spawn in front of your teams stronghold or in the graveyard. Use the sally doors next to your stronghold's entrance to quickly get inside without worrying about leaving the door open.
Inside your teams fort you will find a bow/missile supply. Each fort also has advanced weapons in an armory area that can be purchased by using the action key at the prompt when facing its chest. You can also purchase a horse in the fort stable.
You can heal yourself using the wells or wine barrels located around the map. You can also heal your ENTIRE TEAM using the fountain/oven in your stronghold!
There is a prop on the map that will allow you to curse the ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM for a cost (set their hitpoints to 30!) Finding it and controling it along with good use of your team heal prop are keys to victory.
Each fort has 3 main areas of weakness, two past breaches and their main doors, all of these are destructible and only the spikes can be replaced. You can place (build/bury) spike groups in MANY locations, just look at the ground everywhere you might want them and you may get the prompt.
Just outside each fort is 2 working areas (two per side). When accessed these will give gold to your ENTIRE TEAM. Team members should use these to build up their teams initial gold to get strong enough to pillage loot points in the enemies fort. You can use ANY work station regardless of its location, it will just be easier to use the ones closest to your teams fort.
Each fort has two pillage (loot) points that can be accessed by the opposite team. The one closest the inner wall gives half of what the one at the top of your upper tower gives. These give their reward to ALL the members of the team each time they are accessed! The only limit is how long you can protect the accessing team member!
You can place towers using the log and stone piles in the fields or siege shields (indicated by single logs on ground) between the forts (and sometimes in them) to help control passage or plan routes of attack. Becareful though, once built they can be occuppied and used by anyone. They can also be destroyed just like spikes and doors! Destroying or weakening doors or center tomb when no enemies are in the server is a banable ofense.
Note: When placing spikes, siege shields, and towers the "front" of the object will face in the opposite direction your avatar is, ie. towards the screen. So make sure your back is to the direction you wish the pointy end, shield wall, or archer openings to face!
Armors can be purchased between spawns and will equip at the next spawn, it stays on body when you die.
You will always get 1000 gold when you spawn (respawn), use it to keep basic armor or go unarmored and use it to buy gear/defenses for self or team.
There can only be one Red Axe active at a time. It is rumored that only a true warrior can obtain the Red Axe...
You can also capture the enemies flag.. if you find the time I guess.
There are no troop type limitations. If you want to melee fight then grab a weapon, if you want to be an archer then grab a bow, if you want to be a horseman.. you get the point.
Use the action key (default F) to access all prompts except [destructible item] prompts.
[Destructible item] promts have to be hit with weapons and destroyed.
Use T by default to send a message to everyone.
Use Y by default to send a message to your teammates.
You will spawn in front of your teams stronghold or in the graveyard. Use the sally doors next to your stronghold's entrance to quickly get inside without worrying about leaving the door open.
Inside your teams fort you will find a bow/missile supply. Each fort also has advanced weapons in an armory area that can be purchased by using the action key at the prompt when facing its chest. You can also purchase a horse in the fort stable.
You can heal yourself using the wells or wine barrels located around the map. You can also heal your ENTIRE TEAM using the fountain/oven in your stronghold!
There is a prop on the map that will allow you to curse the ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM for a cost (set their hitpoints to 30!) Finding it and controling it along with good use of your team heal prop are keys to victory.
Each fort has 3 main areas of weakness, two past breaches and their main doors, all of these are destructible and only the spikes can be replaced. You can place (build/bury) spike groups in MANY locations, just look at the ground everywhere you might want them and you may get the prompt.
Just outside each fort is 2 working areas (two per side). When accessed these will give gold to your ENTIRE TEAM. Team members should use these to build up their teams initial gold to get strong enough to pillage loot points in the enemies fort. You can use ANY work station regardless of its location, it will just be easier to use the ones closest to your teams fort.
Each fort has two pillage (loot) points that can be accessed by the opposite team. The one closest the inner wall gives half of what the one at the top of your upper tower gives. These give their reward to ALL the members of the team each time they are accessed! The only limit is how long you can protect the accessing team member!
You can place towers using the log and stone piles in the fields or siege shields (indicated by single logs on ground) between the forts (and sometimes in them) to help control passage or plan routes of attack. Becareful though, once built they can be occuppied and used by anyone. They can also be destroyed just like spikes and doors! Destroying or weakening doors or center tomb when no enemies are in the server is a banable ofense.
Note: When placing spikes, siege shields, and towers the "front" of the object will face in the opposite direction your avatar is, ie. towards the screen. So make sure your back is to the direction you wish the pointy end, shield wall, or archer openings to face!
Armors can be purchased between spawns and will equip at the next spawn, it stays on body when you die.
You will always get 1000 gold when you spawn (respawn), use it to keep basic armor or go unarmored and use it to buy gear/defenses for self or team.
