Lords dont recruit new troops! ...

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Hello, (and sorry for my bad english ^^)

Im playing Swadian for 150 days now and the game is really great. I am a lord with 130 troops and my marshall
is quite smart so the game was alot of fun for me.

BUT since a week (ingame) or so, 3-5 friendly Lords (Graf Klargus that dumbass f.E.) just stay in towns trying to gather
new troops. The problem is that they aren´t recruiting any more men und just stay in that f****ing town  :mad:

It looks like this: 

PRAVEN (351)
Lord Klargus (1)
Lord Regas (1)
Lord x (1)
King H... (165)

I dont want see my land in ruins only because of these idle idiots  :roll:

Please help me guys  :mrgreen:
Sometimes lords don't have enough wealth to recruit new troops. Turn on cheat mode, look at their wealth (and last collected taxes) in troop notes, and then talk to them to askwhat they're doing. If some of them lost fiefs, then it's much harder for them to replenish troops. Once they're in the field you can actually give them troops for a relationship boost.
But i dont want to support 5 lords!  :shock:

And how can i change this situation, because it seems that these lords are completely inactive?!
I dont want to start over again or to leave the faction because of my good relations to the lords etc....  :mad:

please help  :???:
Grab raw recruits, rescued prisoners (look out for enemy patrols, those have METRIC ****TONS of prisoners), and any troops of your own you don't want to pay for anymore. Train them as much as you can afford (time- and money-wise). Then give them to the lords...as soons as they're in the field. If they stick to their town, there's nothing you can do.
Just try to give troops (using the method described above) to any other lords with low trooper numbers, so they don't drop down to zero.
The goal is to retake the lost towns and castles?
Then the lords got their fiefs back and start gathering troops again?
That they are not recruiting kinda sounds like a bug, it doesn't matter they have no fiefs, they will keep recruiting. They only recruit less soldiers.
Maybe it's a bug in the mod you're playing, try to download it again and replace the one you have now, your savegames won't be lost.
Yep i also think it might be a bug. I deleted the module and reinstalled- didnt helped.

Now i started a new game with LEVEL 0  :sad:
Maybe know the bug wont appear when the lord loose fiefs

Hope someone can still help me to kick those losers out of the towns
and start gathering new troops...


*edit:  SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 520,  trigger no 23
this message somtimes comes up
something like this?

only in this case i dont think its a bug, i worked very hard to make that happen,  few observations:
1. few of the lords no matter how many times i crush them, still venture out (probably something to do with their personalities).
2. every few days all of the lords get out (which is where i ambush them, when they far enough so i can capture the routed troops = lots of cash)
i am not sure exactly how lords recruiting works, magical or they actually need to visit towns, if the later then no wounder they cant recruit, its their last stronghold.
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