LOTR Music Custom

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Well i waz bored of the old music and made a LOTR tracks for M&B itz not the best of quality but i guess itz alrite for the game.... By the way Kingdom Of Heaven Music Tracks bloody brilliant great sound quality....

Anyway i got my music tracks done 4 lotr but there is only one problemo......

HOW DO I UPLOAD IT :???: :???: :???:

If sumone can tell me todai i can have it up by tomoro !!

Thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu every1
You're talking about copyrighted music for LOTR? Then I suggest you not try uploading and posting a link on the board here, since it would be illegal and would be deleted. We've had people do that in the past.

Not a bad idea, just unfortunately not legal.

Also, as someone else has asked, let me quote from the Forum Rules sticky towards the top of the main M&B forum:
- Internet slang. This is a tip, if you want to be taken seriously please try to use proper grammar and refrain from chat room lingo. Meaning try not to use " u, r, l8r, cuz, " etc. Please take the time to make a coherent, and somewhat intelligent post. If people easily understand what you mean, they can better help you answer a question, or comment on a suggestion.
Yea i understand the whole copyright fingy but the kingdom of heaven music mod use the proper traks for the cd soundtrack but mine have been altered and are mixed togeva with different music plus this game hasNT realli come out officially 100% complete hasnt it isnt it still a beta version....... :roll:

anyweay i havent actually taken the tracks completely from itz original type i have mixed sum togeva with other music so technically it isnt a proper lotr music mod itz a mixed music mod !!!

So to everyone itz a mixed music mod... how about dat... :smile: iz it ok now 4 sumone to tell me how to upload plzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Thanks Janus 4 tellin me anyway just sayin aint no copyright...

Peace out Hombres OLEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!
kingdom of heaven music is terrible, just like the music from lotr movies, I dunno who's idea it was to have to stupid enya singing during battle scenes, but he needs to be shot, same with that terrible woman who is ruining all these movies.

The score from conan the barbarian, now there's some REAL fighting music.
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