Lost serial key (have looked in solutions, but it's not working)

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I installed MnB to a different computer and can't find the Serial key in my inbox (I never delete my e-mail, so anything I've received should be there still).

So I followed the directions in the Solutions section but the serial (or what I presume to be the serial) doesn't work, it's two digits short.  I've tried both the order number and the number that precedes 'Mount&Blade License and Serial Key at $25.00' on the line where it tells me what I ordered. 
You should have followed this advice...

Lord Shields said:
Like I tell most people...

Go here: http://store3.esellerate.net/store/support/Default.aspx

... each time you reformat, re-install, etc. If you don't have your key handy you can get it by going there. Enter the e-mail you used to buy the game and it should give you your key. If it requires a valid working e-mail, just send a tech support e-mail with the new address (and old one) and include your invoice number.

That way you'll never need it. I don't recall if it saves to your computer. But if you ever need to re-install that's the way to do it. Then, KEEP the e-mail that you get so you wont ever lose it.

... and if the code is wrong that they re-supplied to you, no one here will able to help you. You need to follow that link again and contact support directly by e-mail. Explain that the code was short two numbers. My retail key INCLUDING dashes is 19 characters long (as is my Steam CD key).
I did follow that link, but the key they sent me doesn't seem to work. 

I didn't buy it via steam though, bought the key about a year ago (according to the e-mail, 5-30-0:cool:
Lord Shields said:
... and if the code is wrong that they re-supplied to you, no one here will able to help you. You need to follow that link again and contact support directly by e-mail. Explain that the code was short two numbers. My retail key INCLUDING dashes is 19 characters long (as is my Steam CD key).

It's also possible that you've expended the key's use (twice in 60 days). They'll need to get you a new one if that's the case. Though, I can't see how you'd be short two characters. You'd think you would have been short a year ago too.

I've seen a few people mention before that they were also short 2 characters, but they never came back when given the above information. So I don't know what they did to fix it. The code has 3 "-"s in them, so I can't see that doing it unless you left two out. Unless of course old keys were naturally short two letters. That I don't know.
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