There can only be one Red Axe active at a time. It is rumored that only a true warrior can obtain the Red Axe...
You can also capture the enemies flag.. if you find the time I guess.
In the small fertile valley of Nor the Garadan's and Falcian's have coexisted with but a thin veil of peace
seperating their existence from extinction. That is, until the day the stranger arrived. With the unwelcomed
arrival of the one known only as "the artifact seeker" the violence errupted anew. Rumors of a weapon so powerful
as to forever shift the destiny of the faction strong enough to discover its secrets rapidly spread. Can you help
your faction prepare for war and possibly recover the Red Axe, or is this just a another tragic event destined to fill the valley once again with the blood of those tangled up in...

TheRedAxe Entertainment is at it again
Also check out Barfight!
Introducing the Legend of the Red Axe Mod
Are you tired of Capture the Flag and Team Deathmatches with no discernable goal besides respawning and killing until killed? Are you fed up with spawns so confusing you never know which end of the map to attack or defend?
LotRA is a Capture the Flag OR Team Deathmatch* mod designed to give you something more.
*Will run either mode depending on server admins choice.
-Spawn balanced for CTF and TDM play. Your team will spawn only on your end of the map (or in cemetary in center)!
-Open map with good sight lines for archery and mounted combat, yet sprinkled with many concealment options.
-Two very different yet balanced factions and strongholds.
-Creative sally door entry and exit system that allows quick team only access to your faction stronghold without having to open the door.
-Progressive armor purchase with good high end armors.
-Basic faction specific equipment available in each stronghold for a small fee.
-All melee weapons and shields available to both factions but can only be bought via randomized purchase to add variety.
-Each faction has a siege weapon that can be purchased for attacking spikes/shields/towers/doors (or players).
-Each faction has a mount for purchase in their stronghold.
-Healing scene props availble to each faction.
-ENTIRE team healing prop available to each team.
-ENTIRE enemy team curse prop located somewhere on the map.
-Four distinct employment options that give gold to your ENTIRE team when used.
-Each stronghold has three main points of weakness that must be defended [the main gate, and two prior breaches].
-Over 21 Spike groups are spawnable in many locations to allow defense modification and repairs.
-Eight spawnable towers to control the battlefield.
-15 spawnable siege shields for missile defense when attacking and defending.
-All breach spikes, spawnable spikes, spawnable towers, siege shields, and stronghold doors are destructible.
-Each faction has pillage props in their stronghold that they must defend.
-Pillage props have a time to use comparable with their value and the accessing player must be protected during
its use requiring successfull coordinated sorties into the enemy camp. The pillage rewards are given to ALL the members of the faction of the looting player.
-Smart balanced bots with complete ai mesh.
-ability to call for a map restart using change map vote call.
-Warning messages to all when pillage points are looted, teams are healed and cursed, and when the Red Axe is found.
-Oh yeah, and a RED AXE artifact (somewhere).
Lets see some pictures!
Strongholds (Garadan - stone, Falcian - Wood)

Spawn in and get to work!

Enter your stronghold and help your team!

Pillage the enemy or steal their flag!

Place and destroy spikes, shields, towers and destroy doors! (Garadan - stone, Falcian - Wood)

LotRA is currently released and a 20 person server will be online at all hours. Anyone is free to host it
on their own if they like as well. Please report all problems, comments, or suggestions in this thread or to
[email protected].
Read the readme file here!
by Grendal-777 (Mount&Blade forums on
I ACCEPT OR ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILTY.. whatsoever, no way, no how.
Please report any questions, problems, bugs, or suggestions to the "Legend of the Red Axe" thread on the Tale Worlds forums, or to [email protected].
Thank you for downloading and trying my Mount&Blade Warband Mod.
Installation is easy:
All you need to do is extract the zipped folder and place the LotRA_# folder (and readme file) into your ..\Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\ directory
If your Mount & Blade is installed via Steam client it will be located under Users\..\Steamapps\Mount & Blade Warband but installation is otherwise the same.
To start running the mod just select it from the pull down menu for mods when you stat M&B Warband. As long as the LotRA_# mod folder is in the modules folder it will show in this list. If it doesn't, that is the problem.
If you have problems, questions, bug reports, suggestions, etc. please report them in the Taleworlds forum thread for this Mod or email me at [email protected]
This mod is best played as a CAPTURE THE FLAG, but will work just as well in TEAM DEATMATCH!
