Lords are stuck

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After a battle a huge amount of lords bugged and now they are all stuck in a certain spot. Can I somehow move them?

Edit: I enabled cheats, cheated my way to the place they were, initiated combat, killed them all with cheats and now they resetted. I got 3 levels from this and some renown:sad:
Eh, sorry for that. Hope it didn't broke you game very much.  :sad:

Can you tell me if those lords were stuck on land or sea? If they were stuck on land, it may be unfixable, but if they were stuck on sea, I think I can fix it. Thanks!
Antonis said:
Eh, sorry for that. Hope it didn't broke you game very much.  :sad:

Can you tell me if those lords were stuck on land or sea? If they were stuck on land, it may be unfixable, but if they were stuck on sea, I think I can fix it. Thanks!
I couldn't upload the image because my account was new and new accounts cannot upload images. I also managed to find another spot where lords can get stuck.


I am enjoying your mod and I am wondering if you could add Diplomacy to it.
Hey, thank you for those images. From what I see there, there is a part of map with problems. I can change and fix it, although it will need a new save game.

As for Diplomacy, I have lost all my files in a failed PC upgrade I performed some time ago, as I have mentioned in another thread. Without the module files, I cannot do much(well, pretty much anything).  :sad:

Thank you for your support, though, I am happy you are enjoying the mod.  :smile:
Antonis said:
Hey, thank you for those images. From what I see there, there is a part of map with problems. I can change and fix it, although it will need a new save game.

As for Diplomacy, I have lost all my files in a failed PC upgrade I performed some time ago, as I have mentioned in another thread. Without the module files, I cannot do much(well, pretty much anything).  :sad:

Thank you for your support, though, I am happy you are enjoying the mod.  :smile:
So, I managed to capture a castle and I started my own kingdom named the Roman Empire! After some time I saw a intersting popup: "SCRIPT WARNING division by zero; line 35: At script lord_find_alternative_faction At script lord_find_alternative_faction By order of King Xsayar-sa, Strategos Bagadata of the Persian Empire has been indicted for treason. The general stripped of all his properties and had fled for his live. He is rumored to have gone into exile with the Roman Empire."

When I go to my faction tab I cannot see him in the list of vassals. When I go to the character screen and look him up I can see that he's a vassal of the Roman Empire.

Edit: Appaerantly he's in my castle and I can choose to accept his pledge or not.
Yeah, that happens. I don't know exactly why, as I didn't mess with the lords script at all. Didn't even changed the assignment of fiefs or anything.  :smile:
The lords joining and disapearing thing happens in VC as well, i think it happens when a lord defects or is indicted for trason when he is a prisioner, sometimes he apear again after some time.

Some question about this mod(You guys should open a quick answers thread):
It has the overhead spear atack?(a must for Spears combat)
Its finished?Any new features planned?Any patch coming soon?(i just wish to start playng without having to start a new game some weeks latter due to patching).
Yeah, I have read that too. Along with a scripting error in the module files, it seems that the Viking Conquest gave us some "good" things.  :mad:

About the questions:
1)Yes, there is such an animation
2) More or less. I might return and make a new version at some point(there is a 70% possibility), but currently I am focused on other mods.  :smile:
A new version(3rd) for my mods with vikings, the Sword and the Axe and another mod set in 270BC, a very big one. So far, I have created 23 factions, with towns, forts and troops.
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