Luckiest Moments ever in Perisno?

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Hey, yesterday I was playing for a few hours and noticed how lucky I was. I wondered, any other really lucky moments that someone had in Perisno? I guess it was one of "those" days.

For me it would be:

-Usually me being -sob- a cheater in the beginning [I concentrate on roleplaying, battle, such] I start with 7 Dragoners, 5 Kingsman, and 5 Rangers. Well while walking through-out Perisno I managed to find; 20 Mercenary Lancers, 28 Prison Guards, 4 Wolf Constables, 4 Wolf Knights, about 4 Eagle Knights. All as prisoners!

-Queen Arlina with 150 soldier army, I was debating weather or not to attack her when she attacked me, a 90 vs 150 Army, I came out winning, without her as the prisoner though.

-Me: 90 man Army vs 400 Nibor Hood, captured him, stole his money, let him go, and pretty much slaughtered. (If anything the Honor Guards were the ones that actually dealt damage)

--90 man Army vs 750 Zeladeck with 25 army Baron Hermann, though I didn't win, I manage to kill off 200 or 300 of them. Later on I found him by himself and slaughtered him, 100 vs 350

So, has anyone had moments like them in Perisno? Just curious, because last night [and this morning at 12-2 AM] I was really lucky.
Last time the valahir tried to invade my little kingdom, I took out of my castle my 200 redwood rangers and I easily beat out they 1500 men army  :mrgreen:

It was like a gatling against a slow moving infantry, even the Chemin des Dames battle was less bloody than this one :grin:
On day 4, I caught a very much weakened group of villains with 12 Elephant Riders as prisoners.  My Mercenary Huntresses were able to survive and I got 12 Elephants  :smile:
Recently today, I defeated Agathor Krex and I managed to get a literal Dragon Rider [don't remember the formal name] He rides the Ice/Fire Dragon!
I usually try to avoid battles with realy bad unit ratio for me, but once i had no choice. To prevent double-siege i attacked 2.1k tolranian army with my 160 (150 Perisno rangers knights + companions). After 1h of runing around the map, picking up arrows from dead enemy archers and great suffering in first 3 rounds we managed to defeat them, but 2/3 of the knights were lost.

Athkor said:
Recently today, I defeated Agathor Krex and I managed to get a literal Dragon Rider [don't remember the formal name] He rides the Ice/Fire Dragon!
I'm not usually very lucky at all... even in my testing games. I usally get slaughterd in the first few days and what should have been a 2-3 day testing game turns into 10 days of easing my captors  :grin:
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