Most items are hardcoded but these settings are recommended/required:
-Factions voteable set to off (must be set off due to changes to factions)
-Maps voteable set to on to allow map reset via vote if you want this
-Bots if you like, map is fully ai_meshed
-Map name is "artifact" if hosting via dedicated server
Current server settings I use on the LotRA server for your use:
set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 0
set_mission multiplayer_cf
set_max_players 20 20
set_bot_count 40
set_map artifact
add_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_2
set_auto_team_balance_limit 3
set_num_bots_voteable 20
set_maps_voteable 1
set_factions_voteable 0
set_combat_gold_bonus 10
set_control_block_direction 1
set_combat_speed 0
set_friendly_fire 1
set_friendly_fire_damage_friend_ratio 50
set_friendly_fire_damage_self_ratio 50
set_respawn_period 5
set_map_time_limit 120
The game mode is capture the flag or team deathmatch designed with team oriented goals and benefits.
Use the action key (default F) to access all prompts except [destructible item] prompts.
[Destructible item] promts have to be hit with weapons and destroyed.
Use T by default to send a message to everyone.
Use Y by default to send a message to your teammates.
You will spawn in front of your teams stronghold or in the graveyard. Use the sally doors next to your stronghold's entrance to quickly get inside without worrying about leaving the door open.
Inside your teams fort you will find a bow/missile supply. Each fort also has advanced weapons in an armory area that can be purchased by using the action key at the prompt when facing its chest. You can also purchase a horse in the fort stable.
You can heal yourself using the wells or wine barrels located around the map. You can also heal your ENTIRE TEAM using the fountain/oven in your stronghold!
There is a prop on the map that will allow you to curse the ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM for a cost (set their hitpoints to 30!) Finding it and controling it along with good use of your team heal prop are keys to victory.
Each fort has 3 main areas of weakness, two past breaches and their main doors, all of these are destructible and only the spikes can be replaced. You can place (build/bury) spike groups in MANY locations, just look at the ground everywhere you might want them and you may get the prompt.
If you are suddenly stopped by an invisible barrier when trying to sneak into a fort then rest assured it was put there because your route is too obvious. Destroying or weakening doors or center tomb when no enemies are in the server is a banable ofense.
Just outside each fort is 2 working areas (two per side). When accessed these will give gold to your ENTIRE TEAM. Team members should use these to build up their teams initial gold to get strong enough to pillage loot points in the enemies fort. You can use ANY work station regardless of its location, it will just be easier to use the ones closest to your teams fort.
Each fort has two pillage (loot) points that can be accessed by the opposite team. The one closest the inner wall gives half of what the one at the top of your upper tower gives. These give their reward to ALL the members of the team each time they are accessed! The only limit is how long you can protect the accessing team member!
You can place towers using the log and stone piles in the fields or siege shields (indicated by single logs on ground) between the forts (and sometimes in them) to help control passage or plan routes of attack. Becareful though, once built they can be occuppied and used by anyone. They can also be destroyed just like spikes and doors!
Note: When placing spikes, siege shields, and towers the "front" of the object will face in the opposite direction your avatar is, ie. towards the screen. So make sure your back is to the direction you wish the pointy end, shield wall, or archer openings to face!
Armors can be purchased between spawns and will equip at the next spawn, it stays on body when you die.
You will always get 1000 gold when you spawn (respawn), use it to keep basic armor or go unarmored and use it to buy gear/defenses for self or team.
There can only be one Red Axe active at a time. It is rumored that only a true warrior can obtain the Red Axe...
You can also capture the enemies flag.. if you find the time I guess.
Thanks to all these who helped via code resources, answering stupid forum questions, or with testing ideas!
In no particular order:
Taleworld Forums
Vorne and Caba`drin - Help with redaxe prop and props that give gold to all team mates!
Turanien - Excellent mod starting and map making tutorial
Yoshiboy - Help with server/client messages
Annynduir - For the Modpedia2
Hermodr - Excellent tutorial on getting items into game
Arch3r - for his health kit code which I frankenscripted into all my early scrips
Somebody & Wookiewarlord - Help with sorting out faction and team specific props and other code problems
Apsod & alec{zacool} - Help with sorting out costs for faction armors
GetAssista, Vorne, Lumos, and ModocComadrin - Help with sorting out destructible/respawnable props
Anyone else I forgot to name who helped me on the forums!!
Dundin - My good friend, tech support, and idea tester
by Grendal-777 (Mount&Blade forums on
I ACCEPT OR ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILTY.. whatsoever, no way, no how.
Please report any questions, problems, bugs, or suggestions to the "Legend of the Red Axe" thread on the Tale Worlds forums, or to [email protected].
Thank you for downloading and trying my Mount&Blade Warband Mod.
Installation is easy:
All you need to do is extract the zipped folder and place the LotRA_# folder (and readme file) into your ..\Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\ directory
If your Mount & Blade is installed via Steam client it will be located under Users\..\Steamapps\Mount & Blade Warband but installation is otherwise the same.
