WB MP Gameplay Medioevo M&B WB:...[M]..."Empire of Faith" v.0.401 (News at Reply #52)...^^

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...Novita' riguardanti il punteggio acquisito in game:...
nijis said:
The mod's scoring scale (ie, in the thousands rather than 10s) may have a role in causing a bug, the failure of the stats board to show certain players. (Thanks to Patta for suggesting this.)

So, scores awarded will be decreased by a factor of 10, ie, from 300 to 30. But, you will still get the same amount of gold and hopefully the same amount will be uploaded to accounts.

I will reduce renown somewhat for players fighting as mercenaries -- ie, for a faction of a different religion. This will be a small extra incentive to play for one's own side, but not a drastic one.

This may take me a short while to get right, so apologies if you have reduced gold/renown awards, or wildly inflated ones, in that period.

...ed altre novita' riguardanti delle nuove features per la modalita' "Livestock Raid" nel tentatvio di renderla piu' avvincente:...
nijis said:
I realize that many people don't like this game mode as much as the others. I'll grant that it's flawed but I've had some memorable moments playing it, so I'm adding a few tweaks to improve it (I hope). I think it has the potential for a sense of hide-and-seek, of standing on a hill scanning for threats and opportunities, that other game modes don't have.

Current and coming tweaks

IMPLEMENTED You should no longer spawn in the middle of a bunch of immobile bots
IMPLEMENTED Raiders should be a bit more aggressive about attacking the other side of the map, and less likely to defend livestock on their own side
IMPLEMENTED Livestock should move faster. I can't take this too far or you'll have unrealistically speedy cows
IMPLEMENTED One or two defending bots should go directly to the corrals to protect them
IMPLEMENTED You should get a score for each animal you capture that has been under enemy control for at least 30 seconds

TO BE IMPLEMENTED GRADUALLY I'm reducing the randomly generated vegetation with some pre-set props, thus cutting down slightly the time it takes to get started playing on the Mediterranean and Balkan map

I'm not adding more ambitious stuff yet because I don't want to make players download a new version of the game. Also, some village raiding ideas I'm going to leave for another mode.


...Nijis, ha spiegato come funzionano le catapulte durante il "Siege mode":...
nijis said:
Catapults are supposed to be hard to use. My belief is that they weren't terribly effective as an anti-personal weapon, and were rather used to harass and and lower morale over a period of time -- lucky shots like Simon de Montfort's death at Toulouse notwithstanding.

You can kill people, and it does add to the score. Basically, you can adjust both the angle at which you fire (standing near the catapult and hitting the right and left arrow keys BEFORE you load it) and the power at which the catapult fires the rock (using the up and down arrow keys AFTER you load it). Watch where the stone falls, and then try again. But it's hard to hit -- particularly when you're firing into the castle, where you it's harder to observe where the shot hits.

* Other siege stuff -- I've made it so that you can't chop down the sally doors, I think. This will make it substantially harder to score for the besieger. It may be that it's now too hard for either side to score, in which case I may need to weaken the bots or find some other mechanism.

The desired balance level is that one player should find it quite hard to burn a device and escape, even with a top retinue, while two players with good retinues working together should be able to pull it off some of the time.

...in pratica bisogna essere dietro la catapulta e tenere premuto tre volte il tasto "F": la prima per caricare il braccio, la seconda per posizionare il macigno, la terza per fare fuoco...
...la descrizione che ho evidenziato sopra spiega come fare per direzionare il tiro, ma devo ancora verificare di persona se funziona...

N.B.:...qui trovate al discussione originale:...

Last edited:

