M&BII: Bannerlord | [ATTENZIONE] EARLY ACCESS anticipata al 30 Marzo + sconto 20%!!!!

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M.ArdA said:

Importante: il gioco non ha ancora nessuna data di uscita ufficiale o non-ufficiale.
Questa discussione viene aperta per archiviare tutte le informazioni a riguardo del gioco dal momento che lo stesso è stato annunciato. Il mio obiettivo è quello di tenerla aggiornata ogni volta che emergeranno informazioni nuove e certe sul gioco. Potrete trovare direttamente all'interno di questo thread tutti i link dei blog rilasciati dagli sviluppatori, i video ufficiali, i trailer e gli screenshot rilasciati. Inoltre, è possibile trovare alcuni contenuti esclusivi presi dal web su Bannerlord, come per esempio interviste o copertine. Non esitate ad inviarmi (Mr.Arda ndr) messaggi personali su questa discussione per migliorarla o anche solo per fornire link ad articoli con notizie del gioco che possono essere aggiunti all'elenco.

Questa discussione è destinata a mantenere tutte le informazioni legittime sul gioco concentrate in un'unico luogo. Se vuoi discutere con gli altri utenti vai qui! Non dimenticare di premere il pulsante "Notify Me" in alto a destra per seguire tutti gli aggiornamenti di questa discussione.

Potete trovare Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord su Steam. Puoi aggiungere il gioco alla tua Wish List e puoi seguire il gioco direttamente da lì per ottenere gli aggiornamenti più recenti.

Il nostro obbiettivo è quello di rispondere alle domane più importanti e comuni riguardanti Bannerlord tramite questo post. Sentitevi liberi di inviare le domande che vi vengono in mente e che non trovano risposta in questo topic direttamente via PM.

  • Quando verrà rilasciato Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord?
Il gioco non ha una data di rilascio ufficiale per ora. Il gioco è in fase di sviluppo da molto tempo, a riguardo la Taleworlds ha un motto "il gioco verrà rilasciato quando sarà pronto". Ma in alcune interviste, Taleworlds ha dichiarato "Abbiamo mancato il nostro obbiettivo di rilascio fissato per il 2016, confidiamo di essere in grado di far uscire il gioco in qualche forma quest'anno. (2017 ndr)"
  • Quali lingue supporterà Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord?
Per ora, solamente l'Inglese e il Turco sono confermate tra le lingue supportate.
  • Quali sono i requisiti di sistema necessari di Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord?
Nella pagina steam di Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord è possibile trovare i requisiti minimi.
CPU: Intel i3-2100 / AMD FX-6300
GPU: Intel HD 4600 / Nvidia GT730 / AMD R7 240
Disco: 40 GB available space
Note aggiuntive: Quanto riportato potrebbe cambiare durante la fase finale di rilascio.
  • Mount&Blad II: Bannerlord supporterà le mod?
Certo. In alcune interviste precedenti, Taleworlds Entertainment ha dichiarato che Bannerlord avrà un supporto più avanzato per le mod rispetto a Warband. Inoltre, sarà possibile utilizzare varie mod contemporaneamente.
  • Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord avrà il multiplayer?
Non sono presenti dichiarazioni ufficiali a riguardo in questo topic. Sebbene sia uno degli aspetti più importanti del gioco, non sono ancora state rilasciate informazioni o gameplay, fatta eccezione per i 4 secondi di gameplay presenti nel video "Developer Blog 8", rilasciato nel Settembre del 2014.

Blog degli Sviluppatori
La Taleworlds Entertainment ha rilasciato alcuni Blog a riguardo di Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord fin dal suo annuncio. Potrete trovarli tutti qui sotto.

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 1 - Hairy Artists

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 2 - Painted Plants

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 3 - Unexpected Parties

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 4 - Flexible Entries

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 5 - Virtual Skeletons

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 6 - Astounding Squirms

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 7 - Imperial Declines

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 8 - Engine Power

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 9 - Ethnic Instruments

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 10 - Materialistic Approaches

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 11 - Some Context

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 12 - The Passage Of Time

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 13 - Weekending

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 14 - Destructible Merlons

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 15 - Valuable Relationships

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord - Battles and Combat Detailed at E3

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord at E3 2017 – Our Thoughts

