Loss of a member

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Hello all,

I regret to inform that TvS_Athos, also known as TvS_Carlos, has recently passed away. The cause of his death was a cardiac arrest. 19 years of age, it is very unfortunate that it had to come to this. While this is a community based around a game and most of us don't know him in real life, we think a reception in this game would be best suited for this unfortunate occasion.

I invite you all to the reception that will be held on May 31st at 17:00 GMT+0 (18:00 for UK, 19:00 for Netherlands, France). A server and a special map will be set up in honour of Carlos. Server name and password will be disclosed later on.

Good luck to the friends and family of Carlos, they need all the strength to overcome this terrible loss.

May he rest in peace.

Server: Reception_TvS_Carlos
Password: rec31may

All you are invited. He was my friend, a member of our clan [TvS] and a very good player.

Thanks all you for do this, thanks.

EgzantrikAdam said:
May God rest his soul.
And you.I think you're the best clan.Even rent a new sv for your friend,for his memorial.When i see the good people like that,get better opinions about world.
Rest in Peace Carlos.

Thanks you my friend. But for my, this ceremony was necessary, he was a player of WFaS, yes, but another thing more important, he was my friend.

Here you can find a part of the ceremony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3XqIqVhp4g


PS: Thanks all you who helped me for do this possible.
I know this is quite late and i did not know him nor you probably, but do know you have my deepest and most sincere condolences, he will leave a place that can't be filled up.

May he rest in peace :cry:.
I saw too late. We are not forum men much.

RIP Carlos


as GrandTURK
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