...Ho notato che da alcuni giorni sono stati introdotti degli "Eventi Speciali" nella lista View Events del sito...
...ecco un esempio:...
Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia ravaged by raiders from Great Khaganate in Caucasus (67 minutes ago)
Caliphate of the Prophet victorious in battle over Rebellious Commoners in Syria (78 minutes ago)
Khurasan receives imperial investment but it fails to develop the province. (86 minutes ago)
Asia raises an imperial army. It causes great upheaval, but they eventually depart to defend Caucasus (86 minutes ago)
The House of Jepekula distinguishes itself in the debate over Europa (86 minutes ago)
Italia launches a holy war against Europa (86 minutes ago) :shock:
Another game year passes... (86 minutes ago)
Local control ravaged by raiders from Holy Catholic Empire in Maghreb (86 minutes ago)
Great Khaganate repulses raiders from Caliphate of the Prophet in Khurasan (98 minutes ago)
Caliphate of the Prophet defeated in battle by Restive Tribes in Egypt (116 minutes ago)
Great Khaganate ravaged by raiders from Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia in Khazaria (124 minutes ago)
Local control ravaged by raiders from Restive Tribes in Maghreb (128 minutes ago)
Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia repulses raiders from Rebellious Commoners in Europa (154 minutes ago)
Caliphate of the Prophet sees a fortress withstand Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia in Syria (158 minutes ago)
Local control sees a fortress withstand Great Khaganate in Kiev (184 minutes ago)
Egypt's imperial campaign never comes to fruition, and no help reaches Syria (215 minutes ago)
Invasion of the Great Khaganate isolated in Kiev (215 minutes ago)
Another game year passes... (215 minutes ago)
Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia ravaged by raiders from Holy Catholic Empire in Europa (215 minutes ago)
Local control repulses raiders from Rebellious Nobles in Britannia (751 minutes ago)
Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia victorious in battle over Great Khaganate in Caucasus (800 minutes ago)
Great Khaganate repulses raiders from Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia in Khazaria (808 minutes ago)
Persia's rulers cause great upheaval with their plans, but eventually succeed in making alliance with the tribes in Caucasus (838 minutes ago)
Invasion of the Great Khaganate isolated in Kiev (838 minutes ago)
Another game year passes... (838 minutes ago)
Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia fights battle with no strategic impact with Rebellious Commoners in (838 minutes ago)
Caliphate of the Prophet ravaged by raiders from Restive Tribes in Egypt (931 minutes ago)
Syria's rulers fail to forge an alliance with the tribes in Caucasus (977 minutes ago)
Invasion of the Great Khaganate isolated in Kiev (977 minutes ago)
Another game year passes... (977 minutes ago)
Local control repulses raiders from Restive Tribes in Britannia (977 minutes ago)
Caliphate of the Prophet victorious in battle over Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia in Syria (1104 minutes ago)
Egypt's rebellious tribes are appeased, but there is a backlash. (1123 minutes ago)
Asia's imperial campaign never comes to fruition, and no help reaches Europa (1123 minutes ago)
Invasion of the Great Khaganate isolated in Kiev (1123 minutes ago)
Another game year passes... (1123 minutes ago)
Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia sees a fortress surrender to Caliphate of the Prophet in Asia (1123 minutes ago)
Caliphate of the Prophet ravaged by raiders from Great Khaganate in Persia (1153 minutes ago)
Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia ravaged by raiders from Rebellious Commoners in Europa (1165 minutes ago)
Holy Catholic Empire victorious in battle over Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia in Italia (1195 minutes ago)
Events complete

...nijis ha spiegato che l'introduzione degli eventi speciali servono a dare un seguito storico effettivo a cio' che avviene nei server e quindi nelle battaglie, difese, assedi...

Italia launches a holy war against Europa (86 minutes ago) :shock:

...ammetto che questo mi ha colpito...-_^

N.B.:...tutti gli italiani che seguono questa mod sono invitati a partecipare, altrimenti mi sa che torneremo con le ossa rotte da questa guerra santa...


...Ancora nuove features per questa mod da parte di nijis, dopo gli Eventi Speciali di ieri adesso gli stessi casati sono chiamati a prendere decisioni importanti per la propia fazione, ecco un'esempio:...

FACTION POLITICAL QUESTION: There is an upsurge of crusading enthusiasm in Italia to invade neighboring Europa to humble the infidels of the Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia and defend persecuted members of the faithful there. Preachers promise absolution of sins, young nobles speak of making their names in the fighting, and commoners are selling their land to buy weapons. Do you encourage them to march? If they do, new lands could be conquered for the faith. But these wars often having a way of creating a backlash, with battle-hardened holy warriors returning home to turn on perceived godlessness in their own societies.
Your faction position on the issue is ...
The puritans welcome a chance to fight a holy war, whether they conquer or they are martyred
Influence points available: 490

Influence committed in favor:
Base: 100
House of AB_Jab: 500

Influence committed against:
Base: 100

Chance of passage: 96%

...questo per favi capire che il gioco sta diventando giorno dopo giorno sempre piu' complesso e con un background da seguire...
...il gioco in pratica non finisce dopo aver combattuto sul server, ma bisogna seguire il propio personaggiocasato sul sito, controllare gli sviluppi della propia fazione, conoscere i nemici e contrastarli quando li si trova in game...

N.B.:...ammetto che non mi intrippavo cosi' per una mod da parecchio tempo, che aspettate, proivatela anche voi susu...-_^


...nijis ha appena postato le future aggiunte previste per questa mod:...
nijis said:
This is my current vision of how the strategic game will develop, for those interested.

1) First I will institute player-controlled fiefs. This will replace the current system of levels -- I'll give players a full refund of the wealth and renown it took to level up, so you can go and buy fiefs immediately and not be set back too much. You can have multiple fiefs in multiple provinces, and "level up" the fiefs by buying fortifications, churches, markets, etc.

