SP - Economy Lower shop prices

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I will keep saying it till devs respond, the prices of shops need to be lowered back down to where they were previously 13k-15k range, right now we look at around 100 days or more investment to get out money back, a lot agree workshops are a waste unless you got artisan community.
@SadShogun @Duh_TaleWorlds
@SadShogun @Duh_TaleWorlds I ask again if we can make shops good again. The prices need to come back down. Spending 25k-30k for a shop that makes 250-300 if lucky is a terrible investment when there are so many things you can use that money for. since it will take 100-150 days just to get your moneyback. caravans, smithing, getting an army to become a merc, all blow away the waste of spending 50k-70k for 2 shops early game. Please lower them back down so they are useful again.
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