To start running the mod just select it from the pull down menu for mods when you stat M&B Warband. As long as the LotRA_# mod folder is in the modules folder it will show in this list. If it doesn't, that is the problem.
If you have problems, questions, bug reports, suggestions, etc. please report them in the Taleworlds forum thread for this Mod or email me at [email protected]
This mod is best played as a CAPTURE THE FLAG, but will work just as well in TEAM DEATMATCH!
Most items are hardcoded but these settings are recommended/required:
-Factions voteable set to off (must be set off due to changes to factions)
-Maps voteable set to on to allow map reset via vote if you want this
-Bots if you like, map is fully ai_meshed
-Map name is "artifact" if hosting via dedicated server
Current server settings I use on the LotRA server for your use:
set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 0
set_mission multiplayer_cf
set_max_players 20 20
set_bot_count 40
set_map artifact
add_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_2
set_auto_team_balance_limit 3
set_num_bots_voteable 20
set_maps_voteable 1
set_factions_voteable 0
set_combat_gold_bonus 10
set_control_block_direction 1
set_combat_speed 0
set_friendly_fire 1
set_friendly_fire_damage_friend_ratio 50
set_friendly_fire_damage_self_ratio 50
set_respawn_period 5
set_map_time_limit 120
The game mode is capture the flag or team deathmatch designed with team oriented goals and benefits.
Use the action key (default F) to access all prompts except [destructible item] prompts.
[Destructible item] promts have to be hit with weapons and destroyed.
Use T by default to send a message to everyone.
Use Y by default to send a message to your teammates.
You will spawn in front of your teams stronghold or in the graveyard. Use the sally doors next to your stronghold's entrance to quickly get inside without worrying about leaving the door open.
Inside your teams fort you will find a bow/missile supply. Each fort also has advanced weapons in an armory area that can be purchased by using the action key at the prompt when facing its chest. You can also purchase a horse in the fort stable.
You can heal yourself using the wells or wine barrels located around the map. You can also heal your ENTIRE TEAM using the fountain/oven in your stronghold!
There is a prop on the map that will allow you to curse the ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM for a cost (set their hitpoints to 30!) Finding it and controling it along with good use of your team heal prop are keys to victory.
Each fort has 3 main areas of weakness, two past breaches and their main doors, all of these are destructible and only the spikes can be replaced. You can place (build/bury) spike groups in MANY locations, just look at the ground everywhere you might want them and you may get the prompt.
If you are suddenly stopped by an invisible barrier when trying to sneak into a fort then rest assured it was put there because your route is too obvious. Destroying or weakening doors or center tomb when no enemies are in the server is a banable ofense.
Just outside each fort is 2 working areas (two per side). When accessed these will give gold to your ENTIRE TEAM. Team members should use these to build up their teams initial gold to get strong enough to pillage loot points in the enemies fort. You can use ANY work station regardless of its location, it will just be easier to use the ones closest to your teams fort.
Each fort has two pillage (loot) points that can be accessed by the opposite team. The one closest the inner wall gives half of what the one at the top of your upper tower gives. These give their reward to ALL the members of the team each time they are accessed! The only limit is how long you can protect the accessing team member!
You can place towers using the log and stone piles in the fields or siege shields (indicated by single logs on ground) between the forts (and sometimes in them) to help control passage or plan routes of attack. Becareful though, once built they can be occuppied and used by anyone. They can also be destroyed just like spikes and doors!
Note: When placing spikes, siege shields, and towers the "front" of the object will face in the opposite direction your avatar is, ie. towards the screen. So make sure your back is to the direction you wish the pointy end, shield wall, or archer openings to face!
Armors can be purchased between spawns and will equip at the next spawn, it stays on body when you die.
You will always get 1000 gold when you spawn (respawn), use it to keep basic armor or go unarmored and use it to buy gear/defenses for self or team.
There can only be one Red Axe active at a time. It is rumored that only a true warrior can obtain the Red Axe...
You can also capture the enemies flag.. if you find the time I guess.
Thanks to all these who helped via code resources, answering stupid forum questions, or with testing ideas!
In no particular order:
Taleworld Forums
Vorne and Caba`drin - Help with redaxe prop and props that give gold to all team mates!
Turanien - Excellent mod starting and map making tutorial
Yoshiboy - Help with server/client messages
Annynduir - For the Modpedia2
Hermodr - Excellent tutorial on getting items into game
Arch3r - for his health kit code which I frankenscripted into all my early scrips
Somebody & Wookiewarlord - Help with sorting out faction and team specific props and other code problems
Apsod & alec{zacool} - Help with sorting out costs for faction armors
GetAssista, Vorne, Lumos, and ModocComadrin - Help with sorting out destructible/respawnable props
Anyone else I forgot to name who helped me on the forums!!
Dundin - My good friend, tech support, and idea tester