2) Next I will institute sub-factions -- NPC houses that represent major noble dynasties, religious orders, tribal confederations, etc. The player will gain access to retinue troop types not through levels, but through having influence within these dynasties -- ie, if you have influence with a noble faction you gain heavy cavalry, if you have influence with a merchant league you gain crossbows, with a tribal confederation you gain horse archers, etc. You gain influence with a faction by spending your influence on faction decisions that they value. So, if you want high-level horse archers, back one particular tribe. If you want access to a religious order's troops, back its theology.

Sub-factions' troops and morale will replace the abstract system of conquest points. Sub-factions will either be allied with the ruler of a province, or against it. So, if the House of York is backing the ruling king of England against a French or imperial invasion, all very well. But if it grows too strong, it may make a big for the crown itself.

3) You can also gain access to high-level troops by increasing your fief's military prestige and experience. You do this by hosting battles on your own fief, where you defend it.

4) Once you max out a fief, you have the option of promoting yourself to a sub-faction. To do this, you will need to a) accumulate a lot of points defending your fiefs, b) provide a historically plausible name and coat of arms. A sub-faction may ultimately make a bid for control of a province, invade other provinces, and if it conquers enough provinces, become the imperial faction.

5) If a player faction becomes the imperial faction and it is the largest empire in the game, it wins.

...se queste future aggiunte verranno implementate per davvero, allora si potra' parlare veramente di esperienza singleplayer importata in multiplayer...!

House of Baliano_di_Ibelin
Wealth 5190
Renown 4614
Home province: Italia
Faction: Holy Catholic Empire
ForVictory said:
House of Baliano_di_Ibelin
Wealth 5190
Renown 4614
Home province: Italia
Faction: Holy Catholic Empire
...Non risulti nella lista della Fazione italiana...

...fai cosi, vai sul sito:...

...nella pagina della mappa clicca sul quadratino della mappa sopra l'italia...
...sulla destra clicca su "Set as home province"...

...fatto questo dovresti essere inserito nella lista della Fazione Italiana...

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...Non so ancora per quale motivo, ma dopo aver lanciato "82 Guerre Sante" verso l'Europa dell'Orthodox Ecumenical Basilea, ci ritroviamo ad aver conquistato il Maghreb... :grin:

...in ogni caso ecco l'annuncio apparso sui View Events del sito:...
Maghreb is conquered by the Holy Catholic Empire from the Local control (115 minutes ago)

...ecco la mappa aggiornata (il magreb si trova nel nord-ovest del continente Africano:...


...Riguardo il nuovo territorio conquistato, il Maghreb, e' appena apparsa una FACTION POLITICAL QUESTION:...
FACTION POLITICAL QUESTION: A religious movement emerges in Maghreb to persuade the quarrelsome children of to put down their arms. Priests threaten nobles with consequences in the hereafter. Crowds of the commons fall on their knees to block armies marching to battle. Do you encourage this movement? If successful, it will end the rebellions in this region. But this also means that the demands of the rebels will not be addressed, while the implied challenge to the secular authorities posed by this movement may itself spawn new rebellion in the future.
Your faction position on the issue is ...

...ognuno e' libero di scegliere se appoggiare/ostacolare/o restare imparzionali, sappiate comunque che la scelta finale influenzera' le future vicende di questa regione... :wink:

MysticDark said:
Ok, spiegatemi come diavolo l'avete conquistato XD Ma sopratutto da chi XD
...Mi pare appartenesse al Caliphate, ma non ci giurerei...
...lo abbiamo conquistato vincendo le battaglie in quella regione quando apparivano nei server...
...raggiunto lo zero accanto alla descrizione della guerra, si conquista il territorio...

...la cosa strana e' che in verita' io ero sempre concentrato a battagliare l' "Hortodox Ecumenical Basilea" mentre il Maghreb non lo consideravo manco di striscio...
...si vede che invece altri players ci si sono messi d'impegno e l'hanno conquistato per noi... :grin:


...Deus lo Vult ! Abbiamo finalmente conquistato il territorio di Europa il piu' popolato come giocatori di tutta la fazione Orthodox Ecumenical Basilea... :grin:

...ecco l'annuncio apparso sui View Events del sito:...
Europa is conquered by the Holy Catholic Empire from the Orthodox Ecumenical Basileia (1406 minutes ago)

...ecco la mappa aggiornata (l' Europa e' il territorio piu' a est con il simbolo dell' Holy Catholic Empire):...

N.B.:...grazie a tutti i giocatori che hanno partecipato alle varie battaglie...-_^

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