m&b to console, not the best idea.

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With the expanison on its way, the idea is out there that a console version is following behind, I personally believe that it's not the best idea to do that and here's why.

1.) the control scheme,

it battle it will be difficult to organize troops on the fly, becuase game controllers unfortunately don't have F keys needed to maximize the potential of the troops. On the Main Map, it will be annoying to try and navigate with a joystick, instead of a more precise mouse.

2.) money better else where,

Warband is going to bring in profits for Taleworlds,  and instead of using the money to consoleate the game, advertisement or development options would be wiser, in my opinion
Not to forget the the ability to modify the game and a big modding community is a big attraction and console games generally lack that.
The only thing in M&B that would be good for a console would be the multiplayerbattles that we will see in Warband. Then, who would pay a lot of money to be able to play it on xBox live...?
Temeraire said:
With the expanison on its way, the idea is out there that a console version is following behind, I personally believe that it's not the best idea to do that and here's why.

1.) the control scheme,

it battle it will be difficult to organize troops on the fly, becuase game controllers unfortunately don't have F keys needed to maximize the potential of the troops. On the Main Map, it will be annoying to try and navigate with a joystick, instead of a more precise mouse.

2.) money better else where,

Warband is going to bring in profits for Taleworlds,  and instead of using the money to consoleate the game, advertisement or development options would be wiser, in my opinion

Actually consoles can do fine with the Main map. Tales of Symphonia was for gamecube and ps2, and that game had a virtually identical way of traveling across the main map as M&B does, as far as I remember. I agree with everything else though.
I dont think the main map , or the fighting control scheme would be a problem , the only place i see a problem in is ordering commands.

Couldn't commands just be issued with the d pad? and one of the top buttons (i.e. triggers,bumpers, r1 etc.) just be used to toggle between target group and orders.

So it would work like this:

D-pad up - footmen, hear me.

left bumber and D-pad right - footmen follow me.
How much would it cost for the dev team to port it to consoles? If it wouldn't cost anything, we would only be getting slightly more money and attention. Oh but I remembered, it would mean more work for them, and its more important to work on warband and updates than with a near certainly doomed console project.
lewis said:
Not to forget the the ability to modify the game and a big modding community is a big attraction and console games generally lack that.

This is false. There are games for Xbox 360 that are able to be modded.
Swadia Nutt said:
lewis said:
Not to forget the the ability to modify the game and a big modding community is a big attraction and console games generally lack that.

This is false. There are games for Xbox 360 that are able to be modded.

True , anything can be modded.

How do you think i got all the achievments for left for dead? lol

And how i make the coolest maps for halo 3?

Console modding is alot more of a money taker than skill , you have to have certain programs and sometimes even a mod chip
Oh my, you folks have managed to discuss a console M&B this far without someone bringing up the dumbing-down-card.

Xbox360 M&B would be absolutely tits, as long as someone came up with a working solution to give orders wih the gamepad.
kosmik said:
Didn't you guys know that  m&b will be relased on PS3 and Xbox360 this summer?  :lol:


But if it were on x-box, how would we choose which way we attack.  Wii makes more sense because you can do directional attacks and blocks, but the rest of the game would suck on the wii
I don't see why all the whinnings...

The more people buying the game, the more money for the studio. The more money for the studio, the better the next games/expansions.

If you don't want to play M&B on console, then don't. I sure prefer the keyboard mouse combo, but what ever suits other players, their choice.
This_is__CALRADIA!!! said:
I don't see why all the whinnings...

The more people buying the game, the more money for the studio. The more money for the studio, the better the next games/expansions.

If you don't want to play M&B on console, then don't. I sure prefer the keyboard mouse combo, but what ever suits other players, their choice.

One negative however, is that if you spread the game out over consoles/systems it does also separate the players.

I.e. right now we are all playing on the PC thus we can all potentially play with each other, however if we were to spread that out on 3 different systems, then suddenly you could only play with a portion of the community.
All consoles suck for all games :razz:. What's the point of a PlayStation: simply a computer with a lot of limitations and crappy controls. And now you can get a computer with better prestations for the price of a ps3
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