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Dev Blog 03/08/17

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Dev Blog 10/08/17

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Dev Blog 17/08/17

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Dev Blog 24/08/17

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Dev Blog 31/08/17

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Dev Blog 07/09/17

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Dev Blog 14/09/17

Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Dev Blog 21/09/17

Video Gameplay e Trailers
Qui potrete trovare tutti i trailer e i gameplay relativi a Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord.
Trailer di Annuncio 2012
Video sul Motore Grafico 2014
Gameplay Video del Blog 11 2015 Agosto
Gamescom 2015  B-Roll 2015 Agosto
Gamescom 2015 Gameplay Video 2015 Agosto
PCGamer Weekender 30 Minuti di Demo Gameplay 2016 Marzo
E3 2016 Video Gameplay Esteso 2016 Giugno
E3 2016  Gameplay Trailer 2016 Giugno
Gamescom 2016 Video Gameplay Difensivo dell'Assedio 2016 Agosto
E3 2017 Horse Archer Sergeant Gameplay 2017 Giugno
E3 2017 Cavalry Sergeant Gameplay 2017 Giugno
Gamescom 2017 Captain Mode Gameplay Trailer 2017 Agosto
Gamescom 2017 Captain Mode Introduction 2017 Agosto
Captain Mode Khuzait vs Empire Gameplay Video 2017 Agosto

Articoli ed Interviste
Qui potrete trovare articoli ed interviste a riguardo di Bannerlord. Sentitevi liberi di contribuire  per aggiornare la lista.

PCGamer April Issue Cover Story Nisan 2017
Intervista di Rock Paper Shotgun ad Armağan Yavuz Nisan 2016

Qui troverete tutti gli screenshots e gli artworks su Bannerlord..
E3 2017 Screenshots Giugno 2017

Gamestar.de Screenshots Maggio 2017

PCGamer Screenshots Esclusivi Marzo 2017

Developer Blog 15 Marzo 2017

Developer Blog 14 Luglio 2016

Developer Blog 13 Aprile 2016

Developer Blog 12 Dicembre 2015

Developer Blog 11 Agosto 2015

Developer Blog 10 Marzo 2015

Developer Blog 9 Gennaio 2015

Developer Blog 7 2014

Developer Blog 6 Maggio 2014

Developer Blog 5 Marzo 2014

Developer Blog 4 Gennaio 2014

Developer Blog 3 Dicembre 2013

Developer Blog 2 Dicembre 2013

Developer Blog 1 Novembre 2013

Screenshots Settembre 2013


Resoconto cronologico sulle info di Bannerlord (by K.A.):
K.A. said:
Ho deciso di fare una resoconto delle informazioni più rilevanti sullo sviluppo di bannerlord nel corso del tempo, soprattutto per chi ha iniziato a seguirlo da poco.

4 ottobre 2011

13 febbraio 2012

27 settembre 2012

27 settembre 2013

  • La taleworlds si ricorda che c'è una community e pubblica il seguente testo riferito al lore di Bannerlord ed alcuni screenshots:

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord – First glimpse

    The once-mighty Calradic Empire is in a state of decline. Warlike tribes have seized swaths of its territory. Client kingdoms have declared their independence. The Emperor has died without leaving an heir, leaving three jealous factions to scramble for power. Mercenary companies, bandit lords and nomads hover on the sidelines like vultures waiting for a meal.

    A hero who can master the art of single combat, of leading armies in battle, of plotting ambushes and raids, and of exploiting the rivalries of noble houses and tribal clans may be able to unite this Empire -- or, alternately, to deal it the final blow that sends it crashing down. Will Calradia experience one final sunset e of imperial glory, or slip into a night of chaos before a new age dawns?”

    Scan the media section for the first glimpse into the world of Calradia.
  • Armagan si ricorda come si commenta sul forum e pubblica queste informazioni riguardo il modding:

    Many thanks to everyone for the warm reception for the Bannerlord screenshots. And I apologize for the website going down. We are moving the website to another server and it should be online again soon.

    I can't give away too many details about what we are up to with Bannerlord but rest assured that the game will be as moddable as ever, and we are working very hard so that modders will have great tools under their hands. We will also start to post updates more regularly from now on. Perhaps we can begin with showing some aspects of the engine that will be of interest to modders such as the new terrain sculpting system or the new scene editor. :wink:
27 novembre 2013

9 dicembre 2013

20 dicembre 2013

11 gennaio 2014

14 marzo 2014

7 maggio 2014

23 maggio 2014

  • Su una rivista turca viene pubblicato un articolo su Bannerlord con allegate 5 immagini:

    M.ArdA said:
    Here you go lads, again! :smile:
    TaleWorlds maybe is the most succesful Turkish Game Developer that gained recognition in the international scene. In this, you can't deny the help from Mount&Blade, which sold a lot with the help of Paradox Interactive's support. After the break up with the Paradox Interactive, TaleWorlds is now working on Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. They are planing to sell the game on their own, and with this they can gain nothing but profit without a publisher in the way. We wanted to share our first thoughts about this game which we also wait to see its retail version.

