low framerate

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Sergeant at Arms
i have problem with two new versions (29/3/09 and the newest) with framerate.i test everything(lowing antializing and others) but nothing.With 29/03/09 version i have little problems but with newest the game is unplayable.maybe the problem is formation add or something else because i play other mods with full graphics.
i play with 200 battle size.
TITANAS84 said:
i have problem with two new versions (29/3/09 and the newest) with framerate.i test everything(lowing antializing and others) but nothing.With 29/03/09 version i have little problems but with newest the game is unplayable.maybe the problem is formation add or something else because i play other mods with full graphics.
i play with 200 battle size.
What troops do you use? In my last game I had problems as soon as Antarians in shiny armor appeared en mass, otherwise armored troops were no problem. Actually just not looking at my troops helped.
TITANAS84 said:
i have problem with two new versions (29/3/09 and the newest) with framerate.i test everything(lowing antializing and others) but nothing.With 29/03/09 version i have little problems but with newest the game is unplayable.maybe the problem is formation add or something else because i play other mods with full graphics.
i play with 200 battle size.
I noticed a massive frame-rate hit with battlefield tactics kit (BTK), which I integrated as of the 9/3/29 version.  It looks to me as though you have a choice: You can either have very large battles (as you're doing, and as I do), or you can have tactics enabled.  But both = slaughter your framerate. :sad:

It makes sense, unfortunately, as the BTK adds a bunch of extra work for the CPU to constantly evaluate the positions of all of the troops for the AI and the player and move them towards where they should be relative to the formation you've asked for (or the AI asked for), and it does this "thinking" and "manipulation" in the module system scripting code... which can't be nearly fast enough for a frame by frame alteration of the game (well, it can, but it eats up tons of frame to do its computations).

Personally, I'm leaving the BTK off.  I'd rather have the large armies (and personally, I never felt any lack of formations - with the native controls I have enough to tell my army what I need them to do-- if anything, I want some more simple controls like: select all foot-units (not just soldiers -or- archers).  And how about: 'belay that last order' - just revert to whatever the previous order was - its not too hard to issue the wrong order or an order to the wrong group).  But formations?  Meh...
Can't say I've been overly impressed by the Formations Script in Native Expansion (I guess that's the same? No clue). Most noticeable moment when my troops retreated after reaching the ranged enemy because a few reinforcements spawned in the back :smile:
Its ironic that the place where formations would make the most sense - large battles - is the place where you're least likely to be able to employ it due to the performance hit!  :shock:
And let's get this straight. I don't really like formations and morale but so many people insisted to have them that I decided that we should implement it.

So it's commercial addon rather than real enchancement. Noone from SoD team likes this new addition but now people have a choice.

Personally I think, and I was telling that many times in this forum, that formations and morale are excellent ideas but not in the shape as they are now (esspecialy this "tactic" morale needs to have some bound with the army morale)

I was testing them both in small battles (~100 soldiers) and I didn't really see a difference other than the already easy AI opponents became even more vulnerable because of the morale...

I didn't analize a morale script but as i suppose it's now count for the whole army. It would make sense if morale was a troop slot. It would have some connection to the main morale (the one from food etc.) and had different values for recruits and i.e. faith soldiers. While recruits could desert fast the faith troops should be almost unvulnerable.
This would also add new important stat to the troops and could allow better variety (a choice between stronger but not so faithful troops or a bit weaker but brave ones).
Mordachai said:
if anything, I want some more simple controls like: select all foot-units (not just soldiers -or- archers). 

If you select "cavalry" (4) then press "other" (5), you will select both infantry and archers. If you select "archers" (3) and press "other"(5) you will select infantry and cavalry.
i know the wrong is formations but in hegemony mod with formations i play perfect.And i delete others releases.
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