Louis Vuitton Quiver!!!! $50,000

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Just joking about the price.
Are you a girl playing Mount and blade? are you a brand whore? are you a rich ass like paris hilton? well, we are offering LOUIS VUITTON QUIVERS!!! yes, it's made in, the rich, ole' country of gaul, i mean france.

And a ingame image

And the file!!!

-Back up weapon1.dds in your texture folder
-replace the weapon1.dds in your texture folder(do not replace the backup one)
-Go play Mount and blade.

-replace the weapon1.dds in your texture folder with the one you back uped

Have a nice day!
So you can get the money to fight in style? So you don't die? Just kidding. I suppose it would make a nice puke bucket though. If it came to that. Not saying I do't think it's a well done mod, I just don't wear anything Louis Vutton. Or any bras or lingerie for that matter. Usually. Only once with Pav. ONCE!
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