    The game is set after the events of heirless Calradic Emperor's died. The Empire is devided into three different regions. Bandits and gangs are trying to take advantage of this chaotic enviorment. As a player, we are going to re-unite or destroy the Calradia Empire.

    Unlikely from Warband, game will be more focused on our character. But we must say there will be a lot of fighting too. There will be a diplomacy mode going to be implement to the game in the future and we can win land with our talking and not just with our swords.

    We are not expecting any big change in the game mechanics. Afterall, TaleWorlds said that they will care about the improvments in the graphics more.

    In the video that TaleWorlds showed us about Bannerlord, we did see a detailed character screen and a skill tree. Besides that, we were able to see more than one detailed and
    historically accurate medieval places in the game. The places were very detailed and in a structure that really feels that atmosphere.

    Although there is a lot of diversity in the map style in the game, Bannerlord is going to have a mod support as  the previous titles from TaleWorlds. TaleWorlds is also working on a modding tool that going to help the players to make their own modifications to the game. In the video we've watched, a TaleWorlds staff designing a map. And he did pretty easy and fast with that tool. And if that modding tools works as fast as the tool in the video, you can be sure that there will be lots of new modded Bannerlord maps.

    Let's go back to graphics. TaleWorlds, is putting emphasis on facial animations. Which means that charachers in game are going to be angry, sad and happy, and you will be able too see that in their faces.

    Besides the facial animations, the body animations of the characters in the game is also developing in a professional way. The movements and actions in the combat are prepared with reality. (They tried to say that animations made with the motion capture.)

    Bannerlord, seem to peak the Mount & Blade legend. And we need to wait for the game. Our sincere thanks to TaleWorlds for showing us that people can "develope games" in Turkey.
    Screens from the article:
5 giugno 2014

3 luglio 2014

29 agosto 2014

27 settembre 2014

21 gennaio 2015

27 gennaio 2015

  • In una diretta di una prestigiosa rivista turca viene chiesto se si conosce lo stato di sviluppo del gioco:

    Inanch-Bilge said:
    Flash flash flash !

    At the live stream of one of the most prestigious gaming sites in Turkey, host is asked if he knew about the current state of Bannerlord, he said "As far as I know, game is around the final stages, they were trying to make it ready for this winter, but its a little late so there wouldn't be any serious bugs like many latest games, I think it will be released soon."

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2edT3jGnv8U  in Turkish though.
28 gennaio 2015

29 gennaio 2015

  • Viene pubblicato un video su Game Game Jam Ankara in cui compare Ali Erkin (uno dei capocci alla taleworlds), dove a partire dal minuto 29 risponde a delle domande su Bannerlord. Alla domanda riguardo la data di rilascio risponde:

    "We're working on it, we'll release it soon"

13 febbraio 2015

  • Trapelano degli screenshots del gioco in alpha da parte di qualcuno all'interno della taleworlds: http://imgur.com/a/I4ptT
  • L'utente Bloc pubblica una intervista che ha fatto in privato con uno sviluppatore:

    Bloc said:
    Okay  , Im going to post some of my messages with one of the developer and his ideas.
    Let me explain this first , these are developer's own ideas.They are not official informations generally.So I asked him his ideas and he answered.
    First of all ,  I don't know if you aware of this but there is a dynamic_box object in Warband.This object is dynamic as you can understand from its name.It can responds to player interactions.You can think this , candles , foods , in Skyrim that fall down when you move on the them.And I asked him will there be something like that in the Bannerlord.
    - I can not say it will be in the game when Its released(Because I don't know either) but there is a system like that in the game already , and Its working normally for now.So if we will not see any problem , we won't remove this probably

    And then I asked him that will this system in only little game objects(Cabbages , spoons etc)? I said him that if they can add this to buildings , walls etc , they might make destructable buildings.And then I asked him siege weapons.
    - Yes we are planning to add this to little game objects but Its not certain. I can not give any information about siege weapons.

