Love the new patch

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Love the new patch, its great. Especially the new ai tweaks for archers. The above is now possible. Archers arn't useless anymore, yay.

The new blood effects are great! The way the blood stays on your weapon is really neat. One game I noticed that my hand had turned red from the blood.

Lots of good AI tweaks in here. Over all they seem to act smarter, and act as a group better. With archers supporting infantry and vice versa.

Doraks keep looks amazing. Just too bad you couldn't just go through the towers instead of opening a door to magically apear on the other side.

The new gloves look good. And the arrows now have white feathers. I like the touch.

Overall a well done update. Thanks very much.
the ai tweaks are really nice yes!, now armagan, would it be possible to let npcs detect buildings? that would really help!

I LOVE the new blood! It's a whole new game for me with it!
I'm not sure. is it supposed to get on your face and stuff? I'm yet to see that, but the rest is pretty nifty
Had a group of about 25 Mtn. Bandits engaged in a hollow, on a very hilly map. I noticed some of my men standing in a circle around the battle. Then, I realized that they were my archers. They actually pulled back from the battle. AWESOME!!
Great patch!
OOPS....another patch out already!?!?!?!>
Le baron
And thanks for the mouse_control & manual_block options,
shield_speed_rating.... I love your way :eek:)

Your project is a real challenge,
a long road, it is... but you drive well you two.
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