Do you think - now that M&B has shown how "it's done" - that we will witness relatively soon (say within a year or two) imitators of this innovative combat game?
Obviously, fantasy games whether they incorporate magic or are more"reality-based" have been and will be published, so I'm not talking specifically about the new Morrowind or the next RTS game.
What I'm trying to ask is: Having played M&B's mounted combat, will we be seeing other developers shamelessly imitate their horseback combat? Do you now think that our fantasy games with all their emphasis on magic and such, can continue to neglect mounted combat at this level?
Just asking, I don't know. Not searching for a flame war. Of course, your favorite game rules or rooolz.
Obviously, fantasy games whether they incorporate magic or are more"reality-based" have been and will be published, so I'm not talking specifically about the new Morrowind or the next RTS game.
What I'm trying to ask is: Having played M&B's mounted combat, will we be seeing other developers shamelessly imitate their horseback combat? Do you now think that our fantasy games with all their emphasis on magic and such, can continue to neglect mounted combat at this level?
Just asking, I don't know. Not searching for a flame war. Of course, your favorite game rules or rooolz.