    And then I asked him that why they are always saying "Its not certain" because It looks like the basic lines of the game already done.(Well this is a good answer for who doesnt like the blogs.)
    - Generally our working principle is not designing the things that we will do first and then follow that order.We are doing directly what we have to do necessarly.I mean according to situation , we might think that this thing have some bad sides and we can completely erase it or even remove from the game. So thats why we are not givin exact answers.Thats the reason we are sharing little information about game in the Blogs.Because we dont have to share things we will change or things that we are able to change in the future.So we have to say "it is not certain" until they say "Game will be release at this date , stop adding new feature".

    And I asked his ideas , as a developer , not as a company.(So dont make any Official inference from this.)
    - If you are asking my opinion , yes of course I want to tear down walls with siege weapons.Well the team that discuss siege weapons wants this too.But there is some sideffects and we are talking about that too in meetings so, even we want some feature so much , we might agreed on not doing it too.So yes , we are thinking about many thins.They might even doing this right now(I dont know exactly.They might not be doing it either) but its not certain that it will be in the game.But for me , yes I would like siege weapons too.About dynamic objects the thing is kind a different.We have a system already.We can see its working in the game right now.But I heard that there is some problems but I guess they are not huge problems.Even if we are not going to solve this problems , I guess we will not remove it from the game and let some features missing.(I mean , if you hit the melon it slipt to two always same rather than blowing up).

    I asked him that are they planning to port Warband to Android or IOS.And I also asked him are they planning to make Bannerlord and Warband for console.
    - Porting Warband is not necessary, focusing on Bannerlord and then porting it is sound more logicall. But I heard that there is some works to port Warband to different platforms.I can not give informations about platforms.About porting Bannerlord to console  , there is nothing clear.We are planning to port it after game release.We want to release it to PC before releasing it to multiple platforms.They are not talking about that too much but I heard some PS4 around the conversations.

    I asked him that are you planning to sell game engine.Because you said really nice things in Engine Power video.
    - For now , we are not planning to sell game engine.

    I asked him about that in Warband we have some flintlock pistols and codes , are they going to be effience in the Bannerlord.Since they are good resource for modders , are you going to keep things like that.
    - Firearms won't be in the game , yet like in Warband , there might some un-used models in the game.They are generally things that we didn't like or things that have some bugs that we want to delete.When we forgot to delete , Its coming with the game.

    I asked him which codes removed in Bannerlord yet still in the module.
    - I can not say what are they. There is no plan for removing them , they are harmless so they might stay.

    Since companies like CA and Dice selling DLC to players for getting more profit , are you guys planning to sell DLC's too , I asked him.
    - We never talked about that but I don't want this but I don't know what they are planning.

    Will there be a pre-order for Bannerlord , I asked him
    - We are thinking about this but we did not decided yet

    About this leak thing , I asked him who did this.
    - We don't know yet.We will find him soon.

    Sorry for the English btw , Im run out of my time.I need to review this again
16 febbraio 2015

16 marzo 2015

  • Viene pubblicata un intervista ad Armagan da TuruncuLevye in cui si conferma il rilascio del gioco anche su console ed Armagan pronuncia queste parole:

    Bloc said:
    Most of the conversation is about Game developing tips for staters etc etc. But in 6:35

    -    Let me ask this , Will we be able to see this game soon?
    A - Well we are not just developing a game in here actually , We are developing a tech platform(game engine).For making this engine modable we are spending too much time on it and for many players who have big exceptations from game , we are working harder and sometimes we say "Oh thats not good enough" and then we delete and recreate that parts. But most of the major parts of game working properly right now
    -  So by saying that , can we say that we will see this game soon?
    A - Well thats .. Even the game is ready , we have to clear our release strategy...
20 marzo 2015

Ora...tra quanto tempo dovrebbe uscire la alfa/beta, qualunque cosa di vagamente giocabile?
Non perchè sono imnpaziente, ho scoperto Warband da poco... ma perchè vorrei farmi un'idea di quando uscirà.
Certo che è bello, la mod del signore degli anelli è appena uscita per il primo...e si parla già del terzo XD

...Ho trovato su "tricinder", un sito dove sono raccolte tutte le idee volte a migliorare M&B2, in cui ognuno puo' inserire o dare un voto di preferenza ad ogni idea inserita nella lista chiamata appunto "Your Mount&Blade2 suggestion":...

...la lista ha una data di scadenza di 459 giorni, ad oggi, quindi sbrigatevi con i suggermenti se ne avete...-_^

N.B.:...grazie a Kleidophoros per la segnalazione:...

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